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Mark Vader

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Posts posted by Mark Vader

  1. Yikes, that's bad. If you would have said to me "who is Quentin Coryatt?" I would have had no clue until 1 minute ago. A number 2 overall pick! Bust on 1 and 2, no wonder the Colts were so bad for so long.

    Emtman & Coryatt were great prospects.


    Injuries did Emtman in. Didn't he have 2 knee injuries in one year? Hardly his fault.


    Coryatt just never lived up to expectations.

  2. I guess nobody feels like me that we shoudl have tyagged him, signed him, then traded him for a pick in either this or next years draft??? Maybe Cleveland or NY????

    I would have liked that.


    But we don't know if there would have been any takers.


    Remember the first day of free agency? Lots of Safeties were being signed, and while Byrd was regarded as the top Safety to get, he was one of the last ones to sign. All the teams that were deemed as needing help at Safety(Browns, Eagles & Rams) all passed on him. A lot of teams were not all that keen on giving Byrd the type of money he was asking for. The Saints were the ones who swooped in and saved the day for Byrd, and nobody had them on the radar.


    I would have liked to have tagged and traded Byrd, I just wonder if we could have found someone who was willing to trade with us, considering the steep price it would cost.

  3. Not sure what many of you are going on about. Whaley admitted that their offer wasn't as good as what he got from New Orleans. Would he have signed if the Bills offered that too? Who knows, but in my opinion they should have tried.


    Say what you want and drink the koolaid if you must, but players like Byrd don't grow on trees. He made game-changing plays and is one of the best at his position. And we aren't speaking of a long snapper here.


    I get that it's the off season and everyone's glass is half full. But to me, it looks like the same polished turd in the Bills front office. As usual.

    So you don't think the Bills have done anything to try to improve, during this offseason?

  4. They could tag him just like last year. And just like last year he could hold out until the last possible minute. Then he would probably get some sand in his va-Jay-Jay and be out hurt again for a few more games. In actuality, we'd be worse off than if we just went with one of the young kids at FS and let them learn to play the position from the start of camp all the way forward.


    I was bummed about Byrd but the FO has shown that they have a pretty clear vision for how to build a winner. They could be wrong but at least they have a plan unlike the regimes before them.

    And this.


    Not to mention that the FO did sign A Williams to a contract extension.

  5. She enjoyed it described it as "a good movie" she literally has apparently never seen an entire godzilla movie and has vague recollections of seeing parts of a black and white godzilla movie so was caught off guard by it all. She had a good time I think. There was enough humanity in the movie to keep her interest.

    Good. This is not a movie that most women will find appealing. Hopefully, good words will spread and more people will see it.


    It exceeded expectations by making an estimated 93 million at the box office this weekend. And with Memorial Day weekend coming up, the second week drop may not be too severe. We shall see.

  6. Someone will complain that's its propaganda about the need to take action on Global Warming.

    The same way people complained that "The Dark Knight Rises" had an anti-Occupy Wall Street agenda?


    I always look forward to what Christopher Nolan has in store for us. I look forward to this.

  7. Ole herky jerky Johnson might be the long term plan in SF according to the pft tv show.


    With the 49ers abundance of talent and people to pay they might have to part ways with Crabtree next year.

    That wouldn't be surprising. Crabtree has his moments but is too inconsistent. The best receiver on that team is still Vernon Davis.

  8. "Godzilla" was awesome! I could not have asked for anything better. Director Gareth Edwards delivers the goods in a big way.

    As I anticipated, this is more of a disaster film than a monster movie.

    What a great way to celebrate the King of the Monsters 60th anniversary.

    Add in the highly positive buzz from critics, and maybe, just maybe, people will start to take Godzilla a little more seriously.


    So the question is, what's next? Is this a new franchise for Warner Bros.? If it is, what will they do with it? Ghidrah? Gigan? MechaGodzilla? Rodan? Mothra?

    Or does Toho Studios take the rights back and start their own new series? We shall see.

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