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Posts posted by Stussy109

  1. There is some evidence that serial killers start out killing animals. I don't know if she's a serial killer in the making but it does take a much different type of brain to do something like that.

    I agree. 2 major things wrong in this situation. 1) she is doing it 2) she is doing it while having fun and no remorse for loss of life.

  2. http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2010/09/04/jon-jansen-likely-done-after-lions-release/

    "Jansen grew up in Michigan and played his college football at Michigan, and he has indicated that the Lions were the team he wanted to end his career with. He signed with Detroit in 2009 and started two games, but the Lions have decided to move on, and he probably won't sign elsewhere in 2010." ....."As a smart, well-spoken player, Jansen would be a natural fit for a transition into TV."


    Oh well, it was wishful thinking to add some depth to our scary thin O-line.

  3. at first I just planned on coming in here and joking something like "Is that Jon Jansens evil twin", and then noticed you spelled it korky chambers so im confused as to if your just playing with peoples names, or you truly are an idiot? please clarify...


    Nansen was a typo, Korky was intentional..I'll fix

  4. This board is like an addiction...And is a general sample of the real world80% avg people, 10 % really cool people and 10% total douches. If I had to guess based on the twitter activity, I would have to say the other former player is thurman thomas, I know he is very passionate about the Bills via twitter.


    Oh and by the way people are just really jealous that they have to wake up and go to work at 8am everyday for the next 10 years to make what the league minimum is for 1 year. Unfortunately for all professional athletes, your salary is public knowledge, therefore creating a lot of haters. Money divides people, it alway has, and it always will. I won't even try to guess who you are although I'm sure somebody will or already has figured it out. Don't be like Skooby =)

  5. If you did the math, you would have been able to calculate that if your season tickets cost $560 and the face value is $77 then $77 X 7 (real games) =$539. $560-549=$21. The real price for the preseason game is $21. If you have 2 tickets, you're asking almost double what the team sold them to you for & you're accusing THEM of the rapefest? Most of us who don't want to go just give them away, but you're trying to get almost double the value & you blame the Bills. What a scam!


    I'M ASKING 80$ FOR 4 LOWER LEVEL SEATS CHUMP (all 4 of them).... season tickets cost 640$ not 560....soooo redo your math, you pay full value for the one preseason game, and you would know this if you ever had season tix. Like i said, its a scam. 7 reg seasons, and 1 preseason = 80$/ea


    I apologize, there are 4 tickets. I could care less if i eat them, but i figured for a family of four, for 80$/its a good value, and you get to be behind the bills, not in the endzone or nose bleeds. face value of the tickets are 77$ each, i'm selling all 4 for 80$ total

  6. I signed John henderson, and westbrook, traded lynch for winston justice plus some picks. Winston justic is out for 7 weeks with a pectoral tear, so i traded westbrook for RT khalif barnes and signed Lendale white. Levi Brown was cut, and Patrick You from stanford (another FA) is my starting QB, hell of an arm. CJ SPiller is my starter (hes nasty) and Easely is my #2 WR. Dwan Edwards, Henderson and Stroud are nasty up front.

  7. It pains me to say if but I really am jealous of what the Jets have been doing the last few years.


    All fo their "star acquisitions" they have traded for are on the last years of their deals (Cromartie, B Edwards, S Holmes) Revis wants to be LBJ II, and Tomlinson has no treads left on the tires, he's a downgrade from thomas jones. I expect them to flame out this year... Remember what happened to Edwards his 2nd yr when all the teams had game tape to study?

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