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Everything posted by Duke14227

  1. A great piece that sums up the feelings of all of us life time fans. Like most folks here, I spent my Sunday afternoons watching the Bills only to be let down at the end of the afternoon. So much so I didn't even want to watch the other games on. Now that the playoffs are here, my interest is renewed because I'm watching competitive football again played by passionate players managed by intelligent coaches. One other thought. Mr Wilson has longed complained about the Bills inability to be competitive in a small market like Buffalo compared to other deep pocket cities like NY and Dallas. But how do cities like Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Nashville (Tenennesee) find a way to stay competitive despite their small market status? It starts at the top with an owner who has a keen eye for hiring the right people to run the ship.
  2. I routinely cross the border 2 or 3 times a week and never needed a passport. Canada customs usually doesn't ask for ID if you look normal. US customs on the other hand does, so be sure you have photo ID (drivers license) on your return trip.
  3. I hope so. The "O" needs some kind of spark and ,maybe he can provide it. Besides, it's time to see what he's got.
  4. I don't like it one bit. you shouldn't risk your best DB in a situation where he could have his head chopped off. And don't think teams won't be trying to take him out because he is our best back
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