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Posts posted by MadBuffaloDisease

  1. Harper is reportedly done visiting teams. That could either mean the Bills weren't interested (since he'll be 32 when the season starts) or he wasn't interested. In any case, cross him off the list. However June would be a good pickup and alleviate concerns at LB. As for DT, I'd sign the best run-stopping DT out there. The fewer holes going into the draft, the better.

  2. HD: Stallworth has talent to be sure. But that's not enough. As has been mentioned, he has attitude, injury, and substance abuse problems. There have been players with as many issues who have gotten big money deals in the recent past. Hell, Welker got almost 3 times as much guaranteed money as Stallworth, and the Pats traded picks away for him as well. So I wouldn't exactly call him a coveted FA WR, much less the top FA WR. Again the Pats taking-on a player like this is something that goes against what they've done in the past.


    As for having a much better roster than last year, debatable at best. Thomas may or may not prove to be all he is advertised, but the track record of Ravens defenders after they leave Baltimore is pretty well-established, and Rosey Colvin hasn't come close to duplicating what he did with the Bears. And the trade-off of Dillon for Morris (a player similar to Faulk), Troy Brown for Welker, and Graham for no one isn't exactly scary. Add to that Vrabel, Bruschi, and Harrison aging rapidly...


    Oh and the Pats were just as close, if not closer, to losing in the 2nd round (again) than they were to going to the SB (again). No more Marty to kick around, though and it looks like the Broncos are making serious moves to improve as well, and we all know how Shanahan has Belichick's number.

  3. I hear what your saying, I just don't think Chris Brown is anything special when compared to the other options (current and future). All of these guys have their styles, issues, strengths and weaknesses (which you did a good job of laying out). Behind a good line any of them will do. They'd all run for 1,500+ in Denver if they stayed healthy.


    With that said, I really hope they retain AT, i think he's a perfect #2/emergency #1. I'd be fine with him as the starter, if need be. I think Brown and AT (with an RB in the draft) is just dandy. Apparently they feel there is no rush. They know the landscape better than anyone here.


    I agree we shouldn't use a 1st or 2nd round pick on an RB this year. I think a 3rd or 4th rounder will do just fine.


    So, maybe Marv's content to see who we draft and then who becomes available in cuts and/or trades. I'll trust Marv for now, and try to remember it's only March and there are a LOT of transactions to be done before training camp begins.

    I think Chris Brown could be a great RB if he could stay healthy for 16 games. His history however proves he cannot. Therefore you cannot count on him and that makes him worthless. He could go down on his first carry, or in the last game of the season. You just don't know. I'd rather go with a guy with lesser talent, but who can stay healthy. But only as a backup, drafting a rookie RB to be the #1 guy.

  4. It was the "He heard it on the radio, thus, no link." immediate reply to Silent Bob who asked for a link. I guess I just took it in-context.


    As for Stallworth, you're kidding, right? The best he could get was the Pats' 1-year $3.6M offer? Remember that the Pats offered him this deal and he left and interviewed with other teams, none of whom offered him more.


    And the Pats added talent but also lost talent. As I've said, they've gone completely away from what they did previously, by going on a FA spending spree. Again I ask, will it work?

  5. HD: It was your willingness to believe a obviously false rumor (kind of like the "Chris Brown to sign for a bajillion dollars" thread that infests the board today). If this was your idea of a big-time off-season WR addition, well then, congrats.


    Prognastic: The window is closing. Hence the spending spree. Will it be enough?

  6. He wants to: (1) be on a playoff team; (2) in a warm weather city; and (3) be a starter.

    He actually SAID this? :flirt:


    With his numbers, he should be glad to latch-on with anyone. He's no better than Stallworth...without the drug and injury problems.

  7. I resent your accusation. I am all for the chosen people and this has nothing to do with it. Could care less what his name or ethinicity is. Sounds a little like you think of the worst, talk about complex.


    I have always tried to be courtious and respectful on this board but bringing up items like that is disrespectful.


    As a born, raised ( in the city, not the outskirts ) and educated Buffaloian who has watched the Bills from the start, through the tough times and the good times and know a little about my home town Bills. Just because you post more doesn't mean people with less posts or out of town log in names is less knowledgeable or loyal.


    I'm OK with disagreement but don't call someone who thinks differently names or things you know nothing about. Show a little respect because I do and will continue to do so.


    I know what I will get from some but I would hope there is more class on this board. Thanks

    Wrong thread/forum, I think? :flirt:

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