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NorCal Aaron

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Posts posted by NorCal Aaron

  1. I loved Nixon as a player, and that era of Bills football (79-81) is my all-time favorite Bills era..


    Me too. You think you have the next Juice in Terry Miller when he busts 250 on the G'ints, then you upgrade with Cribbs.


    I think the 80 season conclusion was worse than the 90 season result.


    God I love that blue pants and white jersey combo.

  2. Why would you care? Ralph can afford it and the guy will be cut if he can't play. The least of our worries is Ralph's rather large wallet. We need to make the playoffs once.


    The rationale has been explained multiple times earlier in the thread. I don't care about Ralph's money. He's been willing to pay the wrong players in the past and overpaying for marginal talent or unmotivated players doesn't get the Bills closer to the playoffs.


    What it does is leave the team in the same pathetic state, with increased ridicule from the rest of the league, and less willingness to throw cash at deserving players on the roster.


    I like the Davis pick and price. I'd like to see the numbers for Edwards.

  3. Why do you care how much they paid for him?

    Personally I don't. But as a fan who's seen the crappy team he supports overpay for mediocre performance in the near past, I fear more of the same. Dwan Edwards may be a solid player, or he may have been the beneficiary of playing on the Ravens. Edwards has a solid track record and was had for a fair price.

  4. The only reasons I can think of is the injury concern and the fact that a lot of Ravens' defensive players production drops off a cliff after thy leave B'more. Edwards is a very solid addition at a reasonable price. But if he got paid like a top DE, it could possible hurt the Bills when they have to talk contract with another player like when Kelsay got paid and they had to re-do Schobel.

    Thanks for the assist.

  5. I have no problem with speculation. In fact, I do it myself all the time. But when people read something that says "the Bills would be wise to get what they can for Whitner," then turn around and tweet him that "hey, so-and-so says you're getting traded," that's a misread.


    Some columnist quipped that JaCarcass Russell should seek treatment for lethargy (due to his legendary lack of a work ethic).


    A local tv sportscaster here in the Bay then reports that JaCarcass is actually in treatment for lethargy (which apparently explains his slothfulness on the field and off).


    One comment, prognostication, or flippant comment and we're off to the races. I love having access to all this 'information'.

  6. It just occurred to me that a few here have met and drank and laughed with one of my very best friends, and my surrogate little brother, Andrew Miller. He was a semi-regular at the North Star for many years. He would come there, usually late, with his Jets fan wife Chris.


    If you watched games at the Star over the past 15 years or so, you probably have met Drew Miller. He was a big, silly and affable lug and one of the nicest souls you can imagine.


    This past Monday Drew went to the gym during his lunch break (something he did on a regular basis) and suffered a massive and fatal heart attack. He was 47 years young. His life may have been short, but it was very full and productive. He left behind the wife/girlfriend/companion of his entire adult life, Chrissy.


    I believe Chris will be a the North Star on Tuesday to watch the Sabres game and celebrate Drew with some of his Bay Area friends. If you knew him, or know Chris, you may want to stop by and have a drink. I wish I could be there, too.


    I'm at a loss.

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