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Posts posted by Marshmallow

  1. I think it's dumb and I'm glad the Bills are against it. There are SB site selection rules that have been in place a long time. It must be indoors or in a city where the average high for early Feb is 50 or above. Rules are rules. I also think it's great that it's always in good weather. Would you really want to see the Super Bowl played in weather like in the Bills/Dolts game?


    So if the do have it in NJ does that mean that the present rules are off? Does this open it up to Cincinnati, Cleveland, Baltimore, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Denver, Kansas City, Seattle? I might think it's OK if that's the case, but somehow I don't think it is.


    So yeah, vote NO.



    1. Why was that rule created? Money. A warm weather destination allows them to stretch out the superbowl event for a week.

    2. Most of those other cities you mentioned are dumps. NYC is the only destination that people would still want to spend the week, even if it were cold. Imagine a SuperBowl where Baltimore plays Atlanta in Buffalo. The game wouldn't even sell out.

  2. I dare any one of you who are complaining to walk up to a smoker who tosses their butt and tell them they are littering.


    That, or just whine some more on the internet.


    Dare? I do it all the time.

    Usually just say, "excuse me, I think you dropped something," as if they dropped their wallet.

    They look down and see it was just their butt and that's when I hit them with a big "you're a douche" grin.

    If one of them ever came after me, they would probably just run out of breath and collapse into their own filth.


    It's good, not incredible. Changing the color of the uni is quite simple if you know photoshop. All that's left is the cloning out the nike swoosh and a few other logos, adding the blue stripe across the shoulder pad and helmet, adding a skewed bills logo to the helmet, and adding the numbers. I'd say adding the helmet logo and the numbers were probably the hardest part, someone with incredible photoshop skills would make that look better. Hey, I'm just saying...

  4. I was just reading a post on Campbell to Buffalo, basically saying why bring in Campbell? They were saying that McNabb went to five NFC Championship games without any talent around him - and, now imagine what he'll do in Washington with their weapons and Shanny... and I'm thinking - what weapons? Since their new coach they've picked up a few older running backs and what? - maybe they'll add Flozell and T.O.? At least we've got two very capable runners already, and Lee Evans, and a promising young T.E..

    My thought is: Shanahan could have come here and spent the offseason adding some linemen, maybe a wideout, and got McNabb and his situation - talent wise - wouldn't be looking much different. So, if the owners would be willing to spend the same - I know, that isn't the case - but, I'm thinking that having the coaches in our division - N.E.'s, Parcells in Miami, and now the Jets being as solid as they are - that those other team's talent level and coaching level is a much bigger deterrent than what Buffalo did or didn't have player-wise.

    I just think he could have put together just as effective of an offense here as there - but the competition is what scared him away.



    Going back to the royal blue. Modern but yet still simple (unlike the vikings). Red would just be an alternate. Helmets would be charging buffalo with white helmet and white facemasks, red stripe down the center. i would love to see something like this to start a new decade of football.


    real life example would be Oklahoma State Uniform, just switch their orange to blue, black to red.


    Buying sports car doesn't make you a race car driver.

    Owning a DSLR doesn't make you a professional photographer.

    Having a design/illustration program on your computer doesn't make you a designer.

  6. Reports are they want a starting WR and a draft pick next year. Give them Josh Reed, a punt/kick returner in Roscoe and a 3rd round pick next year. Marshall can then get Roscoe and Reed's salary. Marshall in the slot with T.O. and Lee on the outside, OOOH!


    Yeah, I'm sure they would want our garbage and a 3rd rounder for one of the most gifted athlete's in the league.


    If we offered Lee Evans and next year's 1st rounder, they might not take it.

  7. Do any of you go to church on Sundays during the fall (when the Bills play)? I recently spoke with a Buffalo native who shared how sad it is there now, because few fans go to church on Sundays. For the residents of Buffalo, was he telling the truth? With a 1PM start time, I would assume people would have time to go to church and still make the game in person. That, or they could tivo/dvr the game and start it a few minutes late. I often do this on Sundays and I catch up to the real game time rather quickly after skipping the commercials. Just curious.



    No. If God created me in his image, then he's probably at the sports bar watching football, too.

  8. per pft: Mike Preston of the Baltimore Sun suggests that tight end Todd Heap and running back Willis McGahee could be shipped to Arizona along with a draft pick in exchange for Boldin.


    As Preston points out, both players are in coach John Harbaugh’s doghouse. And that unlikely playoff appearance and postseason run in his first year on the job has given Harbaugh considerable juice.


    Heap is under contract for three more years, at base salaries of $3.6 million, $4 million, and $4.6 million.



    There's talk in Philly that they might send their other 1st rounder to Arizona for Boldin.


    Boldin and Westbrook on the same team would be sick.

  9. Really? It's basic geography, stuff you learned in 5th grade. You know city's and state's. Although Buffalo's population as declined it's I believe still the second largest city in New York state and at one time had 3 major sports teams. How about Niagara Falls class? Can anyone tell us where that's located? "Oh oh teacher" "Yes little Willis" Isn't that where the sewage pours out from New York City?" I've heard the guy talk enough times to know he's a total idiot Bill or no Bill doesn't matter.



    It might be the 2nd largest city in NY, but it's the 46th largest city in the US.


    Hartford, CT is 45th.


    Birmingham, AL is 47th.


    So I'm not surprised that Willis didn't learn where Buffalo was in 5th grade.


    Outside of WNY, who cares?


    Having said that, I agree that if you play pro football, you should know where every team plays.

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