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Posts posted by EC-Bills

  1. Just curious. What sort of multimedia work do you do?


    The group I mentioned above, it is just media players for web content. I also support a digital media group who use a variety of products: Adobe Premiere (they are hoping CS5 sucks less), rendering software (can't remember the names), etc. This group does AV production, media conversion/duplication, streaming to a name a few things.

  2. The problem is that much of Windows 7 is not designed for business productivity. I think a lot of IT experts would have a hard time justifying shelling out money for new OS to their bosses.


    What in the flying !@#$ are you talking about?!? Windows 7 *was* designed for business productivity! Why do you think they have Professional and Enterprise versions?

  3. 60 yards Dean. Sixty.


    May I introduce Buffalo's new running back...... Krystal "Trojan War Machine" Deveaux.


    I don't know, I think receiver might be an option. Just tape some Trojans to the football and toss it her way.

  4. Maybe that's *another* issue. We are still running XP.


    It all comes down to what and how things are installed. I have a single XP image (moving to a W7 image this summer) for my application development, web development, and sql reporting groups that does not have any issues. Apps include Creative Suite, Visual Studio, SQL Management Tools, Office, assortment of browsers, multimedia apps, etc.


    In general the usual breakdown of Windows issues is as follows:


    1. Overwhelming majority is due to crappy drivers (video, sound, etc.)

    2. Crappy software applications

    3. Faulty hardware (memory, hard drive, etc.)

    4. Actual OS bugs.

  5. I don't use Safari. I don't like it.

    I'm not running 10.6 either.

    All that I know is that I've been running mac's since 1988.and I haven't had a single problem with any malware,virus, or any other 'affliction' which seems pervasive on Windows architecture......


    Ah yes, the early days of the mac. No you didn't have to worry about malware you just had to deal with extension hell and crappy memory management. Thankfully they have progressed since those days. Although OSX really didn't become somewhat usable until 10.1.5 and much more usable with 10.2.


    I agree, Windows architecture pre-Vista blew major chunkage.

  6. Sometimes, I can prevent a reboot through task manager,sometimes the whole machine goes down. A hard freeze... I have to reboot.


    If there is a bluescreen, there should be a crash dump file in C:\Windows\minidump\ that your tech folks should be able to analyze to figure out the cause.

  7. At the end of the day, anything can be hacked. I do think that Apple is vigilant about keeping any malicious bugs from becoming a problem.


    FYI, that is not a wise assumption. Apple has sat on their asses just like other companies have when it comes to vulnerabilies.


    I deleted my initial post on this topic the other day as it was fueled by several glasses of wine, :rolleyes: but a few people replied in the meantime. Sorry if my participation in this thread got a bit out of hand......


    Not a bigee. I hope it was good wine though and not an old bottle of Boone's Farm Tickle Pink wine... :D

  8. Interesting. I use a PC at work. It's a 3GHZ Dell. (Or as I like to say: 'Smell')

    My six year old 1.8 GHZ G5 MAc absolutely shreds the PC in speed,and reliabilty.

    (I use the Mac for the Adobe Creative Suite 3) (Photoshop primarily)

    And yes, the PC freezes,and crashes several times a day and completely screws up my workflow.


    Out of curiousity, is the PC crash a blue screen or app crash?

  9. .......


    No virus attacks EVER in 22 years.That's all of the 'research' that I need.

    Keep drinking the Windoze Kool aid.......

    Better start saving for your next "service pack'.....



    Oh where to begin....


    1. Windoze koolaid?!? Give me a break, I support Windows: Servers and desktops as well as Macs at work. I have seen both sides of the argument and know better than to believe the fan boy hype of either side.


    2. Yes, there are more viruses out there for PC's. That's what you get for having the lead market share. Was XP lacking in security architecture? Undoubtedly. It was released in 2001 and the last major update was in 2004 w/SP2. That changed significantly with Vista (I am referring to the under the hood changes, the surface layer blew chunks) and the changes were further refined in Windows 7 with stuff *still* not present in OSX 10.6 (one example, lookup Address Space Layout Randomization). Linux and the BSDs already have it.


    There are many more threats out there besides viruses that the macs are susceptible too. Examples include: rootkits (osxrk, togroot and weaponx), fake codec trojans, keyloggers, etc. These days most bad guys are focusing on phishing scams/social engineering to pwn machines regardless of OS. Javascript is a common tool implment these attacks which Safari is especially vulnerable too. The geniuses at Apple sandboxed a portion of the apps on OSX to keep it from getting pwn'd (which is good), but they didn't do that with the cesspool known as Safari. Thus bad guys are still able to exploit vulnerable apps that Safari can open on the Mac. I can go on about other stuff such as LaunchD (the mother of all processes for OSX) exploits, etc. So things are not quite as peachy as you would like to believe.


    3. Paying for the next service pack?!? Oh that is rich. What the hell do you think OSX 10.6 is?!? It's a glorified service pack!

  10. Personally I feel the Deadlift is the best, same muscle groups in a more natural motion. But for someone to still pull this 'Squats are bad for the knees' stuff is someone that has not read the research nor put tons of plates on the bar, chalked up and SQUATTED!



    Look there are plenty of qualified strength coaches out there who disagree about having players do squats. For instance, the Vikings under Denny Green and Steelers in the mid 90's used hi-intensity training with Hammer equipment. One of the reasons cited to me at a conference back then was risk of injury. They said, try explaining to a head coach that their star player cannot play because he blew out a knee from squats when there are other effective exercises available.


    That being said, there are obviously other qualified strength coaches out their who feel differently (i.e. the new Bills staff). From my personal experience I knew Pat Moorer, now director of strength and conditioning at Louiville, back when he was at Illinois. In general, he believed in having his players do squats.


    Keep in mind, not every athlete is cut out for squats due to a variety of factors (i.e. morphology, injuries, etc.).

  11. Pasquarelli wasn't the only one who had a high grade on McCargo and Losman. Don't remember who it was, but it came out after the draft that one team about two or three picks back from where we got McCargo had been going to pick him.


    And all right, I get that you seem honest about this, but I hope you get that I don't trust stuff like this. We get so much of it here and on all other boards.


    The Giants were the team and I believe Ernie Acrosi (sp) was still the GM.

  12. Nor is imposing secular pro-gay beliefs on those who disagree. Just sayin.


    Actually it is about ensuring equal rights to all people not imposing pro-gay beliefs. You know, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Items that the constitution was constructed to ensure. Your beliefs would deny people of those rights.

  13. No, but you can be sure that if gay marraige reaches the Supreme Court, she'll render a decision in line with her kind.


    Or maybe she would render a decision based off the constitution and not off religious belief.


    You're obviously entitled to your view, but imposing religious beliefs on to others is not in the constitution.

  14. She's a lesbian (maybe). Who cares.


    Well, let's see...if she is a lesbian:


    1. The nuts on the right will be in a moral outrage because everyone should fall in line with their religious beliefs.


    2. The nuts on the left will want to glorify her for their own idiot agendas.


    Meanwhile , General Franco is still dead.

  15. Naw, this was a follow-up to him talking trash about Levi Brown who he knows because they both went to the same college (Troy). McKelvin said to Levi that he was going to intercept some of Levi's passes but turned out to never be on the field at the same time with him. But he got two off of Brohm and was happy about it. That's all, it's a non-issue.


    Looks like someone totally missed the innuendo...

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