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Posts posted by kota

  1. Good post.  I agree. Our O-line isn't any worse than a dozen other teams. I'm not saying they can't get better but Drew just makes the Line appear so much worse than they are because he is always in the exact same spot....5 to 7 steps back in the pocket and can't buy himself time to save his life.  Did ya hear how excited his linemen were after the Miami game? it was like "Whoa, where did that movement come from!?!".  Anyway, you can tell from those types of remarks exactly how the Line feels about Drew Dreadslow.




    lol ok,


    I have lost count how many times i have seen someone come into the backfield after drew because of poor blocking, misassignments, etc..


    The one game we won was against the Dolphins and the oline actually blocked well and Willis happend to through in some good chip blocks. Look at the games we lost. Count the total number of rushing yards we had and the sacks. You will see why we lost.

  2. Where is NavyBills fan today, I can tell you where Da Boneman is, cheering for the GREATEST COMEBACK IN BASEBALL HISTORY!!!


    navy thanks for helping the Red Sox win with this thread.




    T-Bone don't be gloating to much there buddy. When the Sox went down 0-3 you conveniently went away as well. You didn't come back until it was 3-3. You are almost as bad as Navy. At least you didn't make this thread with the intellegence of a 12 year old.


    I am not a Baseball fan at all. I barely watch any games. I do however hate most Yankee fans because the majority of fans i have met act like good old Navy here. I have known maybe one or 2 people who were true Yankee fans. One of them being my grandfather. Yankee fans always talk about the history of the ball club and how great is and how much they like the story. Most yankee fans can only count the penents and then name that the history of the club.


    I hope the Red Sox win the series. They deserve it the most in my opinion after punching the yankees in the face.

  3. Let me see if I've got this right... the O line played terrific yesterday and the offense put up 13 points (with the wind at their backs nonetheless) against the 27th ranked run defense and you see a "w" on the road against a better defense?


    Nothing like putting things in perspective.  Sorry to piss in your cornflakes.




    Um Miami has the 3rd best Overall Defense in the league. Baltimore is 6th.


    I like how you pick one statistic of a whole teams defense as the basis of your argument. That 27 looks bad doesn't it?



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