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Posts posted by Marshmallow

  1. This is for Republicans (and I guess some Dems) who think George Bush did the right thing and is doing a great job.


    If Al Gore was president....


    And he told us that Iraq had WMD's......but none were found. (regardless of if he lied or was given bad info)

    And he told us that Iraq had something to do with 911....but no proof was found. (regardless of if he lied or was given bad info)

    And he spent Billions of dollars and the lives of over 1000 American Soldiers on the war Iraq.

    And he has completely turned the world against us.

    Yet...still hasn't found Osama...

    And...still hasn't a secured our borders, nuclear plants or shipping yards.


    Would you honestly say that he was doing a great job?


    I'm not a political geek, so I'm not going to be able to spar with you. Just becasue you have more bullet points doesn't make you right. I'm just asking a question. That's all. Just curious.


    For the record....I am an independent but mostly lean left. And if Gore was president, I would still be furious.




  2. Who do you think would give up what for Travis Henry right now?  Best I think we could hope for is a 3rd round pick from Miami.  And that'd only be bad news.




    are you smoking crack or something. A 3rd rounder for a 2x 1400 yrd RB? Maybe a 1st & 3rd.


    Dolphins gave up a 3rd for the Rams 3rd string RB, right? That puts it into perspective. No?

  3. Take it from someone who used to work at NFL Properties Advertising and Design, where unis are actually made.


    That is the worst piece of stevestojan design I have ever seen in my life.


    You tell people to spend less time on the computer. My advice to you...spend more time on your computer. And in some graphic design classes.


    To this day, I still don't understand why somone with a computer and an art program think they are suddenly graphic designers.

  4. Rush Limbaugh and Fox do all-day, every day what Moore did in one, two-hour movie...present a one-sided argument to tell a story.


    Libs doen't have a Rush, so why can't they spin their own biased story? Isn't that what makes America so great. You can say whatever you want. Even if it's not true. So, why should one be accepted, and not the other? Why is one honorable, and not the other?


    Take Rush on one hand....a 3-time divorcee drug addict preaching conservative values. And you have Moore, a money-grabbing whore, who sticks up for the poor in our country. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?


    They're all slime. Why is it that republicans can dish it out, but not take it? There is no difference between these men.

  5. I wasn't touched at all. I was 10 blocks away from the world trade center(were you?)....and since then, this effffin president* has done nothing but use my patriotism and fear against me. Eefffff you and efff him. A REAL leader wouldn't have ignored warnings.......YES....there is a chance, that if we had a REAL leader, there would have been no 911. But he was too busy taking vacations to care.


    He has nothing else to run on, so he runs on fear. The fact that his president* is using this as his main platform is disgusting. But most ignorant sheeeeeeep Americans like you don't care.


    He shouldn't have lied about WMDs and the connection between Al Quada and Iraq so we could win one for Bush Sr. He should have taken care of Osama Bin Laden. He has not been mentioned ONCE during the convention. Remember him, the one who actually had something to do with 911?


    Had we not rushed into this stupid war, we would have realized that Iraq didn't have WMDs. Then we could have spent that money on securing our homeland, not slaughtering thousands of innocent people and 1000 American soldiers. I guess you like Americans getting killed for no reason.


    Let's go after the real problem. Iran, N. Korea. Oh, you don't want to? That's not what your focus group tells you would be popular. God, that's so un-American.


    So ahead, keep defending your draft-dodging, lying, coke-snorting, frat-boy war criminal. If it makes you feel better, tell me to get out if I don't like this America. But, I will remind you, this is what America is built on. People who speak out against what is wrong. You are wrong.

  6. God. It just kills you that the French, Germans and Russians(and the rest of the world) were right. It kills you that we should have waited. It kills you that we look like a bunch of stupid jackasses. We shouldn't have lied about WMDs and the connection between Al Quada and Iraq so we could win one for Bush Sr. We should have taken care of Osama. Remember him, the one who actually had a hand in 911?


    I was 10 blocks away from the world trade center....and this effffin president used my patriotism and fear against me, eefffff you.


    A REAL leader wouldn't have ignored warnings.......YES....there is a chance, that if we had a real leader, there would have been no 911. But he was on vacation and couldn't be bothered. So the fact that his President is using this as his main platform, when he could have prevented it, is disgusting. But most ignorant sheeeeeeep Americans like you don't care. Ra---Rahhh-Rahhhhh! I'm sure that those who supported Hitler eventually knew they were morons...there's still hope for you!!!!!!


    Had we not rushed into this stupid war, we would have realized that Iraq didn't have WMDs. Then we could have spent that money on securing our homeland, not slaughtering thousands of innocent people and 1000 American soldiers. I guess you like Americans getting killed for no reason.


    So ahead, keep defending your draft-dodging, lying, coke-snorting, frat-boy war criminal. If it makes you feel better, tell me to get out if I don't like this America. But, I will remind you, this is what America is built on. People who speak out against what is wrong. You are wrong.

  7. It's more a question of judgement, leadership and integrity. While frat-boy Bush was snorting coke and dodging the draft, Kerry was volunteering for Nam. 30 years later, Bush uses my patriotism and fear against me. He lies to me about WMDs and a link between Osama and Iraq so he can start an unwanted war and finish one for Daddy. In the mean time, he's slaughtered thousands of innocent Iraqies and almost 1000 American men and women. Those brave soldiers lost their lives for nothing. Osama is still out there. And we are now less safe. That makes me sick.


    Don't feed me the bs line about "well isn't Iraq better off?" because that's not the point. Bush ran on not wanting the US to be the police of the world. If he really cared about people, he'd get rid of the leaders of Iran (the country who actually had ties to Osama), N. Korea and many others. But, that would be unpopular.


    Bottom line, leadership isn't always about experience. There are probably thousands of people who would be better Presidents than W based on their judgement and integrity. John McCain is one of them. Oh wait, Bush slanderd him too on his way to the white house.

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