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Posts posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. How's about the FDA website.  It's a lot to read and there are various reasons for the problems, but the FDA specifically points out repeatedly that there are several companies there manufactoring generics that they are not permitted or approved to make that are.  have fun with the facts. 






    Where do you get you info, since it obviously is made up?


    facts suck

  2. What proof do you have that this was an attempt at fraud?  How many machines were involved out of the total number of machines in use statewide in this election?  Were the votes on those machines all for one candidate?  How long would it take to register 700 votes on one of those machines?  When are machines usually reset after an election? 

    Lots of good questions and until they are answered, I don't think a belief one way or the other is justified at all.


    So you would think the Dems would want to support finding out what happened... right? who knows? maybe GWB may have gotten all those votes huh?


    Where exactly are the Dems on this issue?

  3. What it shows is that its really not that scary at all, in comparison. But yet the left will tell you its all GW's fault that its at 54 dollars a barrel. Facts suck, eh?


    One could argue that low oil prices tended to destabilze the Oil producing countries as it put pressure on their treasuries and what ever social programs they had. Saudi at one time had very progressive social programs (for the Region).


    Low revenues meant less for everyone (including the corrupt gov't) as a result the people have to blame someone for their troubles and the US becomes an easy target... The Saudi's encouraged this as it kept some of the heat off themselves...


    So higher Oil may not be all bad ( may help stabilize Mideast economies).... Or it could be very bad as some money may go to terrorist organizations..... no one knows for sure....

  4. Wait...you mean its NOT a diabolical scheme by GW and Halliburton to make them and their buddies all rich while sucking off the Saudis, who we apparently just became "friendly" with in 2000?


    One could argue that low oil prices tended to destabilze the Oil producing countries as it put pressure on their treasuries and what ever social programs they had. Saudi at one time had very progressive social programs (for the Region).


    Low revenues meant less for everyone (including the corrupt gov't) as a result the people have to blame someone for their troubles and the US becomes an easy target... The Saudi's encouraged this as it kept some of the heat off themselves...


    So higher Oil may not be all bad ( may help stabilize Mideast economies).... Or it could be very bad as some money may go to terrorist organizations..... no one knows for sure....

  5. Bush wins (prayerfully) :doh: ...don't ask for the state by state breakdown, because I don't know.


    Dim's immediately file blitz of lawsuits to further weaken our Democratic Republic. Bush eventually named winner, but the damage to our nation has been done.




    Kerry wins through voter fraud. Hopefully, Republicans DO NOT file lawsuits to challenge, but lick their wounds and deal with it and draft legislation to prevent voter fraud in further elections.


    Either way, the political parties continue to erode the faith of the American people through their validation of unethical and illegeal actions to retain or grasp the reins of power in our nation. In the meantime, the rest of the world laughs and continues to plot backroom deals and plots to ensure our destruction.


    Rome contunues to burn...


    Kerrys favorite lyrics...


    Send Lawyers Guns and Money..



    Bush's ...


    God bless America....



    just sums it up for me..

  6. Went to vote at the VFW post up at my corner. All woman workers, none under the age of 84.


    I went to my district table and pointed to my name in the book. The lady snapped " Just wait until I'm ready ! " ( no one else was there ) . After 30 seconds, she looks back up at me and asks " Your name ? " She is absolutely dripping with $3 perfume and I'm already starting to feel dizzy. I show her my drivers license and once again, pointing to my name . She looks at my picture like she was ex- CIA, completely suspicious. I see a button on her lapel but cannot quite make it out. Think it says " Win With Wilkie " but now I'm spinning from the perfume. She then drops my license on the floor and all hell breaks loose.


    I go to pick it up and I hear 2,3 other ladies say " Is everything OK ? " as they scramble over to see what's wrong. Now the lady says she can't find her glasses and not to sign my name until she finds him. Now I'm hacking from the perfume and some suggest calling an ambulance. Next think I know, the conversation switches to medic alert bracelets and no one will help me.  It's at least another 5 minutes until they all gain some composure and allow me to sign the book.


    Once in the booth, I vote but am too light headed to realize what levers I pull. My eyes are spinning. I'm on a mission to hit the door and get some fresh air. Can't concentrate at all. I get outside and must sit on the steps to clear my head.


    What are my legal rights ? Can't these voting places find anyone who wasn't born when William Howard Taft was President ? The smell inside that place was beyond belief !


    This voter was very intimidated. Absentee ballots from now on.  :doh:


    Thjta depends on who you voted for....

  7. I try to steer clear of discussing politics with co-workers, but with the election tomorrow it has come up a lot today.  I asked five pro-Kerry co-workers today why Kerry was getting their vote. Each and every one of their answers began "Because Bush......"


    One of the people I asked was eating lunch at the time.  I guess her answer shouldn't have come as too much of a surprise given the fact that she was having a hot pocket for lunch.  :doh:


    meatball & cheese or pepperoni?

  8. Bush sees the war on terror as a primarily military effort, with minimal "police" type work needed.  Kerry is just the opposite, viewing the war on terror as primarily a police effort with some military effort.


    You do realize that wars involve military forces that fight for what they believe in....


    The terrorist basically want to Kill all of us.... If they could have dropped a nuke they would have...


    In war you don't go and get a search warrant in order to fight people who have already attacvk you... Clinton failed to realize this and that is why we kept getting hit around the world until 911. Embassys were bombed, WTC was attacked, USS Cole was attacked...etc. all with token response... thies emboldened (sp) the enemy such that they planned and carried out 911.


    Bush said enough is enough! If you are a terrorist or harbor a terroist we will treat you the same.... The stakes are too high to sit and wait to be hit again!


    Wake up this is war and we have the best military in the world... time to use it to keep the Homeland safe.


    We win if we can dry up the pool of nations from which the terroist can hide and get sanctuary. And kill them before they kill us...

  9. and the count will be upwards of 2200 deaths, and we will still be faced with yellow, green, turquois, whatever threats every other month. 


    I take it you feel safer now that before, huh?


    What a joke.


    Let see...


    New Pro American Gov't in Afgahnistan.... No more terroist camps operating freely


    New Pro American Gov't in Iraq.... No more terroist training camps operating freely


    Libya has abandoned their WMD program... Agreed to denounce terror and pay damages..


    No terroist attacks on U.S, soil since 9/11..... No Embassy's attacked....


    Yeah I feel safer.... not safe, but safer,, the bad guys are on the run!!


    1100 service dead is tragic but most war planners probably planned for higher numbers. ..


    also to quote JFK.... ""Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty."

  10. funny, I was just coming on here to post that link!!  I hope history remains the same.  even so regardless of the redskins, the total voter tunrout will work for Kerry.  all the polls, are fopr LIKELY VOTERS!!!  they dont include people who've never voted before


    You are right... why bother voting.... libs take Tuesday off to celebrate...


    BTW it is likely registered voters

  11. Hot Pocket lovers unite!  Did you all know that one of the things John Kerry did during his 19 years in the Senate was vote against legislation that permitted microwaveable food to be prepared in under three minutes? He did this because his power company friends needed sandwiches to use up at least six minutes of microwaveable time. Globally speaking, that three minute drop in cook time...literally half the normal cook time...would cause their income to plummet faster than they could respond to the market change. And all the rich people would get poor.


    John Kerry sold himself to the power companies because he believed that you can receive nothing of value in three minutes. But alas, the legislation passed anyway, and after sampling one of EIGHT different varieties of Hot-Pockets (word was it was the meatball and cheese variety), realized he had made a mistake. Delicious goodness and your entire lifestory COULD be delivererd in under three minutes: power companies be damned.


    And thus John Kerry embraced the Hot Pockets, repeating that he NEVER stood in the way of faster cooking. And in turn, the Hot Pockets embraced John Kerry. For exactly three minutes. And that was that.


    It'll go down in history that way.


    I've suddenly lost my appetite

  12. But he has a PLAN.....I really hope Americans wake up and re-elect Bush.....Me personallly I hoped Ventura would have run....Even though he supports Kerry for some odd reason but has been really quiet about it.


    What was that plan again? oh yeah..


    Bush Bad.... Me good.




    To sum up Kerry.... Wrong Man, for the Wrong position at the wrong Time

  13. Did you actually just praise Bush for being smart because he admits that he has problems speaking the English language? And of course Arnold married well, he married a Democrat.  :(


    Yep looks like she is a Bush (discerning) Democrat and she is supporting what Arnold is doing... You see she was at the RNC.... Heard an interview with Arnold Today.. my opinion of Maria has gone up...

  14. Ah fear...its the way to live!


    Well, thats what the Bush administration believes in at any rate.  Any time Bush has dropped in the polls, sure enough, we go up to code orange or bright fuscia (or whatever the hell Tom Ridge pulls out this week).  Oh, and be assured that Cheney can come out and tell us that Bin Laden has been hanging out with Hussein, and they have built a chemical, nuclear, and biological superweapon...


    Sigh, sorry, just had to vent out my political opinions.  If Bush gets re-elected, Im moving to Canada.  Granted, Im already here for university, but still :(


    Yeah thats why Kerry talks about a draft... trying to scare you college boys.... even though the bill was introduced by a Democrat..Crangle and soundly defeated in congress...


    Trying to scare the seniors over Social security.... yet he has never introduced legislation to fix it...


    Nope no fear tactics there...

  15. I'm surprised you constipated neocons aren't freaking out over the implication that OBL saw F/911 ... making statements of surprise that Bush just sat there in the classroom while under attack.


    Were you thinking no-one noticed?


    Nope....He helped produce that propaganda with that whore moore....

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