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Posts posted by Doza

  1. Yeah well thanks for that indepth analysis. I hope it didn't take too much of your brain power.


    The "analysis" is all around you. He isn't accurate, he can't call plays on his own, and all he seems to be able to do is run with the ball. He should have been a running back.

  2. The Rams usually play pretty well at home.  According to MNF Bulger is 18-2 at home as a starter.  Also, John Abraham is out for the Jets.  The Rams can certainly win this game, I'd actually say they have even odds.


    If the Colts play their starters against the Broncs, they'll coast to a win...if they don't, I wouldn't count on the Colts helping us out any.




    This is kinda weird but bear with me.


    If the Colts WIN this game, they will have to play Buffalo. If the Colts LOSE this game, they will have to play Denver.


    Now... being an objective fan of football which team would YOU rather play???


    Something tells me the Colts won't be "trying" hard to rack up 40 points like they normally do.

  3. I'm not telling everyone I was right and you are wrong.


    I'm telling YOU that I am right and you are wrong. I can't help it that it happens on an internet message board. And if you think for one moment I care what a Patsy troll with 100 posts thinks about me on a Bills message board, you're crazy.


    And yet...still no viable example of a more embarrassing upset in the past five years. Not one. If you want me to be wrong, you need to provide some viable evidence. Championship games are not epic, embarrassing upsets. What happened two Mondays ago? THAT was an epic, embarrassing upset.


    In fact, I'd say it was the single most embarrassing upset of the last five years.


    But that's just me. Monday Night Football just thought it was the biggest upset of the year. So we kinda differ in that respect. But if they qualified it as an "embarrassing upset," then it would probably extend five years back.


    I gave you three examples and all three are "viable examples". You just choose to ignore them. I bet your ego is loving it.


    I am done with you. This thread jumped the shark a long time ago. What your doing is a troll (saying things just to elicit a responce), ya know that thing you like to call anyone who disagrees with you.

  4. Nothing better than a troll whose team has won 2 Super Bowls in their history ripping another troll whose team has won 4 Super Bowls and probably fielded the greatest football team of all time on yet a third team's message board.


    Ah, TBD.  Where retards from other teams come to fight with each other for our amusement.  :o


    Key word "lately".


    It like comparing the defending Super Bowl champs against a team who last won anything nearly (over?) 30 years ago.


    Eventually ya have to draw a line.

  5. hey doza......

    21 AND DONE

    21 AND DONE

    21 AND DONE

    21 AND DONE..............................


    YEA BABY YYEEEAAAAA......................



    I suspect we will never see you on this board again if you get beaten Sunday.


    And for the record, what have the Steelers won lately? Talk to me when they have won something.

  6. Your examples were pathetic at best, and you know it. You can't compare divisional championship games to what we saw two Mondays ago. And ANY Bills fan who challenged me did NOT come up with a game from the past five years. Not ONE has been as embarrassing an upset. Not one.


    And please don't take the "oohh, boo hoo, why make it personal" route, sister. You're a Patsy troll on a Bills message board here simply to rile up the natives. Sorry if I don't give you the traditional rimjob the rest of the world gives you and your team. Can't take it? Two words: Log Out.


    Yes, keep tell everyone how you are right and I am wrong, and perhaps the whole world will believe... After all you can't be wrong, can you.. naaa not you. But really isn't this whole post all about you and your ego?


    I have no problem with the way you treat people on this board. Just don't expect your opinions to be taken seriously.


    They will be treated like the subjective opinions they are.

  7. Troll = Fan of another team on BILLS message board.  That pretty much describes you.


    You feel free to find the post where I attack the Patriots.  Good luck.


    um... education is key:



    An electronic mail message, Usenet posting or other (electronic) communication which is intentionally incorrect, but not overtly controversial (compare flame bait), or the act of sending such a message. Trolling aims to elicit an emotional reaction from those with a hair-trigger on the reply key.


  8. You're almost as myopic as Ice. Here it is again. One last time. I'm trying to stick to one- and two-syllable words as best possible so you don't get lost.


    Super bowl champs who spent the better part of this year being praised for its win streak, losing a tw-score lead in the last four minutes of a prime time game to a 2-11 team with a third string running back, a second string quarterback, a depleted secondary and an interim coach. Had you won that game, you would be in the driver's seat for home field (here comes a long word...get ready) advantage if we beat the Steelers on Sunday. You may downplay it. I call it a sign of the times.


    I can not put it any more plainly than that...and for the record, I call this the single most embarrassing upset in THE LAST FIVE YEARS! Not in the history of the game. THE LAST FIVE YEARS! And still...not one example to prove me wrong.


    Slow enough for you, sister?


    I gave you several examples, dismissed of course, as the logic clearly go against your argument. Since then not only have other Pats fans come forward, but BILLS fans as well, who think you are wrong. Believe what you want, there is reality, and there is your way.


    Since myopic thinking is such a common theme on this board, I am not surprised to see that word show up, especially when all hope to winning an argument is lost.


    When all else fails, you must take it to a personal level, that is the only sure avenue to "winning" an argument on an internet chat board.

  9. Come on - let's be serious.


    The Vikings were up 17-6 at the 2 minute warning with a playoff spot on the line against a team who were in line to get the #1 draft pick with a loss. They ultimately lost the game and the playoff spot on a 4th and 26 play.


    All Pats/Bills rivalry aside - that HAS to be it.


    Objectively, the Pats weren't even double digit favorites at Miami (9.5), and there are plenty of occasions when double digit favorites have spit the bit over the last five years.


    It was a very bad loss, but ultimately it may not have cost them anything if Pittsburgh were to have won out. The loss to Pittsburgh on the other hand certainly cost them home field throughout.


    Yes, I agree entirely. The Loss to Pittsburgh was a MUCH BIGGER LOSS to the Pats than anything that happened in Miami.


    Granted no loss is a good thing, but the lesser of two evils is definately Miami.

  10. The win over the soon to be Super Bowl Champion Jets didn't.  But don't let that spoil your trolling.  :o


    Jets need a win to get in, no?


    Another thing, I like how I am labled "troll" even though you fools are the ones attacking MY team.


    I guess troll is just another word for "Let's call him a funny name to try to invaladate the truth".

  11. Those games don't even come CLOSE to being in the league of an epic collapse like we saw two Monday's ago. How does an AFC Championship game, where the underdog wins, compare to the complete and utter embarrassment that happened vs. Miami? Even Carolina over Philly doesn't compare because they made it to the championship game.


    This was a game you had to have, and you crapped the bed in the last four minutes when the game was in hand by TWO FREAKIN' SCORES!!!


    And anyone on this board will tell you, I give due props to Brady and Patriots whenever it is warranted. But that doesn't take away the fact that it was, without question, the single most embarrassing upset of the past five years. How can you see it any other way?



    Playoffs are infinately more meaningful than regular season, thats why. Perhaps if Buffalo didn't have some of their worst colapses when it mattered the most (not when it matters the least, as in the case with New England) you wouldn't be so sour.


    I see it as a loss during the regular season that had no real impact on the post season (assuming a Pittsburgh win), and I am correct.


    It was not a game we "had to have". One win out of our last three would have clinched the second seed. The first seed was out of our control. We'd have to win out and hope for a Pittsburgh loss.


    You go on as if that loss spiraled the Pats into a losing streak of doom. Instead they snap out of it and put a horse whuppin on a key divisional rival (and a good team too). So if anything, the loss has made the Pats a BETTER team because of it.

  12. MEANINGLESS? That freakin' game cost you home field for the playoffs! How is that game meaningless?


    And please find me an upset of more epic proportions. You were playing a last-place team, with a second-string quarterback, a third string running back, a banged up secondary and an interim coach! You had one loss and they had 11. You were defending SB champs and they are cellar dwellers. Please. Name one upset as embarrassing as that game.


    You can't. Plain and simple.


    Where did you learn to read?

    I said it will be meaningless if Pittsburgh wins over Buffalo. Unless you are another Bills fan assuming a Buffalo win. Right now, that loss has no bearing on the playoffs.


    It's a regular season upset. A bad loss. Not even close to anything that resembled "greatest upset of last 5 years". You want a great upset? How about Pats over Pittsburgh in AFC Championship game 2001? Or maybe Pats of Rams in the SB? How about Carolina over Philly in the NFC Championship game? I could list dozens more, but if you want to go on about this one friggen game go ahead.


    The Pats have already put it behind them when they spanked the Jets on their homefield. You should too. I bet you still talk about the 31-0 loss.

  13. You are joking right? Miami beats New England one time in the regular season and you morons called it "THE SINGLE MOST EMBARRASSING UPSET OF THE PAST FIVE YEARS".


    Sounds like something you fans say to yourself to make you feel better.


    This is a joke. Talk to me come playoff time, when the games REALLY count.


    You better beat Pittsburgh or as it turns out, that Miami game was meaningless.

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