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Posts posted by ATBNG

  1. Actually, what I am most curious about is what PLAYERS Crennel could possibly take with him to Cleveland. I've been searching, unsuccessfully, for a list of Patriot free agents, particularly on defense. It happens quite a bit, as you all know, so it really begs the question: Will Crennel take any key defensive players to be his vet leader in Cleveland?



    The only big unrestricted free agents are Vinatieri, Andruzzi and Patten. They'll probably keep the first two guys. I think Poole is also one but he's likely gone.


    Ty Law will likely be cut. His 10 million in cap space will be needed to pay the young guys. Brown is another candidate for release.


    The decisions on restricted free agents are more interesting. David Givens is a big one. Stephen Neal is another.


    Crennel does not have control over personnel decisions in Cleveland.


    I think that Mangini and Scarnecchia are their guys. Weis signed a five year deal - it's not that they didn't pay him, but they didn't rip up his contract and give him more money. Big difference. Mangini will get what is needed to keep him.

  2. The captains got introduced before the coin toss, so we'll have to settle for that.


    We did comment that this is the wave of the future - doing the individual intros is going to give a bored press an easy angle if you lose. It's also getting a little more unfair in this age of specialization (fullbacks who rarely play would get introduced, etc.), and it always was a little weird for a team to pick one starting unit over the other to get introduced.

  3. To be fair, Simon, when it comes to throwing bad picks, nobody throws a pick in the endzone like Tom Brady. Did it in the AFC Championship Game. Did it in the SB. Both were at critical junctures and had his defense not bailed him out, the only designation of MVP he would have earned would be Most Valuable Person who almost lost the game.


    Don't get me wrong. I think Brady is a quality quarterback who keeps getting better. But for the love of God, you at least need to acknowledge that without the D, Brady in big games is average at best.



    Among playoff quarterbacks with more than 150 passes attempted, Tom Brady currently has the lowest interception percentage of all time at 1.11.

  4. Uh, it wasn't made up. But it wasn't a direct quote since I can't find the link. It was paraphrased (as I said). The point he made was he didn't care about the rules, his job was to hurt WRs. It was discussed on this board when it happened. I saw it on SC and read it in print. It was not this year, (if you remember, Belichik had a talk with him in the preseason about reducing penalties and his "borderline" antics and he has towed the company line since then). I think it was during a PC in response to his hit on Rice when he got suspended.


    But obviously we are wrong since you know all. Forget the fact that the majority of NFL players think he is dirty (as polled by SI). Yeah, they don't know anything, they only play with the guy. :)



    I think that your paraphrased quote was potentially a little misleading. I would like to see what he actually said.


    I think there is a big distinction between trying to "hurt" someone and trying to "cripple" someone. If he said that he went out on the field trying to hurt other offensive players, he's just being honest. I think it is safe to say that every NFL player (except maybe the QB's, P's, K's, holders and WR's) goes into each game expecting, anticipating and welcoming contact. It is a violent game.


    I don't think I know it all, but I think that it is wrong to judge Harrison the person based on Harrison the football player. Let's look at Reuben Brown. I thought what he did last year at the end of the season was an absolute disgrace from a football/team perspective. However, I would never say that Brown is a terrible person because I know he does a lot for charity and is a real stand up guy off the field. Frankly, it seems as though Reuben is a very good person. I think it is important to distinguish between Lawrence Taylors and Barrett Robbins's versus Rodney Harrisons and Reuben Browns.


    Take a look at Drew Bledsoe. His character is praised to the hills on here (even posters who don't like him will often qualify their comments by saying "he's a nice guy). Yet a young woman ended up with permanent spinal damage because of his and his two buddies reckless behavior at a concert. If Rodney is a "terrible person," then what is Drew?


    Globe had a good article on Harrison today for any who would be interested. Yes, the Tatum double standard is broached by the writer.


    Harrison Bio

  5. Does someone with "character" try to injure his co-workers, even if they work for another company?  He's dirty.  End of story.



    Let's nip this in the bud right now. Tgreg has made up a quote, which you're now running with. Get an actual quote and then this discussion can continue fairly.


    Now, having said that.......


    Do you think that all boxers are of inferior character?


    Football is a violent sport. Harrison is a strong safety. You would be hard pressed to find another strong safety in the league who felt differently in terms of what his job is when he steps on the field. The ones that don't aren't making it to the NFL. What do you think happens when NFL teams attempt to "play physically?"

  6. If he wasn't a Pat, you would feel the same way too. Thing is, if he were a Bill I would still despise him.


    I'm not denying his talent, he's clearly a very good player. But he is a terrible human being.


    Terrible human being? Are you really in a position to make this judgment?


    He is one of the most respectful athletes I have ever seen when dealing with the media and fans. His teammates and the coaching staff hold him in high regard (Belichick and Seymour both specifically mentioned how crucial he was after last year's championship). He's a family man and a very hard worker.


    I maintain that he would be the most popular player on the Bills if he were on your team. I understand why other teams' fans would not like Rodney Harrison the football player, but maligning his entire character based on your perception of his onfield play is unreasonable.

  7. Dude, I am disappointed in avatar. I want more Donahoe action. Also, if you are interested in typing more things up could you please talk about the relative merits of Hugh Millen and Scott Zolak?



    Why not Marc Wilson?


    1990 - ick. The Pats manage to win one game all season (week 2) and even that game is tarnished greatly by their backup tight end sexually harassing a reporter in the aftermath. Wilson perpetuated some of the worst QBing in the history of the sport during the campaign. Rod Rust, as exciting as his name, gets fired at the end of the season


    1991 - Pats hire Western NY legend Dick MacPherson to be the head coach. Team is improbably frisky all season (beating Houston on a ludicrous last second pass by Millen to Greg McMurtry where two defensive backs ran into one another was the highlight) and they go a pleasant 6-10. Lots of hugging by MacPherson. Still no more than one sellout. Marv Cook-mania does not catch fire.


    1992 - ugh. Pats start 0-10, MacPherson almost dies of a heart attack and New England coach-for-life Dante Scarnecchia (he's assisted under four different owners and five different head coaches here) takes over. Zolak comes in for the 11th game against Indianapolis and they win a wild shootout while NBC makes a zillion rather irresponsible Joe Montana comparisons (they went to the same high school). After a sterling two game winning streak, they get destroyed in the last four games. MacPherson gets fired and James Orthwein hires Bill Parcells, who then proceeds to turn the franchise around indelibly.



  8. As of last year according to Gil Brandt, Lodish still had the record at 6, so I think that that must not have changed.


    Brandt article


    On the New England side they have four players going for the fourth time (Bruschi, T. Johnson, McGinest, Vinatieri). Brown didn't play in '96 and Law won't play this year.


    This will be Belichick's sixth appearance - 3 as an assistant and 3 as a head coach.

  9. The AFC was the dominant conference this year with a 44-20 advantage head to head and over 500 points more in those 64 games (over a TD per game). We had three 9-7 teams not make the playoffs (including you guys) and they had two 8-8 teams that made it.


    Philly was clearly the best NFC team this season, but how would they have fared playing a schedule where they had 12 AFC games? Would they be up there with the New Englands and Pitsburghs, or more middle tier (Indy and San Diego), or wild card level (Jets and Denver), or with the good teams that didn't get in (Buffalo, Baltimore and Jacksonville)?


    Probably something that is impossible to argue rationally, but what is your gut feeling?

  10. Top Ten is a stretch.


    He REALLY IS a system QB gang.  To some degree all players are.  Give the guy credit for hard work and improvement, but please, its the system.  You don't think Belichek would be winning SBs with Manning?  With Manning they would simply do next day delivery and cancel the game.


    Flame away, but in my mind Montana is the same animal.  Is it a coincidence that he is HOF, and that Steve Young will be voted in this year?  No coincidence.  Heh, give these guys credit for sure, but lets stop the B.O.A.T. cr@p if you don't mind.



    Belichick's career record as a HC broken in two:


    Before Brady: 42-58 (inc. 1-1 playoffs)

    After Brady: 56-14 (inc. 8-0 playoffs)


    If "the system" is responsible for Brady's success, then why the above numbers? Why didn't Kosar, Vinnie and Drew garner victories at an 80% clip?


    BTW, I don't think it is right to put Brady in the top three, ten or whatever, nor should you discount him now. I think you should evaluate careers when they are over. He has the opportunity to win championships like no other QB before him because of his age and accomplishments thus far, but let's see how it plays out first (starting with the game 13 days from now).

  11. I never said what they did yesterday was running up the score.  But to say that the Pats organization is classy and doesn't do things like that, that's the part I scoffed at.


    When did Belichek join the Pats?  '99?





    Parcells 93-96

    Carroll 97-99

    Belichick 00-04


    The premise of this thread is extraordinarily asinine.

  12. What is curious about Tom Brady is that he was not a great college QB.  In fact he was Drew Henson's backup at Michigan.  There was nothing in his past that would indicate he would become any good.  It was like one day he woke up and <poof> he's a great QB.  Makes me scratch my head.





    Brady was never Henson's backup. Brady started 25 games in their overlap period in 1998 and 1999. I think you're confusing Henson with Brian Griese, who did start over Brady in '96 and '97.

  13. I'd rather lose Crennel than Mangini. Mangini has to end up getting a DC opportunity after the job he has done with their secondary. Crennel has been terrific but Mangini is a future star in the league and it would be great for the Pats if he could get his promotion in-house. I suspect Weis's shoes will be harder to fill - Saban grabbed Linehan already, and he was probably the top candidate.

  14. I don't begrudge Lawyer Milloy for his 2003 decision for one second. The Patriots gave him a choice (take a pay cut or be cut) and he chose to get cut. Seeing that he ended up making significantly more money by going to Buffalo than he would have by staying, how can anyone possibly fault him?


    Football players play in a dangerous sport where they're always just one play away from losing their livelihood for life (and often don't have guaranteed money to fall back on).


    Lawyer is a great guy and I will always be a fan of his for his leadership, attitude and generosity towards the fans here as well as to charities. As a fan I think it is important to be objective about the business decisions that players need to make. I would have done the same thing if I was Lawyer.


    From the Pats' perspective, they ended up getting a better younger player for less money (Wilson), so they could hardly be faulted either. Football is a tough business, but ultimately I think that all parties made the correct decisions in those negotiations. Because Lawyer was such an emotional leader for New England and because he was so close to Belichick early in his career, I think that a certain amount of bitterness is natural and normal.


    The only thing I would question is his assertion that the Patriots are stingy. They have spent to the limit of the cap every year since Kraft has been the owner. The difference is that they pay less for players 1-10 and more for players 20-45 than other organizations. The maximum amount of dollars goes from ownership to the entire team.

  15. Also the guy who says "Is anybody a marine biologist?"



    :blink: What an episode!


    I also recall one where LD was counting out a boxer on television.


    I can't wait until Season Four comes out - those episodes are the creme de la creme.

  16. I've never been a big fan of the artist in general, but "Sick of Myself" by Matthew Sweet has always been one of my favorite "rockin'" songs.


    As far as Sugar goes, how about "My Favorite Thing?"


    Another good rocking Pixies song is "Crackity Jones." That song smoldered live.


    The guilty pleasure entry is "Panama" by Van Halen. For some reason, that riff always gets in my head when I'm skiing.

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