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Posts posted by TheMadCap

  1. I'd build my own...  Looks like it's a bit expensive for what you get.  The consumer forum would be the proper place to ask about it though.






    Sorry for the double post...I totally agree with Fez. Build your own, and put exactly what you want in it. You will spend less money and won't have to worry about crappy customer service when things go bad, and they WILL go bad eventually.


    Check out tigerdirect or new egg.com. They ususally run specials on package deals and starter kits that are excellent, as long as you know someone who can put it together. I recently got my brother a smoking MB and Athlon 2.2GHz for 100 bucks after rebate....

  2. No ORDINARY team wins 21 games in a row. Even you should be able to see this.


    As for the loss to the Steelers, it was just one of those games that every team in every era has. 


    Sure the loss of Dillon last minute negatively affected how the Pats gameplannned for this game (probably why they only attempted 6 runs all game) and the early loss of Law, coupled with the loss of their other starting corner, meant that they were playing backups at both starting spots against a team with two excellent wideouts in Burress and Ward.  Not an easy chore, even for a team as good as the Patriots.




    Feel that sting big boy??? :doh:

  3. All I know is as bad as this situation is, if you are asking for Matthews to start you truly have no clue about the game that is called football, American style. I lived in Chi town most of the two years Matthews played and trust me, it could get worse. Any game with wind gusting more than 10 mph would be a complete disaster. If JP was healthy this would be worth talking about but as long as the only alternative is Matthews, let's wait 2-3 more weeks. He is only a guy taking up a roster spot, and that is being kind.



    I totally agree with you on this. Mathews is NOT the answer. I am one who is just now starting to get off the Bledslow bandwagon, BUT I would rather wait until JP is healty before making a move. I have seen Mathews play in Florida, Chicago, and Washington, and trust me, it could be MUCH worse than what we are dealing with now...

  4. Who is Incubus?  Never heard of him ore her.  I imagine sitting in one small cramped place for  long causes any large man to cramp.  That's why I hate airplanes.  Time to sue the airlines for sex discrimination.  Men are larger than women on average and the airlines don't provide men larger seating more in line with their larger frame!


    Did he answer the kid?



    An incubus is an evil spirit who slips in and knocks up your woman for you... :(

  5. willis shouldn't have quit, but he had the worst possible angle on the play. He was directly behind the guy, who had two guys protecting him down the field. If he had run him down and torn a hammy, we'd be asking why he bothered. There's a lot of talk about that, but there are bigger fish to fry. The Line this front office assembled, and a QB who after 12 years in the league still makes throws that journeyman bench quarterbacks know you can't throw.





    I usually find my opinions fall in with yours Nod, but in this case I disagree. Think how great it would have been for Willis to run that clown down, ala Don Beebe? The game was still wide open then, and Willis could have shown some heart on that one. Not that it would have mattered, seeing the ineptitude of our offense. I just wish he would have splattered that showboating fool...

  6. the damn TV stations flat out REFUSE to switch a blowout game to something worth watching??? I mean, we have a 42-10 asskicking in effect, with two teams not from the viewing area. What is the excuse for this? I swear, I am getting DirectTV installed this week....


    :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: TV stations!

  7. What really sucks is that unless you have Sunday Ticket, those of us in Buffalo will not get the Patriots-Jets game after the Bills-Ravens game. It's a FOX "Doubleheader Sunday" so we get stuck with the Packers-Cowboys instead of a 5-0 vs 6-0 AFC East battle.




    Actually, if you live in Richmond you get to see the Falcons and Chefs. OH BOY OH BOY thanks COMCAST! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



    For those in this area, I found a pretty low key place to see the games in the West end. That place in the Sheridan is nice, 30 plasma screens, not lots of people.

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