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NorCal Aaron

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Posts posted by NorCal Aaron

  1. Dean,

    I have to say I think your contempt for EVH as a soloist is unfounded. He has a lot of memorable offerings like "Eruption", "Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love" and "Little Dreamer."


    He'll never the emotive soloist like Gilmore, but he's not purely a shredder like Mahlsteem, who bores me to tears after the 1st minute.


    EVH rips on Fair Warning.

  2. There are two kinds of Polish women: the ones that are blond, blue-eyed, slender and devastatingly beautiful...and the ones that look like shotputters from the East German Olympic team after testosterone therapy. I got to date the first kind when I was a young lad. She just landed in the USA and could not speak a word of English. Luckily I spoke some, though poorly. Let's just say my Polish improved dramatically in a just a few weeks, especially the words my mom never taught me.




    I'm was definitely into the first kind before I got married - I'm smitten by that Polish-Aussie on 'Chuck'.

  3. Was dragged kicking and screaming to the original 'Chorus Line' on Broadway in the 70's. Vowed to hate it and was mesmerized - the music was booming and the dancing athletic as hell (singing wasn't bad either). Saw the revival a few years ago at the Curran on Geary and wasn't wowed.


    Since then I've opted out of my wife's merry excursions with girls and gays to Wicked, South Pacific, and Cabaret. Just not my scene.

  4. My "dream team" for worst announce crew ever would have to be Joe Buck as play-by-play, Phil Simms as color commentary and Tony Siragusa as sideline reporter.




    Buck likes to hear himself talk. I've noticed a trend where play by play guys intrude on the color guys space by blathering beyond the play setup. Last week, Aikman actually interrupted Buck just to make an incisive statement about a play as Buck tried to continue his droning run-on commentary. Aikman is solid and at least has legitimate takes.


    Good point on Simms. Completely worthless. Starts talking without having a point, then loses himself mid-sentence only to spit out inane cliches to get closure. Absolute abortion.


    Goose is just pointless. Gems like "Its cold out here guys" in response to a snowstorm say it all.

  5. This whole thing smacks of the whole authenticity in music canard. True, there are ground-breakers who rupture a bloated or stale era, but ultimately, save for the few laboring earnestly in their art as they strive for innovation, most eventually want to make a nice living.


    Two images I remember strikingly along these lines:


    1. In the early 90s, Henry Rollins splashing in his hot tub mockingly singing 'Anarchy in the UK' on MTV in response to questions regarding his wealth accumulation versus the punk 'ethos'.


    2. John Cage in a spoken word passage about an ad agency calling him for a commission:

    They said, 'Mr.Cage?'

    I said, "Yes".

    'Are you ready to prostitute yourself for your art?'

    I said, 'Yes'.

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