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NorCal Aaron

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Posts posted by NorCal Aaron

  1. That area of PA has an accent that sounds like a Canadian accent minus the ay's and abouts. Jim Kelly is one example of that accent. My guess is that has is something to do with the Scottish and Irish settling in both places (CA. and PA.).


    That very same Great Lakes accent is common in the Cleveland area. In fact, some Cleveland people have a very pronounced way of saying huh. It is very nasal and very extended. I used to live in Ohio. There are clear differences between north, central and southern Ohio. By the time you get to Columbus you run into southern and Appalachian accents. One example is that some would say please instead of excuse me or pardon me.


    I read an article a few years ago that the nasal twang as it is known in Buffalo is due to (blamed on) the Germans. However, there have been a large influx of numerous accents in Buffalo and the Great Lake region primarily from Europe.


    Some other accent and language differences:


    In Buffalo, we say orange like orenge whereas in the eastern part of the state they say it like arenge. My sister was taking acting lessens a number of years ago and they were teaching that the eastern accent is "correct".


    It is widely known that in Buffalo and the north we say pop whereas most others say soda, then clarify which one. In the south, they call it all Coke. Also in the south some say RC (the cola) like "Are-a" C!


    Buffalo people still say something is "corny". It sounds so "Leave It To Beaver"! I don't know of anybody from anywhere else that uses that expression.


    I never noticed it until a friend in California pointed it out but I say "I would like a cupa coffee" instead of a cup of coffee. When we are so used to our own accent it isn't clear to what degree we standout. The Buffalo accent is similar to those throughout the Great Lakes but we also have the influence of being close to Canada and NYC. I have had people confuse my accent with Boston. I went down to Knoxville, Tennessee a number of years back and the locals were all over my accent!


    I meet a lot of people from all over with my job. Sometimes, I can pick off where people are from after about three words. Intoxication brings out the old accents!


    So endeth the lesson.

  2. I say give Brohm the last 3-4 games if he is able to pick up the scheme. As suggested in the other thread, assess the best tackles in the UFL and sign them for the remainder of the season. Sure, it's the minor league minus the Lackawanna Lions, but how many of the lineman that have suited up for the Bills this year would make a dent on the Tuskers or Locos?


    Drop the Poz to OLB talk. He isn't quick enough to make a difference when unimpeded in the middle, so how is he going to man up on a big athletic end or explode off the edge? The thought of him being enveloped by real NFL tackles, as opposed to the pseudo variety the Bills trot out, puts no steam in my step.


    The Whitner discussion has been exhausted. You lose nothing with Wilson or Byrd replacing him.


    The Peters discussion has been exhausted. He wanted more money than the Bills would pony up and frankly more money than he was worth. The fact that he deliberately half-assed his play is grounds enough for dismissal, particularly when your job is to protect the most vital position on the squad. He's good, but the business decision to deal him was sound. The lack of foresight regarding genuine replacements for him was purely amateur night on the part of the administration.


    TO was an interesting experiment. He still has it. My limited visual perspective has made it difficult to see what others testify to saying: that he is open most of the game. I'd like him back, but obviously he won't. At this juncture, would he be amenable to being part of a salvage operation where baring the quickest turnaround (ala Falcons and Dolphins), he'd suffer through another couple of disappointing seasons before the Bills could be relevant (assuming they ever will be relevant). How much would you pay for his services, knowing that he wouldn't be a bargain and that you still have to evaluate several younger guys. Assuming Terrell buys into the prospect of staying because of low wear and tear practice regimen and club sanctioned space to build the TO brand, does the new regime want him around? Will the new regime be more physically demanding and thus less palatable for a 36 year old aging receiver? Will there even be a new regime or do us as Bills lemmings just repeat the phrase "when the new regime comes..."and nod to each other to assuage the pain?

  3. I'm from the Falls but grew up on Long Island. I don't have an WNY accent but all my grade school teachers thought I was from the Mid-West due to the way they heard my 'R's' - I guess in contrast to native LIers (as depicted in Albany's story).


    I wouldn't call the Buffalo area accent 'effeminate'; but having gone to college in Minneapolis with quite a few folks from Chi-town, the accents are discernibly different.


    When spending summers in the Falls as a kid, I would tease my cousin when he would say the word 'bike' : 'boyk'.

  4. when i first joined this board last year, the bills were on top of the world and i offered my thoughts as to why jauron would be the team's weak link and cost them a successful season -i made it clear that jauron's gameday incompetence and general stupidity would override any talent the team had. well, that proved to be very true. at that time i brought up the name chris petersen.


    Scott Peterson.

  5. Shanny please. That dude has a consistent scheme. Give him the keys. I wasn't ever impressed with Holmgren's Hawks. Cowher has the right intensity, but was he also the beneficiary of being swaddled in a stable organization with sound football practices? If you want youth, bring in Gruden with a real football GM.

  6. The Niners game was a decent game action-wise and competitive for a while. Some good players were showcased: Gore, Willis, Johnson.


    The other game in our area was Bears/Cards (why I don't know) which was switched to a better Bucs/Packers.

  7. It is a game ball from the 93'. The Saturday before the Raiders game that December, Jerry Crafts got me in the locker room and I got the signatures of most all of that 93' team in silver sharpie on a game ball.


    Any ideas on how much I should ask for it?

    Funny. I just found a VHS tape of that Raiders/Bills tilt ( one point Bills loss) while rummaging around the storage unit last week.


    I have no idea how much the ball will garner, but a few things to consider:


    1. The market for Bills stuff has been suppressed a bit cause they suck. I have a mid-60's Bills bobblehead with original box that I want to sell, but I keep waiting for the right time to post it (in order to ride an enthusiasm wave). I intended to post it coinciding with opening week to cash in on the TO/hope springs eternal vibe, but I forgot. Now I'm afraid that getting maximum value would be like trying to seal the deal with a flirting hottie once she catches wind that you have herpes.


    2. Do you have proof the signatures are real - like a picture of you with Crafts and the ball? Or a pic of any players signing? Some folks would be reluctant to pay a lot for memorabilia that doesn't have some measure of official authenticity. I have a 1978 autographed NY Yankees ball that a teacher gave me while growing up on Long Island. He knew the equipment guy. The problem I have found is that it costs a mint to have the ball verified by sports graders, so I've refrained from selling it.


    Your ball is a cool item from a glory era, so everything I've said may be full of shiite since plenty of nostalgic fans would jump all over it given the pathetic state of Bills football.

  8. I'm watching this game right now courtesy of Sunday Ticket.


    A couple of thoughts:


    1.) Frank Gore is a beast. Lynch is an imposter compared to Gore. He just slashed through the Titans defense for a touchdown. He's faster than Lynch, and does not do all of the juking and jiving that Lynch likes to do. He makes a decision, and goes.


    2.) It looks like Smith might be starting to show some reasons why he was drafted in the first round as a QB. He just hit Vernon Davis on like a 40-50 yard bullet.


    3.) Singletary oozes football. What an amazing coach. He has changed the culture in San Fran and is starting to rebuild some of that old grind and toughness that he played with when manning the middle of the Bears defense for so many years. The 49'ers are starting to look like they did back when Owens, and Garcia last played for them. Always loved the 9'ers 80's colors, too.


    I'd be a 49'ers fan if the Bills did not exist or ever moved.


    Now, the 49'ers are clearly not as good as they used to be under Montana and Young, but they are rebounding. All within a decade.


    What is the Bills problem?


    Singletary's enthusiasm is contagious. He won't tolerate players that don't go full-tilt. He has improved the environment in Santa Clara. But, while his emphasis on physicality is welcome on any club, the jury is still out as to whether he has the skills or flexibility with the X&0s. He has made some questionable decisions on the sideline this year that may be attributed to status as a new head coach, or may be a reflection of his limitations as a strategist. It will be fun to see him progress.


    Smith was completely mismanaged from the get-go. He may not have been deserving of his draft status, but Mike Nolan abused this kid. He may still become a serviceable NFL quarterback.


    The Niners would be one of a few teams I would follow if the Bills left WNY. Less because I live in the City, and more because the Niners are the last remaining team whose origins lie in the AAFC (along with the first Buffalo Bisons/Bills team).


    Every Niners game I watch further affirms that Patrick Willis is a complete stud, Spikes is still a decent player, and that the Bills barely have two NFL quality backers.


    The Titans will beat the Bills. Young is the question mark though. He has an arm, but its anyone's guess who'll catch the ball when he throws it. Chris Johnson is scary good.

  9. I really could care less what Mike Leach says. They're just words. Do you think that he knows outside of the military academies, A&M provides more commissioned officers than any other school. No, because he knows nothing besides football. When he makes a comment about anything else, he sounds like a complete idiot. I could care less what this mental midget says. His program has peaked and now it's going back down, and all he can do is cry. Pete Carroll is a head football coach, Mike Leach is a head football coach, when you introduce the concepts of success and class, that is where Leach falls short. What part of that comparison do you not understand, Senator?


    Texas Tech WAS in the national spotlight. Now they're 5-3 about to go 5-4 after losing to Oklahoma State this week. His pirate ship is taking on water fast. In their two great seasons under Leach they got totally exposed by SEC schools, Bama shutting them down and then Ole Miss "upsetting" them last year by outgaining their vaunted offense.


    hook em!

  10. I can't think of a reason off of the top of my head why this game would be shown in the OAK/SF market, but there it is.


    The 49ers are the early game and the Raiders are blacked out. Fewer teams playing with this weeks bye, and Carolina is one of the 9ers rivals in the NFC West is the best that I can come up with.


    During their run in the late 80's and a good portion of the 1990s, the Bills were routinely (almost weekly at times) put on as the early game when the Niners played at home or on the late game. When the Raiders returned to Oakland, the Bills got play when Al's boys were blacked out.

  11. I live in a relatively new house - built 7 years ago. I'm always looking for ways to save money (like setting the thermostat to 59F when we're not home :wallbash: ), and a coworker mentioned the 3M insulation for windows. I remember my parents used to always put plastic up over the windows as well, but I wonder if it really makes that much of a difference.


    I'm thinking about buying this as a test:



    Just wondering if anyone here uses this in cold climates, and whether it actually does help with anything. I feel cold coming from the windows/doors, but I'm not sure if it's just radiating cold or if there are actually holes/drafts that are coming through - probably a combination. Does the stuff actually help with the radiating cold? I'm assuming it's just for drafts. Just wondering how helpful it really is and whether I'd make my money back. :rolleyes:


    When I lived in Minneapolis, I used to slap up the plastic my the room to cut the draft during the winter. I was pleased with the results though it was still too f'in cold.

  12. I'd be more than happy if the Bills moved, were subsequently replaced by a new organization with the same name, and won a SB shortly thereafter.


    A total colon cleanse of the offending front office, retention of the approximately 15 years of palatable history out of 50, and new duds that replace the current base atrocities.


    Win - win - win.


    Think Ozzy is available.

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