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Posts posted by ATBNG

  1. I think that there will be some conditional deal, but it's not going to have huge escalator clauses based on yards. 5th, upgraded to a fourth if he rushes for 750 yards and/or has 1000 total yards.


    Teams will indeed recognize that the 750 yards won't be worth much if he is missing one or two blocks a game that causes the quarterback to take needless shots.

  2. Fifth---conditional fourth, which I've said all along. Henry is not a starting caliber running back in the NFL, and he would be a woeful third down back due to his poor blocking and catching skills. Yards impress roto players, but film tells the real story of Travis Henry to GM's and coaches.


    I don't think this strategy makes much sense. Buffalo I think should focus on getting younger on defense in this year's draft. The defense has played quite well the past two years but is getting old by NFL standards, and seems to be missing something in crunch time. A couple young guys who could be worked into the defensive line rotation and secondary on 20/30% of the plays I think will be Donahoe's strategy.


    I still think Donahoe has made some big blunders on high level decisions, but the way he built that lower third of the roster last year impressed me greatly. I'm looking forward to seeing what he does on draft day.

  3. Apparently the poor sports in Boston do.  I think it's hysterical that a Yankee fan did that.  To not honor his request would be bush league.



    As a Boston resident and diehard Sox fan, I completely agree with you. I thought it was awesome/brilliant.


    It was in no way "vulgar", and if they had an ounce of creativity the Fleet management could have had a lot of fun with it and made a ton of money for charity. Instead they look ridiculous - people who manage a multi-million dollar playground shouldn't take themselves so seriously.

  4. I could definitely see him going to Dallas. They have a ton of cash. Law, Muhamad, all these guys will flock over there.



    Parcells wanted to draft Muhammed out of college. This was part of the reason he left the Pats in '96 - because Terry Glenn was foisted upon him when he wanted Brackens and Muhammed.

  5. That's because no one wanted to wait.  The Bills probably would have made Weis their next HC otherwise.



    We've gone from "would have" to "probably," so that's improvement, but I think you're still incorrect.


    If one of them blew away an organization in their interview, Crennel and/or Weis would have gotten a job in early 2004. That didn't happen, so draw your own conclusions. Time probably was a factor, but stating that it was unequivocally the reason that both weren't hired is flat out wrong.


    I don't believe for a second that Donahoe was hiring Weis if the Patriots had lost to Tennessee last year.

  6. The level of pay Brady is at versus the level that a guy like Teddy Bruschi receives is vastly different. That's to say nothing of their endorsement worth.  Brady's almost guaranteed an endless stream of revenue for the rest of his life as the second coming of Joe Montana.


    Bruschi is an All-Pro.  He has arguably been the key to the Pats defensive scheme which is the main reason they won those first two Super Bowls.  Nobody throws their body around with more abandon than Bruschi.  If anybody deserves the money, it's him.


      He decided he could live with the kind of money a decent NFL offensive guard makes.  I'm sure he isn't broke by any means, but his career is over now and he had the opportunity to cash in last spring.  As enraged as people were over Lawyer Milloy's comments about SB rings not feeding the family, I think the Bruschi situation is exactly what Milloy was talking about.  It's one thing to give a hometeam discount, but to play for half of your worth is f'ing stupid.


    Bruschi's career isn't over until he says it is over. I grant that he has a tough road back, but let's see what happens. He has the heart of a lion.


    In retrospect, Bruschi may have done a very smart thing by taking a bonus-heavy contract with a high percentage of guaranteed money. He has played one year of a 4 year deal, but has received well over 50% of the money in the contract from it.


    Let's not forget this last season was his best as a pro by a longshot.

  7. Vinatieri's longest FG of the year was 48, same as last year. That tells me his coach does not have confidence in him to make the long ones. (The same coach who watches the guy practice) Thats not great. Vinatieri feels like another Lindell, except maybe a little better. Now let me point out that I don't think Vinatieri is a bad kicker right out. However I will say there are at least 10 better kickers than him in the league, probably more.


    Lets aproach this another way....

    of 5 kickers who is the worst:

    Paul Edinger

    Adam Vinatieri

    John Kasay

    Shayne Graham

    Ryan Longwell


    I say Vinatieri


    This post is flabbergasting.


    Belichick has all the confidence in the world in Vinatieri. The team does go for it in a lot of close situations inside the 50 where other teams might not because the team's execution is very good in short yardage situations (and the defense is good as well), and because 7 is more than 3. Equating that to a lack of confidence because his longest FG all year was 48 yards is frankly baffling.


    There is no way that any of those kickers are better than Vinatieri.


    It was though good to learn that Belichick watches Vinatieri in practice.

  8. That is the reason I brought it up in the first place.  He was not drafted very high and wasn't spectacular the first few years. 


    I know young people have strokes, and I do not mean to offend anyone.  It was just the first thing that came to mind when I heard it. :rolleyes:  I just find the timing very odd.  You'd think it would have happened on the field. 


    I also think it is odd that Troy Brown, who was never a great WR, could play both ways as well as he did.  But that is for another thread...



    They have gotten better over the course of their careers. They are both intelligent football players who work very hard and have made themselves better as they have gained experience. Bruschi has had to go from a DE in college to an OLB to a MLB - naturally there would be a learning curve.


    There is nothing "odd" about it. Go back and look at any draft and teams misfire on all sorts of guys. Other guys get drafted late and turn out to be great. The draft is for the most part a crapshoot.


    Everyone is different (for better and for worse) when they are 30 compared to when they are 21. The class valedictorian is not necessarily the most successful graduate ten years later, and it is rarely because the other person "cheated."

  9. Part of me wonders if there's not some "under the table" stuff going on....  It happened with the T'Wolves several years ago and at the time, a lot of players/coaches said something along the lines of, "That happens all the time, but the T'Wolves were stupid because they documented it."


    Food for thought.





    The Patriots can pay Pioli as much as they want. They can pay Mangini as much as they want. There's no salary cap for coaches and GMs.


    I don't think you have any point at all, frankly.

  10. Patten had a very nice year for New England, but I think that he is definitely on the decline. He is definitely a classic outside speed receiver. He's not very effective over the middle or in the slot. He's getting up there in age as well so I fear his speed may betray him sooner rather than later. He also doesn't play specials. Real good guy though with a humble, positive attitude.


    I think that Moulds is still #1, but Branch is coming on fast. Branch is an incredibly intuitive receiver and is getting better and better very quickly. I'd expect Branch to pass Moulds next year. I also have a ton of respect for Chambers - he hasn't exactly had the baddest gunslingers in the West throwing him the rock in his career.

  11. I've been to lots of concerts. <_<


    Seeing other large people stage at shows dive doesn't make what Max and Drew did any less irresponsible or reckless. I mean - this was just like drinking and driving. They didn't mean to hurt anyone, but the choices they made ended up doing so.


    When you're a gigantic human being like these two are, you just have to be aware of what type of forces you're able to create with your size. Zolak managed to do the right thing. Max and Drew not doing so does indeed say something about them as people.

  12. He was stage diving. Not having sex with 15 year old girls, stealing, drinking and driving, stealing etc. etc. etc. - stupid yes, bad character? no.


    Johnny  - I lived on Babcock street, where did you live?



    I say bad character yes on this one. It goes beyond doing something "stupid." When you're the size of these two guys and you propel yourself into a crowd of people that consists of kids that are a third your size, you're recklessly endangering other people.


    This was very similar to drinking and driving - same idea without a car involved.

  13. He was stage-diving with Max Lane (I think it was Max Lane) at an Everclear show at a club called The Paradise on Comm Ave here in Boston.  I lived right across the street at the time.  One of them landed on a girl at the show.  The club was shut down for awhile.  Bledsoe caught a lot of sh-- for it.



    Lane is correct. Scott Zolak also was there but reportedly did not stage dive. I never remember them reporting which of the two actually caused the girl's injury (they both ended up paying 500 K in damages), but she had major damage to her vertabrae.


    I also contend that going off to Montana to decompress every offseason is hardly giving one's all to one's team. This player is not a good example in the NFL of a player that eats, sleeps and breathes football.

  14. Actually, what I am most curious about is what PLAYERS Crennel could possibly take with him to Cleveland. I've been searching, unsuccessfully, for a list of Patriot free agents, particularly on defense. It happens quite a bit, as you all know, so it really begs the question: Will Crennel take any key defensive players to be his vet leader in Cleveland?



    Here's the list of Pats FA's LABF.


    Unrestricted free agents:


    RB Rabih Abdullah


    OG Joe Andruzzi


    S Je'rod Cherry


    LB/S Don Davis


    WR Kevin Kasper


    OT Adrian Klemm


    QB Jim Miller


    FB Patrick Pass


    WR David Patten


    K Adam Vinatieri


    Restricted free agents:


    OT Tom Ashworth


    WR David Givens


    DL Jarvis Green


    OG Stephen Neal

  15. The NFL put that "negotiable" MNF schedule out there in the latest deals. Is that starting next year? I assume no because the current TV deals run through next season. If so though, they'll be less game to go around. All teams that have a winning record should get one Monday night game.


    I wonder if they have a formula (say 7 AFC games, 7 NFC games, 2 interconference, 2 optional) for balancing who gets to play on MNF. I've never really paid attention. If they do balance between conferences, Buffalo and Jacksonville probably are going to get shafted because I can't imagine New England, Pittsburgh, and Indy not getting three games, and all those crappy 8-8 and 7-9 NFC teams will get more exposure than they deserve. Plus Baltimore gets lots of love from the networks due to Mr. Miked Up at MLB.


    My guess is that the Bills play at the NYJ. That seems about right. Maybe they will get a home Sunday night game Columbus Day weekend (to help accommodate fans with a long drive to the game).


    Fairly or unfairly, the NFL might see the Bills as a risky prime time prospect if the QB situation is very unsettled at the time of scheduling.

  16. so you think the pats will offer him over a million?


    because it sounds like he will get that kind of offer from miami, and possibly cleveland.....



    I think they will give him what he wants - yes. Money won't be an issue. They've invested enough in developing him that they're not going to lose him over $250,000 per year.

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