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Posts posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. Suicide bombers, on foot and in cars, have been concentrating on police recruiting facilities in Iraq:


    In February they killed 47 in Baghdad at a recruiting center.

    A few days later, another 53 killed just south of Baghdad.

    In June, they killed 35 waiting to join the Iraqi military.

    On July 28, they killed 68 at a police recruiting center in Baqouba.

    They killed 20 at a police training facility in Kirkuk earlier this month.

    Another 47 killed yesterday in Baghdad waiting to sign up with the Police.


    That is 270 people we couldn't protect even at known, obvious targets like police and army recruiting centers. I am no expert on anti-suicide bomber tactics so I am not suggesting that there is some way to prevent these. Quite the contrary. How long is it before we start seeing these kinds of attacks here in the US? Do we really think that the reason we haven't so far is due to our vigilance rather than a decision by AQ to not use them here....yet?


    Are we ready for life like this?


    Amended, 9/14/04 10:09 pm:


    12 killed in police van (11 officers and 1 civilian)in Baqouba, attacked by gunmen.

    Oil pipeline junction was blown up today in Beiji, 155 miles north of Baghdad.


    Make that 282 dead.


    Amended 9/18/04:


    20 people waiting in line to join the Iraqi Nat. Guard in Kirkuk were killed by a suicide car bomber today. Meanwhile, 2 Americans and 1 Brit were recently kidnapped were shown on a video clip by Al-Jazeera. Captors say they will be killed in 48 hours if female Iraqi prisoners are not released.


    Make that 302 dead.


    And Yet 1,000's seek jobs as Iraqi Policeman and Join the Military every day.... why do you suppose that is?

  2. I read somewhere that GWB is doing Dr. Phil in late October.


    Unless it is a well planned read for him, the crap that flows from his mouth will be enough to wipe out any lead.


    God knows we all want to hear how the kidlets were raised!...  :blush:


    Probably will do better than Kerry's scheduled apearnce on the "Sureal House" were her attempts to give Bridget some electricity as he heard she was caught in t he Hurricane and Terry said she could go naked for a couple of days...

  3. Kerry released all his records. 


    He Did? When? Where? Maybe you thought he released them as he did when he released those metals? :blush::o


    I kind of enjoy Kerry's continued focus on the Vietnam era... the more he does the more people see him for the fraud he is.... Ithink its now official... John Kerry has now spent more time talking about vietnam than he actually spent there...


    He has now also spent more time talking about vietnam than he spent actuall doing anything in the Senate.. :D

  4. In the latest national survey of 1,972 registered voters by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted in two waves over a seven-day period Sept. 8-14, finds that the president's 52%-40% advantage in the initial period dissipated in the polling conducted Sept. 11-14. The second wave of interviewing shows the race even among registered voters, at 46%-46%. When the sample is narrowed to likely voters, Bush holds a statistically insignificant lead of 47%-46% in the second wave, down from the huge 54%-39% advantage he held in the first wave of interviews.


    But feel free to be overconfident and complacent.  If Bush supporters perceive they have the election wrapped up, perhaps some won't show up to vote.


    Gallup is THE Polling standard... The Dems were referring to it frequently early in the Race... Problem is... as shown by Gallup is that the more people actually think about the election.... the more they tend to move to Bush... :D

  5. You clearly are not going to believe this woman no matter what she has to say and others are going to believe her no matter what doubts are cast on her story.  There are probably some people in the middle who could actually be objective about this but they aren't likely to be found posting here.  This is why we have jury selection, even those who claim to be entirely unbiased are likely to be biased as hell.  Of course, thats a biased opinion on my part... :ph34r:


    No.... I believed her when she said the documents were fake!


    I believe when she said GWB was a very polite gentleman and must have had good parents..


    I also believe that her current opinion is low of GWB and that she feels he might have done less than she expected.


    I also believe that she has a right to her opinion... doesn't make her opinion right or factual.. I am quite sure she does not have all the facts and what she has to say is speculation.


    I would also like to hear the opinions of the wife and son to be fair... they might have a better perscpective on how their dead husband and father felt... I also doubt Rather has the balls to do this as it would be counterproductive to his pewrsonal campaign against the Bush family.




  6. Actually, her testimony would hold up in Court.



    Heresay evidence holding up in court?


    Did she have personal knowledge of things (if so she should name names).... or does she think he got favors?



    All I heard from her last night were personal opinions (from a person who admits to being anti-Bush)...not facts that could be substantiaited..


    give me a break.

  7. I'm a vietnam vet, and served in combat with a crew, so I was interested in the swifboat issue (the docs, pencil pushers and other weasels such as O'neil making a buck off of someone's service) from a personal point of view.  As the election gets closer, I'm thinking more and more of substantial issues (hence spending less time on the board! :D ).  No news.  I think the kid wants to see how the Oakland game turns out.


    :lol::huh: .. Looks like it might be a few more week then....

  8. Not familiar with it, nor do I care much about it.  I'm focused on registering voters and an upcoming debate on the campaign that focuses on the mess that Bush has made on foreign policy, the war on terrorism, Iraq (unrelated to the war on terrorism, by the way) the deficit, health care and employment.  I get a kick out of watching you righties go whacko over this type of thing though! :D


    Not Familar with it... Don't care much about it? :huh::D:lol:


    Just like you had nothing to say about the swiftboat ads huh??


    Difference is the swiftboat ads didn't forge any documents....


    HYPOCRITE :D:lol:

    By the way any news on your impending granddady status? Hope all goes well!

  9. I just realized something. Bare with me as I try to expalin this. They are now saying that Dan Rather exposed these documents, thinking that they were true, but knowing they may not be.


    Isn't this ironic how similar this is to Bush and the war with WMD and how people say he mislead the country with false data?


    Same thing on 2 different levels...Republicans and Democrats need to be careful how they proceed with the CBS docs...because somebody could compare the reactions to those and Bush's WMD's.....


    Basically, Republicans can't say Bush wasn't misleading the country, then say Dan Rather was.....same goes for the democrats vice versa...


    Wow... What insight!!


    One problem though.... Did you forget that the U.N. had documented WMD's that were to be destroyed? No one knows what happened to these "DOCUMENTED WMD'S" This is a lot different than the heresay argument about GWB.

    Intelligence assumptions about additional WMD's are just that, assumptions, made with the best intteligence available.


    Forging documents to present as fact to ruin a person and support your theory is quite another issue.. It is my opinion that this is a desperate attempt by the Kerry camp to counter the damage done to him by the OPINIONS of the swift boat vets..


    Instead of releasing his own records to answer the allegations made by the swift vets... It is my opion that they chose to turn over documents that they may or may not have fabricated or could not authenticate to their lackeys at CBS to do their dirty work for them...


    Dan Rather's "investigative interview" with a biased 86 year old woman was embarrising. But what do you expect? could get anyone with first hand knowledge of what he wants to hear so he relies on a administrative assistant (former secretary) to give her opinion... no facts, no direct knowledge just her "feeling" ..... what a joke... seems a little stalinist in tactics.... news agency acting on fabricated evidence to impune party (DEMS) enemy....


    Wher is the outrage on the left for these "McCarthism" tactics?


    IMO signs of a very desperate campaign....



  10. I was listening to cnn yesterday and heard a sad statement atrributed to a muslim cleric... I don't have a link but he basically said


    "We (muslims) must come to the realization that while the majority of Muslims are not terrorists.... The majority of Terrorist are Muslim"


    He went on to detail all major terroist organization around the world and outlined thier connection to Muslim extremist terrorist.....


    Just about the only one that wasn't Muslim was the IRA...

  11. They have backed away from the timing of his searing memory but not from the searing memory itself.




    "I remember spending Christmas Eve of 1968 five miles across the Cambodian border being shot at by our South Vietnamese allies who were drunk and celebrating Christmas. The absurdity of almost killed by our own allies in a country in which President Nixon claimed there were no American troops was very real. "



    Backing away from his searing memory of what??.....


    Christmas eve 1968?


    Being Shot at by drunk SVA?


    Being in a country President Nixon claimed there were no American troops?




    What a joke!! :(:D:D Keep drinking the kool-aid



  12. You should have gone more slowly.  Let me help.


    O'Neill today says he was never in Cambodia.


    This directly contradicts what he said to Nixon.


    On This Week last Sunday, O'Neill claimed that there is no watery border between Vietnam and Cambodia and so Kerry could not have crossed into Cambodia or been anywhere near it in a Swift Boat.  He now says that there is such a border: "a place called Ha Tien, where the boundary is right along that border."


    Right here you can see a map showing the location of Bernique's Creek in Ha Tien.  Scroll down a little further and you see a picture with the following description:

    Hm it looks like there is plenty of water along the Cambodian border, doesn't it?  :lol:


    O'Neill is now backtracking by saying that when he said "there isn't any watery border" he was only talking about the Mekong River...which runs north through South Vietnam into...uhmmm...Cambodia.  Of course, although he claims his patrol only came within 50 miles of Cambodia on the Mekong, he has no idea what Kerry did on the same river, because he said, and I quote, "I was there two months after him."


    OMG you arte too funny...


    Do you even read your own posts...


    O'Neill said Kerry was not in Cambodia in Christmas 1968 as Kerry had stated in his seared memory... Because he was patroling in the Mekong Delta 40-50 miles away....


    Kerry's campaign has already backed away from this "seared memory" of Christmas 1968...


    then LATER...."Kerry went, and I went, to a place called Bernique's Creek — that was our nickname for it — at Ha Tien. That was a canal system that ran close to the border, but that wasn't at Christmas for Kerry. That was later for him"



  13. He's on tape telling the President of the United States that he was in Cambodia.


    And in the "next sentence" he admits that he was also "along the Cambodian border," when he's now telling everyone he never came within 50 miles of Cambodia.


    He either lied to the President, or he's lying now.  Or maybe he's just ... flip-flopped.


    Ok I recognize a reading comprehension disability when I see it so I'll go slowly...


    Read the transcripts and you will see...


    O'NEILL: Alan, yes, they are, Alan. It's two different places, Alan. One place is along the Mekong River, right in the heart of the delta. The second place is on the west coast of Cambodia at a place called Ha Tien, where the boundary is right along that border.


    Where Kerry was in Christmas of 1968 was on this river, the Mekong River. We got about 40 or 50 miles from the border. That's as close as we ran.


    Later, Kerry went, and I went, to a place called Bernique's Creek — that was our nickname for it — at Ha Tien. That was a canal system that ran close to the border, but that wasn't at Christmas for Kerry. That was later for him.


    So it's two separate places, Alan, and the story is correct.



  14. Here is one link to a CNN transcript on the story, O'Neill is caught saying this to President Nixon, on tape:


    O'Neill said no one could cross the border by river and he claimed in an audio tape that his publicist played to CNN that he, himself, had never been to Cambodia either. But in 1971, O'Neill said precisely the opposite to then President Richard Nixon."


    O'NEILL: I was in Cambodia, sir. I worked along the border on the water.


    NIXON: In a swift boat?


    O'NEILL: Yes, sir.



    CNN Transcript


    Here is another link where O-Neill was confronted with his own words:



    Apparently, when he said he was "in Cambodia" he obviously didn't mean that he was "in Cambodia".  See, it all depends on what your definition of "in" is. :lol:  :lol:




    Did you read this transcript? or Did you pull an Alan....


    Alan, read the next sentence.... :lol::lol:

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