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Posts posted by EC-Bills

  1. I heard today from a former NFL quarterback that the Seahawks wanted to trade for Marshawn Lynch and our 1st round draft pick but Bills "Nixed" it. Not sure what they offerred, but the way to "Build through the draft" is to stockpile picks.


    IMO, if the Bills had kept trading down we could have had Claussen, Cody or Williams at NT, as well as a LT instead of Spiller and Troup.


    I think that most people would have graded that draft an A versus the C that most gave the Bills.


    Building through the draft does not necessarily mean stockpiling picks. It means hitting on the picks you have. If Buddy didn't like the deal, then so be it. I like the players we got.


    Maybe it is just me, but I really don't understand the infatuation with Clausen. I never found him that impressive. He was passed over twice by us, that tells you the front office's opinion of him.


    Personally, I don't put much stock in these draft grades. You look back 3 years from now and then we'll see if these teams with "high" grades panned out.

  2. Wow. It must be tough for clean up the city boy to fall so far.


    An NFL team trades up to the 1st to get him and it is all downhill from there:


    • A DB breaks his leg
    • He struggles when he plays
    • He loses his job to a glove wearing Mary
    • He has to start his own league to get playing time
    • He gets traded out of his own league to the Raiders.


    And now this?


    How low can he go? At least he lost the scruffy beard.


  3. If prayer is so important for these people, why not get up 5 minutes earlier and pray with your kids? The public school systems already have enough problems to deal with. There is no need to throw this one in the pile.



    ... If people were reasonable and level-headed, those who didn't believe in prayer could just be silent. But there is always (a) a jackass parent who complains that their child is being forced to pray, or (b) a jackass teacher who forces a kid to pray or ostracizes a kid who doesn't.


    Don't forget the other kids who have been brought up to believe their religion is the one true religion and therefore will ostracize/taunt kids of different beliefs.

  4. After watching the entire draft by flipping back and forth I have to say the NFL channel out researched and outdid ESPN. Even losing Mayock today didn't bring them down,,,,ESPN did not seem organized and talked wayyyyyy too much about Clausen, Mcoy, et al


    The NFL Network has been out doing ESPN for many years now. I am so glad I switched. Substance over style.

  5. More professional discussion at NFL Network. I wonder if Rich Eisen looks at ESPN and laughs.


    Exactly. NFL Network is more substance compared to the flash ESPN moved to when I used to watch their draft coverage. I am about positive Eisen has to be laughing these days at the guys over there stuck with Steve Young :thumbsup:

  6. Agreed. It was nice when Mayock was there and the 2 would just go back and forth. You could really tell they both loved what they were doing and had the knowledge to back it up. I was enjoying watching the guy even before he gave our draft an "A" grade. He could actually give insight and make you feel like you learned something about the guy that was drafted.


    Late in the 7th round, they had a "stump the truck" thing going where they challenged the guys in the truck to get footage of the obscure guys being drafted. What was great, was Chavous had something to say about each guy regardless of whether the guys in the truck had anything. Even Mr Irrelevant, he had his stats and draft analysis. The guy was very well researched.


    I know we're not suppposed to go by what guys on TV say about our draft, but it does smake me feel more confident when someone so knowledgeable says it was a good draft. He didn't focus so much on the "value", i.e. where the the guy was drafted, but more on the abilities and potential of each individual that was picked. Which, IMO, is the way to analyze a pick - who cares where he was projected to go.


    I agree. He and Mayock made good tandem. I hope the NFL Network continues to pair them together with next year's draft.

  7. I was hoping the Bills would have taken LeFevour with this pick. I at this moment have to say this could be the worst draft in years for me. First they take Spiller, Area of need, huh. I would have been ok if they traded Lynch, but they did not. They have yet to take a QB. a good OT, Hell, I would have been happier if we took a DB than that last pick. We reached for Troup. We could have had so many better players than who we took. Campbell gets traded for peanuts. We suck. Now we know that Nix was in charge of last years draft taking Maybin. I am done.


    Are you people for real?!? Show some proof instead of coming up with a bunch of BS just because Buddy and co. didn't pick your guy.

  8. You sure have a lot of confidence in a franchise that has shown nothing to garner that confidence since what, 2002, and was only overshadowed by bone-headed first round picks by Denver, lol.


    Last I checked, we have a new front office with a guy who has a proven track record in finding talent. So I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt as opposed to the people who B word and moan every time they make a choice and it wasn't who they wanted.

  9. I am not sure since his post is totally incoherent, but it seems he is claiming we will have a bottom 5 salary this year?? Or is that previous years??


    I doubt even this year we will have a bottom five and we generally average around the middle of the pack on salaries. In any case, he is an idiot.


    I understand what he was trying to say, but you don't make the claim they picked a certain guy in the 2nd round just to save money. If the Bills were truely going the cheap route, they would have traded out of the 9th spot.

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