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NorCal Aaron

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Posts posted by NorCal Aaron

  1. Perfectly aligned with what Michael Lombardi wrote several weeks ago. Seems in line with Parcells' philosophy with the G'ints:


    "This is an industrial town. The people here want to know you gave them a 100% tough battle on the field. There are no fancy players on this team, only tough, proud men. The team is an indication of the type of people in the town. They're warm and friendly, but they know you have to be tough as a way of life. We don't have any glamour boys like Los Angeles or San Diego."

  2. JaMarcus Russel is the poster child for the dangers of going with a college QB with great athleticism and horrible mechanics... [cough... TimTebow.... cough cough]. He is the anti-Vince Young.


    I can't speak to his college career, but JaBustus is the least athletic quarterback I've seen in a while. A huge lumbering target with a two cent head. A mortar is more accurate.

  3. It might just be me, but maybe Poz isn't able to elevate his game because he has a former DB coaching him. Has Matt Sheldon ever play in the NFL? Where did he come from? If we want Poz to be the great LB everyone thought he would be when the Bills drafted him maybe they should consider Darryl Talley as LB coach. Talley is probably the greatest MLB in Bills history and wants to be a coach in the NFL. Not only would he bring his wisdom/knowledge to the position, he would bring a winning mentality as well. Who would you rather have coaching POZ?


    Talley was an OLB.

  4. Donte Whitner was the 53rd rated player on the board, but the Bills were clearly desperate for a safety as they had just dumped Lawyer Milloy.


    The Raiders took Michael Huff with the pick right before Buffalo and so far he hasn't played as well as Whitner. Is Whitner a great safety, in a word no. But then who knows how good he could be if he played in a different system, see Jim Leonhard. Personally I hate the Tampa 2 and will be happy to see that defense dead and gone from the NFL or at least from Buffalo. Mostly because most DC's simply can't get it to work very well, irregardless of talent on the field.


    Why does everyone blame Levy for the Whitner pick when he stated he only suggests who to pick, and Jauron had the power draft who he wanted. If anything It is Jauron who has scrood the pooch every year with his draft choices IMO.


    Huff has played well this year, and I would say has been more noticeable this year for his good play than Donte ever has.

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