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Posts posted by Marshmallow

  1. Dam French are really starting to get on my nerves. Leave this guy alone. So, an American has taken over your precios sport, deal with it. Hope we get these idiots in the world cup and kick their ass.


    Why do they persist in badgering this guy. What a shock that the race director agrees with the outcomes, and the race is owned by the parent company of the paper






    Most people hate the French because they were right about WMDs. Americans hate being wrong.

  2. I am attending a wedding tomorrow for my friend's son, and have decided to

    give a cash gift. Just wondering, for two people attending the reception, what is a nice amount of money? The couple are in their early twenties, and both come from nice families. I expect it to be a very nice wedding reception.


    Any advice is appreciated. I want to give a nice gift of cash, but do not want to overdo it.




    Weddings can range from $75 per head to over $200 per head. You gotta at least pay for your dinner. So, is this a fancy wedding or is it a run of the mill wedding?


    My wife and I give between $200 and $300 depending on how close we are to the couple. If I'm in the wedding, I give $500. Giving less than $150 is just embarrasing.

  3. im on my way to camp tommorow, got a new idea, post requests of players youd like to see shots of and i'll do my best to get it done, got the digi camera...

    here's the catch, i wont be able to see your ideas past 9ish in the morning seeing how i have to get to my girlfriends house in penfield by 11ish, unless i can use her comp there




    Liam Ezikiel

  4. They were very good.  Huge crowd, the cold front settled in just as we got to the parking lot, so the weather was perfect.  Hootie played for 2 hours, the crowd was great.  The biggest highligts unfortunately were the cover tunes they kicked ass on.  "Gin & Juice", "Surrender" & "Add it up".  My take on Hootie is they do not have a solid Identity.  They are a band that could be a really kick ass rock band, OR they could be a really kick ass Jam Band.  Somehow they settled on mellower pop tunes, maybe it was money.  I would bet that when they were coming up in SC, they probably really rocked the houses!  Anyone see them back then.  BTW Darius did have a cheesy cowboy hat on and some of his "dances" looked a bit fruity, but the chicks really dug him, and there was some major league talent in attendance.  If you get the chance, they are definitely worth a few bucks for an entertaining evening.



    The Gourds did the very first (there have been many now) and most amazing "Gin & Juice" cover...like 5 years ago!!! I guess I'm not surprised that Hootie couldn't be any more orignal. Personally, I think the whole ironic cover thing is done to death. But I guess people still listening to Hootie might disagree.


    Have you ever seen this websight?




    I love that sight. I wonder if that guy will show up at the next hootie show.

  5. Exactly.  People always overlook that fact though.






    Say we just postpone the Nasa program for about 10 years. What is that, like 500 gazillion dollars that could go to better schools, fair pay for cops, new roads, alternative energy resources, homeland security, safer environment, social security etc etc etc.


    Then we just start it up again in a 5-10 years.

  6. My brother in law was recently hired to be the cornerbacks coach at Syracuse. I never grew up interested in college football, but now I'm really excited. Anyone want to give me an update with what's been going on the last year and what to expect this coming season?



  7. So, here I am at 2000 posts.  A fraction of the number of some of our more prolific posters, but not too shabby nevertheless.


    I do have to say that were it not for the show LOST, I think I'd still be lingering around 1,000.


    The next few months should prove to be very exciting...the impending birth of my second daughter, my six year old girl starting 1st grade, the start of season 2 of LOST...and JP starting a new, exciting and hopefully very successful era at QB for the Bills.


    This board has become as much a part of each day as going to work or having my morning coffee.  I come here for the latest on news and sports, on the Bills, and on other peoples lives.  We laugh together, grieve together, occassionally abuse each other, but always ALWAYS love the Bills together.


    Thanks again Scott for creating this wonderful safe haven for Bills fans everywhere.


    Long live TBD and TSW...and of course...GO BILLS!!!



    and you are.....?

  8. Since I lost Empire Sports on DirecTV, I have no outlet for Bills (and Sabres) info, other than the web... Is anyone aware of any of the WNY radio/TV stations podcasting their talk (or even news) shows ?  Or even any "amatuer" podcasts ?


    Thanks !



    I looked but didn't find one. Give it some time, I'm sure someone will be podcasting from McFadden's in no time.

  9. Is it illegal to state on your resume that you are a minority if you are in fact not?


    Here is why I ask.  I was having lunch with some friends, one of which is a HR staff worker for a large local co.  He said he was going through resumes and came across one which the guy stated under "Personal Information"  Native American.


    My buddy was saying after he talked with the Dept. Mgr who was hiring that he liked the idea of having some diversity in his Dept to show his management that he is making strides to meet certain company wide goals...such as increased minority hiring.  So the Indian dude got the job.


    So my question is, how would one know if this was true or not?  Does the applicant have to provide some sort of proof that he is a minority if his or her appearance does not provide evidence of this?



    Go into the interview with a head dress on. They won't ask for any more evidence.

  10. I did the same thing two years in a row for my nephew...just threw it together in Imovie. My sister is on a PC, so she doesn't realize how easy it is on a Mac. Thinks I'm a genius.


    I tried to stay away from the corny adult rock stuff like Croce. Went right for the corny kids music. Better for pace....Expecially when your video is an hour long or so like mine were. Here's a couple things bought...


    Sesame Street - Fiesta songs

    Brady Rymer - Look at my belly (this guy is great)

    Dora the explorer - (if you don't know who this is now, you will)


    Bert & Ernie's greatest Hits

    Kids Klassics

    Songs from the Street: 35 years of Sesame Street

    Bottle let me down - SOngs for Bumpy wagon rides

    For the kids (with Cake and Sarah McLachlan)

    Classic Disney Vol. 4


    I think you can get most of this stuff on itunes

  11. Ok, here's the deal...  I feel like making a LAMP.  It's the off season so deal with it.


    Anyhow, my wife of a year is VERY close with her mother and father.  She is the stereotypical good girl.  went to college, met, dated and married me (some would argue a halfway decent guy) and now is a teacher.  Her little sister on the other hand was the bad girl.  Got kicked off of sports teams, trouble at school, dropped out of college, dated bad a$$ boyfriend, got knocked up, had a kid, still dating boyfriend, living on welfare and handouts from her mother, etc. 


    Ok, that's the background.  Now, the mother in law...  She's very very controlling, all knowing, always right, italian, stereotypical overbearing mother.  well, my wife's parents drove 600 miles to visit our new house and have been here all week.  I'm ready to drink the entire fayetteville, nc cache of jack daniels at this point.  mom in law has literally been on the phone with my wife's sister every hour since they got here, using her cell phone, my cell phone, and our land line.  Mom in law is so controlling, its ridiculous.  She takes her checks, puts them in her own account and acts as the banker for her daughter.  Yes, her daughter is extremely immature and probably couildn't find her way out of a paper bag, but she is 22, living with her boyfriend, and has a 1 year old son of her own. 


    Long story short:  Mother in law's antics drive me absolutely nuts.  She's driven my wife's father to clinical depression, which he's taking meds for.  She's basically unofficially adopted my nephew, and completely written off my sister in law as a mother.  She's left my wife alone pretty much, because she's "the good child".  The real kicker is that i can't mention anything bad about the mother in law to my wife, even if its so obvious that she brings it up.  I've pretty much completely had it.  Short of going on a 4 day drinking bender, what options do i have?  I dropped about 60lbs of 10-10-10 on the lawn about 4 days ago and it looks like a jungle out there, so that's 2 hours of yardwork.  I can wash cars tomorrow too.  I really need to lower the stress so i don't say anything to piss off my wife, or accidentally slip up and say something to her mom.  Again, i appologize for putting blog material on the board, but most of you know i don't usually post crap like this, so cut me some slack.



    Don't sweat the small stuff. And it's all small stuff. Just let it go. Go with the flow. Carpe Diem and all those other cliches. In the grand scheme of things, it's not worth getting worked up about. Just grab a beer and chil. If you keep this mind set, only the things that really should bother you, will.

  12. That's the system that in the same breath is criticized by the left if nothing happens when it's raised and will attacked with righteous indignation and recrimination by the left if something happened and it wasn't raised... :devil:




    I thought they only raised it during elections! :devil:

  13. I was promised a promotion a few weeks ago, when when of the managers returned from vacation. She came back this week, and we all sat down to discuss it. The VP (who told me I was getting promoted), changed his mind suddenly, and said they were going to hire from outside (someone fresh out of college and cheaper).


    Now, I didn't get this is writing, but do I have any legal rights? I tried to discuss it with him, and that turned out to be a waste.


    I then told him I was disappointed with the organization, and I may have to start looking for a new job.


    I am so !@#$ing pissed.



    Maybe you just suck. Everybody always wants to blame someone else.

  14. <_< OK, especially those of you who live in Buffalo and have asked for autographs, tried to have a conversation, etc. Who is number one in arrogance, rudeness, and self-importance? Share your nomination and the reason.




    When I got Flutie's autograph, he walked by about 20 people holding out mini helmets and other little crappy things that they were obviously going to go sell. I had brand new full sized NFL football... He signed it and only it and got on the bus.

  15. splain why you blame live?  I quite liked them, I don't think they ever lived up to thier first single, they seemed to soften up quite a bit, but i liked them.



    I was only kidding, really. I liked them too... But they were really guilty of pop-rock formula music. Blender magazine had them on their 50 worst bands of all time. And credited them for opening the doors for crap bands like Creed.

  16. Subway is much less expensive and much better quality, plus you can put whatever you want on your subs...you end up getting more for your money. At Quiznos you get what it says on the menu and anything else is extra cash. Plus you can toast your subs at Subway now.




    I'll give you less expensive but not better quality. In this case, "you get what you pay for" rings true. Subway is crap compared to Quiznos. Subway is obviously toasting things because they know where it's at.

  17. I'll tell you what, rock died in or about 1993, pal.




    Yeah, I think you're right. The band "Live" killed rock. But that's okay. It needed to die. It will come back stronger and better somewhere down the line. It's always a cycle. But why grump about it like your parents? Keep an open mind. Music should evolve. Enjoy what new bands bring to the table. Enjoy the new experience. When your classic rock comes back, you'll enjoy it even more.


    Right now the best bands are...


    The Futureheads

    Franz Ferdinand

    Iron & Wine

    Arcade Fire

    Emiliana Torrini

    Bloc Party

    British Sea Power

    The Coral

    The Streets

    The Dears




    The Vines


    The Hives

    Hot Hot Heat



    The Kills

    LCD Soundsystem


    Louis XIV

    Magnetic Fields

    The Shins




    Her Space Holiday

    Kaiser Chiefs

    Postal Service

    Ted Leo & The PHarmacists


    White Stripes

    Of Montreal

    Ryan Adams

    Gillian Welch





    If you don't know any of these bands except the last three, you need to update your music collection a little.


    Those of you who have Sirius Radio, tune into 26, Left of Center. You'll hear most of these bands.


    Hope this helps.



  18. Anybody who's looking for a great college/brit pop/indie rock show, go see The Futureheads. Just saw them tonight in NYC at Webster Hall. That sh-- was tight. Blew Franz Ferdinand away!!!


    Those of you stuck in 1963, 1973, 1983, or 1993, nevermind.


    Especially the dude who still likes BNL.



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