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Posts posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. He did look better, but still took a couple of sacks.  I just get nervous with our line, but hopefully they can gel now that we know who the starters are.


    True he took some sacks, but they weren't because of holding the ball too long (unless you think 2 seconds is "too long"). And now that the O-line starters have been named, they need to get some PT together and to stay healthy.

  2. Did you watch any Bills games last year??  He at one time was better and could be with a decent o-line, but just remember, it's never Drews fault. 


    I will give you the hands down part though.  Drew is usually hands down pushing himself up off the turf.  :unsure:


    Don't get me wrong, I don't want to get killed by everyone here.  I AM A BIG DREW FAN and would love to see him prove everyone wrong this year and play great.  I am getting a little nervous from what I have seen so far.


    What, you didn't like (truly) 11 for 17 passing for 117 yards, with at best 3 seconds to throw the ball?

  3. To make things worse, the turd burglar says the Bills have just gone from a 9-7, 10-6 team at best, to a probably not going to match last years 6-10 record team.  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

    Hold on a second. Is he saying that the Bills went to a 6-10 because of the loss of Brown? Or because Milloy might miss at most a couple games? Amazing.

  4. Man, you sure do obsess about our team. I have NEVER known an opposing team's fan to spend SO much time thinking about another team.


    I think it's worse than that LA. He obsesses NOT about the Bills per se, but about Bledsoe. To paraphrase another movie, this time "Silence of the Lambs" and Hannibal Lechter:

    "what does he do, this Pasty Troll you seek?"

    "He obsesses about the Buffalo Bills."

    "No, that is incidental!"

  5. Clements runs to the sidelines to much on punt returns. and doesnt know how to put 2 hands on the ball. i see him fumbling a few more times. how hard is it to use 2 hands???

    McGee will be the primary returnman. Clements was only doing it because McGee wasn't playing.


    our ST SUCK. i mean come on. who missed the block for that punt? how hard is it NOT to kick the ball out of bounds??? and i say if there return man gets past the 35, than all our special teams players should be fined. o, and if our kicker or punter has to make a tackle, the fine should be 1 game check (except for the tackler).

    I think the 11th man missed the blocker on that punt return, seeing as there were only 10 men on the field. Furthermore Neufeld was snapping to Moorman, who obviously isn't comfortable with him.

  6. It's not Lee's fault.  :blink:


    I love it when people make excuses for their binkies against all evidence.  As always, ignorance is bliss, and the post above is straight from Eden!!


    In time Evans may prove to be a good player, but for now rookie WRs don't often make an impact -  especially rookie wideouts on teams with QB questions.


    No QB questions here. But thanks for the hypothetical.

  7. Why do I keep hearing this about Evans? WR is one of the toughest positions to adjust to in the NFL for rookies. It takes most WRs 3 years to get comforatable...Evans has had 3 games!


    If you need a reminder, just look at Moulds' first two seasons...


    There are very few rookie WRs who come in and play well. Moss and Boldin are exceptions, no the rule.


    THat is why I think Josh is going to have a great year this year (the rule of 3) and all we need from Evans is for him to stretch the field and make one or two catches a game.


    True. I just got my hopes up after reading some of the TC reports. My own fault.

  8. Last positive was just how impressed i am with Lee Evans.  This guy is going to be very good.


    Are you being serious here? What did Evans do that was so good? I'd like to hear ANYTHING good on him, because IMHO he has been a disappointment so far.

  9. Someone on another board timed the amount of time Bledsoe had to throw and it was at most 2.5 seconds. Not good. The fact that he was (really) 11 for 17 with 2 drops is pretty amazing, for a "statue" who "can't read defenses or make short throws." Sounds like Jennings should be back at practice tomorrow but probably won't play until Jax, and that will help things out, as will Henry's return. I have to say I'm disappointed in Evans.


    As for the ST's, they were horrible last night. However I learned a few things. First of all, the Bills didn't play Dorenbos who is the regular LS'er, because they wanted to see if they could go with roster-locks Neufeld and Teague on punt and kick snaps, respectively, so as to save a roster spot. Well they basically ended up guaranteeing Dorenbos a job, which is probably the way to go anyway. So that messed up punts, FG's, and EP's. In addition on the punt block, the Bills only had 10 men on the field. As for the returngame, McGee, who was pretty much established himself as the best returnman on the Bills, and a pretty good returnman overall, wasn't playing.

  10. No actually I really don't get worried about giving up one gimmick play from the best play action passer in the game to the best receiver in the game in one on one coverage on 4th and 2. :)


    Seeing as how Baker and Greer were in on some tackles on that TD drive by Indy, I think it's safe to say that they were playing some backups.

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