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Posts posted by EC-Bills

  1. Will give them a spin.


    But got two more peeves - it randomly shuts down during the day (reboots after power button is pressed) and battery drains too fast. I had Pandora running for 3 hrs yesterday and the battery was dead.


    I got my Captivate on Saturday. I haven't had the shutdown/reboot issue you are experiencing so there may be something up with that unit.


    I agree with the initial battery consumption. I think I have my battery life issue sorted out. Basically it will involve shutting down stuff you are not using. For instance, right now, I am not using Bluetooth or GPS so I have those items shut off. If I am not going to be doing anything online for a bit, I turn off both wi-fi and mobile data (I can still make/receive calls though). I also use Advanced Task Killer to whack apps.


    Here's a link to one set of tips regarding battery life:


  2. What you fail to realize is that Reagan would have never been able to turn the economy around if he didn't inherit Paul Volker from Carter. If Carter didn't have the foresight to appoint Volker in 1979, Reagan would be nothing more than an obscure reference in a Die Hard sequel.


    One of the few things Carter actually did right during his term.

  3. There's someone where I work - we call him the "phantom pooper". Every couple of months he strikes. He'll shove a whole roll of TP down the toilet to soak up all the water and make sure nothing can go down. Then he takes a giant dump on top of that. They've installed cameras at the doors to every men's room now.


    **** like that happens all the time here in the bathrooms at the University of Illinois.

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