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Posts posted by Doza

  1. Truth is, from I saw, the play WOULD have worked, but someone on the OL pulled and went to the RIGHT when the entire play went to the left. If he stayed in his place, Bruschi was picked up. Look at the play again. Everything worked EXCEPT one player going the wrong way.



    Remember Bruchi and Seymour got through. Looks like the whole side of the failed to make a play.


    I still think McGahee or Henry with a power rush up the middle, ya can make the first down. Right right at the rookie Wilfork.

  2. So you have Henry running pretty well. 4th down, why not try to bring your biggest fattest guys in and get the yard? Heck even a QB sneak is good, Bledsoe is pretty good at those.


    Gotta question that playcalling!


    Have to hand it to the Bills they had the Pats on their heels all game. A couple of fluke plays both ways. I am not looking forward to the next game between these two teams.

  3. No, s-hit, Sherlock. But the Jags were not dominant either, which is what you were saying earlier.


    Geezus, I need a fuggin' Pats fan pointing that out to me on a Bills board like I need a another assssshole.



    Ther eis no question that the Jags D did contain the Bills in a dominating fastion holding the Bills to just 10 points. Guess what... turnovers and sacks count. You call that "luck" I call it good D. Smae with the Bills. Their D was dominating all game, except on the last drive.


    But in no way was the Bills O dominating in any way shape or form. And its clearly obvious that this needs to be pointed out because (if you remember the original discussion) the whole thing was about the offensive "dominance" refered to in this mysterious game 1. Dominance that clearly never existed.

  4. Great. Another Patriot's fan getting in the s-hit of a Bills fan on a Bills board.


    John's a good guy with great football insight. The simple fact that you find it necessary to bust the balls of a Bills fan on a Bills message board is all anyone needs to know about Patriot's fans.


    And while we lost our first game, Skippy, you should know that WE lost the game moreso than the Jaguars dominated us. Our defense held Leftwich to 75 yards passing the entire game before we broke down on their final drive. Plus, our offense kept shooting itself in the foot with stupid penalties that constantly put us in 3rd and long situations...including a crucial holding penalty on what should have been our final drive of the game that would have sealed the win after McGahee gave us a big first down in Jaquars' territory with less than two minutes on the clock.


    If anyone knows about pulling a win like that out of their ass, surely it would be a Pats fan.


    The Jags were no more dominant in that game than your entire team was against the Colts. If Edge didn't fumble twice on the one yard line, you'd be 1-1 right now, so do me a favor; stop pretending like you want to talk football when you obviously have no fuggin' clue what you're talking about.



    In short you admit to the Bills not being dominating in game 1.

    Sounds like my exact point.

  5. MINNESOTA!!!  One reason, that dammed Metrodome! 


    RedSox?  If the A's bat's wake up, and the pitching suddenly comes together, close series. 


    Yankees? If the A's bat's wake up, and the pitching suddenly comes together, A's win in 4.


    If the A's bat's dont wake up, and the pitching stays status quo, same old, same old...  :)



    I hope if you do make it, you can knock off the Yanks.

    As a Sox fan, I think we can take the A's. Unless the pitching gets back to form.


    I the Minnesota can knock off the yanks. Santana and Radke for three games is tough to beat. That Minnesota pen worries me tho, Yanks seem to hit them well.

  6. Ohhhhh.....a threat...


    Look moron....the only reason why you are here is because the powers that be ALLOW you to be here......it is a private board...


    But hey...bring em on over....maybe that will finally be the last straw that forces administration to kick pats fans out that bring their high and mighty smug attitude.....and yes that is exactly what it is regardless of how you cloak it and you dont even do it that well.....



    Hey sparky. You gonna talk football, or just blab on to anyone who will listen?

  7. Campy, while I appreciate what you're doing, the truth of the matter is Webster's has just accepted the fact that so many people are butching the English language that they may as well just add words like "irregardless" to their book.


    It's sad, really, because the lazy actually win in this situation and say "See...it IS a word!!!"


    Actually its called language evolution. It happens. Call it butchering, laziness, whatever - we all do it. Many people have no clue they are though.

  8. In week one, buffalo dominated from a physical standpoint on O, even though they lost. This is what I , and ultimately Simon, was refering to. I'm sorry you couldn't grasp that mr. reading is fundamental.

    re: my response to Helmet... I see nothing negative about what I said.


    They dominated? In what sense? The D played well, the offense was pathetic. A team who dominates the game should give some indication of doing so. Henry didn't get near 100 yards (team only had 95 total rushing yards, 242 total *choke*), and you scored 10 points! The only think I saw that was dominating, was the Jax defense.

    Maybe you meant the Bills defense, but they folded like a lawn chair after Oct 1st on that last drive.


    So you see why I think he meant game 1 of last year - ya know a game in which the Bills actually DID dominate someone!



    As far as your comment: yeah you are right

    Nice contribution Helmet blink.gif Your statement has no relevance to what was posted. Why bother? doh.gif


    thats not negative at all. its being very friendly, along with some nice helpful suggestions. :)

  9. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  Pure and simple.....SDS....why are these Pats fans allowed to roll over this board with no problems.....


    On a patriots board if this was attempted....we would be bounced



    I came here for a good discussion about the game. Some Bills fans are here for good discussion, others can't stand Pats fans being here and go out of their way to try to get us banned. Give me a break. There is another word for that - TROLLING.


    You want to discuss the game. fine. lets do it. Otherwise keep your "lets bash the pats fan we dont want him here" isolationist comments to yourself.

  10. Actually it was you who began the petty attempt at reading comprehension violations patrol    :) 

    Also, I know that if Simon wanted to point out week one of LAST season, he would have stated "week 1 of last season". That was also not a game where we "physically punished" the Pats via the running game, so that was another clue for ya    B)



    So your first comment doesn't count huh? Ya know, the one that STARTED it all?


    Should be a great great game as I think both teams really dislike each other and both feel they have a lot to play for. I see the Bills doing the same things they did in Week 1 and having a good day physically working over the Patriots.


    I see nothing here about a running game do you? I guess you just made that up. If you want the Bills to do the "same thing they did in week 1" - which is lose. Ok then, you are right. =)

  11. Actually no he didn't smartass. Try reading again  :D  typical  :)


    He referenced week 1 of THIS year Einstein.



    If you say so. Sounds like he was refering to week 1 of LAST year. But clearly its not specified.


    Irregardless, maybe you should consider that and stand down your nuclear missles the next time someone makes a post. JMHO.

  12. OK A few things form a Pats fan:


    I'd be interested in hearing from Pats fans (shudder) what Ty Law has looked like this year. He's getting to the age where most corners begin to experience serious drop-off in their play and with the nonsense that was going on in the pre/offseason you have to wonder if Law might not be as sharp as usual. If he's not and Belichik tries to pin him to Moulds, this is a serious mismatch for the Bills. I'm hoping that NE has seen Law struggling at times and feels they have to protect him over the top more often than they have in the past. When this happens it will be very difficult for NE to defend the whole field because they fear Moulds.

    Law has looked fine. He kept Harrison down most of the day.

    If Law is still sharp and can still hang with Moulds, then we can always got to the old fallback and throw 20 balls at the horrendous Ty Poole.

    Horrendous? The guy had one veyr bad game - the SUper Bowl. How can the best D in the league, a team that allowed the fewest points in the league have a horrendous second corner? Besides you might see more of Asinte Samuel, who is a rising star.


    The Pats have spent the last two weeks devising various ways to attack Coy Wire and unfortunately the possibilities seem endless both on the ground and through the air. I'd give my house to see Charlie Weis turn green when Milloy strolls out with the defense on Sunday.

    Wire will see a healthy dose of Daniel Graham. You can bet on that. But I'd expect the 5 wides too.

    I'd love to see Mularkey/Clements make a concerted effort to get the Pats out of their 4-3. Get the TE's involved, use Moulds underneath early, throw to your backs a couple times, etc. If we can get them into a 3-4, that not only puts a weaker personell group on the field(imo), but it also takes some pressure off Drew, createsmore space for Henry/McGahee and could really increase the workload for the Pats corners.

    I am not sure I understand this. Pats play a base 3-4, and rely on a 4-3 only when they have a problem stopping the run (see second half of Indy game). The base 3-4 was our primary D all of last year. Linebackers are more athletic then D-Lineman and can cover as well as pressure the QB like any D-lineman.

    I don't know how you can say this is a weaker personel group, or how it would allow Drew to have more time to throw.

    Should be a great great game as I think both teams really dislike each other and both feel they have a lot to play for. I see the Bills doing the same things they did in Week 1 and having a good day physically working over the Patriots. But in the end they lose a tight game because NE has become one of the best closers in the league and the Bills have not quite learned how to win late..........yet.



    I agree here. If the Pats win, they will win by only a FG or a TD.

  13. Every game is a "classic trap game". Isn't a trap game when you play someone who is not as good as you are and they have a chance to win? Pats are the best team right now.


    We have injuries up the wazoo all of a sudden. One of our best recievers is out, and we lost our rookie tight end of the year. As long as the offense doesn't turn it over, we should be fine. Pats will win by 3.


    They will probably go to the 5 wides for the first quarter and score quickly to try to take Henry out of the game. Then they can give Dillon another 35 carries.

  14. He ran on 1st and 2nd downs, no? I would have ran him 4 times.


    1st and 3 at JAC 3 Travis Henry (BUF) rushed up the middle for 1 yard.

    2nd and 2 at JAC 2 Travis Henry (BUF) rushed up the middle for 1 yard.

    3rd and 1 at JAC 1 Drew Bledsoe (BUF) sacked for a loss of 6 yards.

    4th and 7 at JAC 7 25 yard field goal by Rian Lindell (BUF) is good.

  15. Is it the play calling?


    Shouldn't the Buffalo O just pound the ball on first and second down and only throw on third and long? With two good backs, there should be no reason to rely on bledsoe's arm. Was the running game not working well?


    Taking a look at the drive charts on ESPN there were quite a few incomplete passes on first down. Also a couple of passes on third and short.


    I guess I am not seeing the big picture here.

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