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Posts posted by TheMadCap

  1. Call me crazy, but I'm "for" anyone wearing a charging bison on a red helmet.  So yeah, I'm "for" Bledsoe.




    Dead on it brother!


    Let it be known that the MadCap is in favor of Bledsoe, until the rookie is ready. I have seen what Matthews can do as a starter, and I'd rather have Drew in there.

  2. I was going to start another post with this suggestion, but figured I'll just mention it here: The documentary on the extras disc called, " Empire of Dreams" is maybe the absolute best piece I've ever seen on Star Wars. I consider myself a pretty knowledgable fan, but a lot of what they talk about I had no idea. It's absolutely fascinating, and there is a ton of priceless footage from back in the day. This 2.5 hr documentary was worth the $40 I spent on the entire package. Check it out!




    Indeed AJ, I caught it on TV when I was in NY a few weeks back, but that was the edited version. AJ, I'd love to geek out and compare notes with you someday, even though I'm an ass.... :rolleyes:

  3. The only problem I have encountered with my optical mouse is the tendency to "spin" when playing first-person shooters on the PC. Other than that, no problems at all....


    One further question, I have heard of the so called "blue" light opticals, does it just have a blue lighting effect or have they perfected using blue lasers??

  4. Here's a little story.  On Saturday night at Danny's, we were done eating and had moved down to the bar.  A lady at one of the tables seemed to be watching us alot.  She was pretty crocked and I don't even remember who started talking to her but it turned out that she's been lurking here for 2 or 3 years but has never registered or posted.  As we introduced her around she was like "I KNOW YOU!" or "OH MY GOD THAT'S #89!" or whatever.


    We had never met mead107 either, but there he was with his family at dinner with us.


    Don't be shy, we're a pretty friendly bunch!




    As I can personally attest. Everyone was so nice to us! I will definitely plan to attend next year too....

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