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Posts posted by Doza

  1. So what you're saying is that there should be no discussion, speculation, verbalized hopes, or anything else until JP takes the field? lol


    Nope, not at all. I find it amusing you would infer that from that I said.


    What I am saying is that its a real stretch to praise a players leadership ability with absolutely no sample size whatsoever - except for a few off the cuff comments.

  2. You cannot gather much of anything from his garbage time last year, bro.......that has nothing to do with what I posted. Im talking about an attitude and how it may relate to leadership. Everything with JP is a question mark until he actually goes out next fall and does it for real.


    Exactly. Everything is a question mark. That's why implying he has leadership so early is really a stretch.

  3. Or anything similar, for that matter?


    "I'd have loved to have Jonas here, but again, those are decisions I know nothing about," he said. "I just play football. I'm sure whoever they put at left tackle will do a great job. And if he needs a little pep in his step, I'll be there to put it in him."


    Seriously......not trying to slam Drew.....I just think a quote like this is indicative of what was missing with him at the helm. Besides the Shannahan quote about JP on the 'Sounds of the Game' program, the one thing that really struck me about this kid was his command in the huddle. He has a natural tendency to take charge of the offense, and I think we need that.


    Okay, I'm going to start running now before Bill in NYC comes after me with an axe :devil:


    I don't know how you can say anything of the sort on 5 regular season passing attempts.

  4. Do you understand anything about free agency?


    QB Jim Miller(UFA), RB Patrick Pass(UFA), WR David Patten(UFA), WR David Givens(RFA, 7th), G Joe Andruzzi(UFA), T Adrian Klemm(UFA), T Marques Sullivan(UFA), G Wilbert Brown(UFA), OL Brandon Gorin(RFA, 7th), T Tom Ashworth(RFA), DT Steve Neal(UFA), DE Jarvis Green(RFA, 4th), LB Don Davis(UFA), LB Justin Kurpeikis(RFA), S Je'Rod Cherry(UFA), K Adam Vinatieri(UFA)

  5. Another classic response from the 12 year old pats troll re-tahddddd. 


    This dude is pure comedy for us, well me anyways.  I love reading his responses and then laughing my ass off.    :doh: thanks you jackass.


    You obsessed with 12 years olds, or do you just wish he was a 12 year old?



  6. Crennels agent will start the contract negotiations today in Cleveland! This has gotta hurt the Patsies losing Wies and Crennell. While we all agree that BB is a genius and can work from within I don't see anyone stepping up to the level of these 2 guys. This should make for an entirely different Patsie Troll approach to the game.  :doh:


    BB has been preparing this for 2 years. I bet their wont be much of a dropoff if at all.
  7. Before you write another assinine post, learn the use of the English grammar system like punctuation, spelling, capitalization etc....people may tend to take time to read it then.  I read 2 sentences, or what you consider sentences, started laughing and just started typing my reply. 


    How old are you?  If you are more than 15 you better get some help douche bag.  :doh:


    The best way to invalidate a point is to go after grammar, punctuation and speculate age.


    The internet is a great thing.

  8. I stick to my previous assesment: Patriots - a very good, opportunistic team, not a dynasty level team like the 49ers, Cowboys, Packers or Steelers. SB36 - Mike Martz factor, nuff said. SB 38 - John Kasey kicks the ball out of bounds after the Panthers last td - may as well give the game to the Pats. SB39 - terrible clock management and some horribly thrown passes by Donovan keeps the Eagles from winning a winnable game.





  9. Well...if Belicheck loves him he must be the best we can do then....


    BTW, Fletcher would drive BB insane, he plays all over the place, he guesses alot, and jumps into holes, sometimes it's good sometimes it makes 10 yard runs or worse.  BB wants a guy who will play where he's supposed to play all the time...a system guy.  Fletcher is a lot of things but "system guy" is not one of them.


    Pats already have a guy like that. His name is Teddy Bruschi.

  10. Yeah, I apologize for thinking a guy who posts non-stop about Atlanta sports teams with the moniker of a Bravo steriod freak would have at least some connection to the city.  Whatever was I thinking?


    Vick's the greatest and his first 2 healthy seasons in the salary cap era were better than Kelly's.  Well, except they weren't and he's not - but don't let that get in the way of your shrine.


    Watch it, he might go after that dog avatar you have. :P

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