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Posts posted by Marshmallow

  1. When I was in college, the NY Times did a piece where they asked people on the streets in Manhattan to locate Buffalo on a map of New York. Most of them couldn't. A majority placed Buffalo up near Plattsburg.


    McGahee may be an idiot...but he's hardly alone.



    Not being able to locate Buffalo on a map of New York doesn't make someone an idiot. The city of Buffalo is so irrelevant, I'd be more surprised if someone on the streets of Manhattan actually could locate Buffalo on a map. Seriously. They take no pride in upstate NY. It might as well be in another state. NYC folks consider East Rutherford, NJ to be more of a NY city than Buffalo.


    Having said that, I agree that if you play pro football, you should know where every team plays.

  2. He was just on Sirius NFL radio talking about the schedule in general. When asked about the Bills/Jets game in Toronto -- he said that no one from OBD expressed any displeasure with this scenario.


    Which tells me (1) he is lying or (2) the Bills FO confused the Mets with the Jets. How can anyone think moving a division game to Toronto is not a disadvantage to the Bills?


    Of course they expressed no displeasure. Ralph and the NFL want to make sure that Toronto fans are well versed in our division rivals so that they already have deep rooted hatred for them by the time the Bills move to Toronto. Rivalries sell more tickets.


    Next year's game will be against the Pats. It's all part of the plan.

  3. I tried to order a personalized jersey on NFLSHOP.COM and they veto'd me because of what it said. My nick name is Moff Diver. I get the connotation and similarities. Anyone know any websites that will write whatever you want on a jersey? I protested with them but I think I'm gonna lose. Boot leg stuff = fine with me if the NFL does not want my money, some enterprising Indonesian surely does.


    Just go with your other nick name...WhineyLittleBitch


    Just kidding...but you gotta understand why a multi-billion dollar business wouldn't want people messing with their image.

  4. I used to think it was Johnson, but atleast he started a playoff game and put us in a position to win. Losman has got to go down as the worst. His reference to Yoda in his first postgame press conference was classic. God what a boob.


    Rob Johnson may not have been the worst. But he was the biggest bust.


    He only won 9 games, yet took home $18 million. That's 2 million per win.


    In my mind, that makes him the worst.

  5. I think you guys are missing the point. If this is "HORRIBLE" and took 30 minutes, how much effort did the Bills put into theirs!


    This thread did exactly what it should have:


    1. Shown how long 'ass' takes to make and that the Bills new logo is in fact "ass"

    2. That if people supposedly "in the business" think this effort sucks, and it's essentially the same effort the Bills put forth, hence the Bills effort sucks.



    Not missing the point at all.


    Logo done in 30 minutes looks like it was done in 3.


    The Bills logo, although not very good, is still much, much better.


    People who "think" they can design will never know the difference.

  6. Not exactly a dynasty anymore. They haven't won a Superbowl since 2004 season.


    oh, i forgot. going 16-0 in the regular season last year while destroying record after record means nothing. yeah, they suck.


    Them going 18-1 and losing i the Superbowl was fun for me too, but don't kid yourself. this team is as close to any to having a shot year after year.

  7. There is no dominant team anymore. All the teams that peaked early are slowing down and beatable.


    If the Pats make it into the playoffs, they could win the Superbowl.


    Bill B is the kind of guy that would trade Brady, if not to just make a statement about his ability to win with anyone.


    With 2-3 more first rounders in addition to their own, that dynasty could last another 10 years.


    Would it be wrong to wish injury (not career ending) on Cassel next weekend so this unlikely scenario has no chance of happening?

  8. Here’s where our opponents so far this season rank.



    Seattle 27th

    Jacksonville 22nd

    Oakland 31st

    Rams 28th

    Chargers 20th



    Cardinals 11th

    Dolphins 15th

    Jets 9th

    Patriots 8th


    Upcoming Schedule

    Browns 24th

    Chiefs 29th

    49ers 26th

    Dolphins 15th

    Jets 9th

    Broncos 19th

    Patriots 7th


    We need to win the games we’re supposed to win...plus take 2 out of 3 games from the Jets, Pats and Phins to have a chance at the playoffs.



  9. Saved by Zero might be one of the worst ad campaigns of all time. What grown man goes into a studio, sings that awful jingle, and still lives with himself?


    A man that just made $100,000+ to sing that jingle for a major advertising campaign with a huge media buy. Not bad for a couple hours of work.


    The real question is what self-respecting advertising agency would propose such a horrible idea to a client.

  10. I've been trying for 3 years to find a home of Bills fans in Hoboken... and finally, the Shannon in Hoboken NJ is the official home of the Bills! We have an amazing time every week... 60+ Bills fans for every game... the whole room is ours... all of the TVs, surround sound, free wings, the "shout" song after every TD, cool Bills give-aways each week, fun bar staff who are actually Bills fans!!! Best football season since i moved away from home... by far! If you just moved to NJ, and you're looking for a place to be every Sunday... come on down. The more the merrier!


    The Shannon is at 106 First Street. Between Washington and Bloomfield.



    There is also a handful of Bills at the York Street Pub, in the Paulus Hook section of Jersey City.


    York @ Washington.

  11. Or head over to the Bills bar in Manhattan - McFadden's and Calico Jacks. 42nd st and 2nd ave - It'll be my first time showing up on Sunday and they say that a couple hundred Bills fans come out to support the team.


    Better get there by 11am if you want a seat.


    I remember when there was only a couple dozen there at most. Now there's almost too many people.

  12. According to Rotoworld.com.

    "Matt Jones has not been running among the Jaguars' top four wide receivers during Organized Team Activities. Troy Williamson is a fourth receiver at the moment and will be pushed by Mike Walker, who recently got healthy. Jags.com writer Vic Ketchman expects the team to keep five receivers. It doesn't look like Jones will be one of them."



    For the most part, Jones has been pretty underwhelming. Only showing off his true potential just about once a year. Week 17 2007 8-138 1TD, Week 13 2006 6-128 1TD, Week 10 2005 5-117 1TD.


    If he gets released, anyone think we should give him a look as our 5th receiver? You know, the whole "new team, new chance" cliche.


    At 6-6, 232 and still only 25 years old, he would create even greater mismatches with Hardy in the red zone. And a 4 WR set of Evens, Hardy, Parrish and Jones would create speed and size mismatches all over the field.


    Just a thought.


    Who wants to be the first one to write the obligitory "I've heard of him" reply?

  13. Well, obviously, the money would be different. The networks would initially bid less because of reduced time, so the NFL would get less, and then the players would get less.


    OTOH, maybe more people could bare to watch a game w/o TiVo then...? Maybe viewership would increase and the remaining commercials would be more valuable and thus demand more money?


    TIVO/DVR is the best thing that happened to the wallets of the NFL - people want to see games live. Especially the NFL. And with the internet stealing away so many men from TV viewership, businesses trying to reach men 18-118 years old will pay top dollar for this captive audience - significantly increasing the value of media purchased during games. It also gave the NFL the negotiating power to get more commercial time per game as well. They struck this new deal just as DVR/TIVO took off, the steroid scandal soured baseball fans, and the Pats/Tom Brady dynasty was front and center. Which is why the NFL will never let Spygate become what it really is - the biggest scandal in NFL history. It would cost them too much $$$$.

  14. Well, as I have stated before, the first thing I would do is reduce the amount of commercials. That doesn't really change the game (or maybe it does, since it reduces the time-outs), but it would certainly make watching it easier.


    If you reduce the amount commercials, which quarter during the game would you choose not to have broadcast? Or maybe they could just broadcast every other play.


    Commercials pay for the games to be on tv. Pay for salaries. Reduce the prices of tickets for fans attending the game. etc.


    Sorry I had to point out the obvious like that.

  15. Is being able to drive to the offices of Pro Football Weekly to pick up my 2007 Draft Handbook Preview Book.


    They were very nice- and threw in their draft magazine and the last several issues issues of Pro Football Weekly for free.


    They confirmed that their publisher-Herb Arkush and Jauron are good friends.


    If you don't buy this book you are doing yourself a diservice if you are a big draft fan.


    Most of the magazines out there are complete crap.(Especially The Sporting News and Street and Smiths)



    There's a bills bar in chicago. I think that is the best part.

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