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Posts posted by kota

  1. Sorry Kota, you douche, but I've made up my mind who I will be voting for. Watching him, or his opponent read scripted answers to scripted questions all while the TV cameras are "not allowed to show facial reactions of the other candidate" is not going to change my mind. I will be voting for the lesser of two evils, and even if Bush offers to come to my house and give me a reach around, I won't be swayed.


    So, sorry if I would rather watch hot chicks in bikinis on some dumb reality show, but Im sure there are some simple minded folk like yourself who for some rediculous reason havn't made up their mind yet and can be swayed by scripted answers written by some pencil pusher in either candidate's campaign.






    I made up my mind who I was voting for 8 years ago. I didn't vote for Bush then and I am not voting for him now.

  2. The late John McKay, coach of the winless 1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers was asked after a game about his offense's execution. His reply "I'm all for it".


    Bledsoe's career is on the line this Sunday. They have been correcting things and making the excuse that they have to execute better for the last 16 games and 24 of the last 26 games. Enough is enough. If the Bills offense does not turn it around this week, this season is over and Bledsoe is done as soon as Losman is healthy.




    Since when did you join the coaching staff Kasper?

  3. I like Bledsoe because he isn't a whiner, a Crybaby, and doesn't fancy himself the 2nd coming of christ. He is the best QB we have had since Kelly. I am not a typical Bills fan who focus's solely on the QB position and blame him for the offense not playing well. Bledsoe has his flaws i have never denied it but his flaws are not the only thing causing the team to not score points.



    I mean seriously if you can explain to me how the team goes from scoring 30 points a game weeks 1 and 2 of last year to what we saw after then you deserve a nobel prize.

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