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Posts posted by bills_fan

  1. Don't even have to clear cache. Go to TBD. Copy the title of the article you want to read. In separate window, paste article title into google. Article comes up. Click on it and read it. It does not count against your 10 views because you found it through google. While I have no issues with papers offering content behind paywalls, to leave such a silly backdoor means that I will never pay for it.

  2. My personal favorite was the Retatta thread because of how it happened. One of the board's more milquetoast posters was getting piled on for some topic or another, and out of the blue someone questioned his intelligence based on a fritatta recipe he posted in what was, at the time, the Cookbook section of the board. Something about taking an hour to cook pasta. The thread would have died an early death had the poster not opted to defend his recipe instructions. But no. He kept coming back for more.


    Of course, that was back when you could call someone here a retard (Fritatta + Retard = Retatta) without hurting everyone's feelings.


    Still, I'm surprised no one mentioned T-bone The Team-Swapping Whore.


    At least link it for people who have never seen it. Greatest thread ever!



  3. I believe they got the Jays #3 ranked prospect (Marisnick, the 67th top prospect in MLB), their #5 ranked prospect IIRC (Nicolino), and their 8th ranked Prospect IIRC (Hechiveria).


    Although the deal is still very much lopsided in the Jays favour now (and I wouldn't be surprised if some of the guys they got are flipped again in another move, I could see Buerle being dealt again, or Buck, maybe even Reyes in seperate deals now like how they made teh Edwin Jackson deal with the White Sox a few years ago to flip him to St. louis for Rasmus, or moving Taylor from the Phillies in the Halladay deal to the A's for the 1st baseman, who was later flipped to the Astros for Gose), the marlins did get a couple decent players in the deal. Escobar is a good shortstop, just fell out of favour after his "eye black" incident and was considered expendable with Hech getting ready to be moved up to the majors. Hech has alot of potential with some experience at 3rd, short and 2nd, and Mathis had a great year as the backup catcher. The receive 2 very good prospects, and Alvarez, who was durable and has some really good potential.


    As a Jays fan, I personally love the deal and can't believe it happened (waiting for the league to veto it though, just because) because I figured the deal would require much more from the Jays to get done (it was rumored Arencibia was originally part of the deal, now they still have him to deal for an upgrade at 1st, 2nd or LF). If I was a Marlins fan though, I would be furious that they didn't get more. Its just more of the "Same old, same old" from the Marlins after promising things would change with the new stadium. I'm surprised Loria has come out saying as an excuse that the offseason is still early and that they haven't even started shopping yet. That could get a good chunk of the backlash calmed down for now.....


    Nicolino is the loss IMHO, but it is not even a big one. d'Arnaud, Gose, Syndergaard, Aaron Sanchez, Roberto Osuna, Danny Norris...all staying in Toronto. Hechhavarria is all glove, no bat (think Rey Ordonez bad with the bat). Marisnick is raw and overrated. DeSclafani is already 23 and striking out 6 batter per nine in the low minors. I mean...to not even get an everyday piece like d'Arnaud to build around is shameful for FLA (but the whole thing is shameful for FLA).


    As for Escobar...he has been drummed out of two organizations for his bad attitude (ATL and TOR) and FLA says they may flip him. He is a marginal player at best.

  4. The atmosphere is not the same at the new stadium, it's not as loud. I was at Game 6 of the World Series in 2009 when the Yankees clinched it, and it was like I could see everybody cheering, but it didn't sound nearly as loud as it should have.


    That's why you go to games instead of watch them on TV. The communal experience, the atmosphere, the crowd noise!


    Exactly. I was at the Ibanez 2 HR game...thats as loud as that stadium can get, and its not that loud. Contrast that with the Tino Martinez game of the 2001 WS...never heard any place louder, any sporting event, period. The building was literally shaking from the noise and emotion...thats why you go to the game! They blew it with the new stadium...both on atmosphere and price.


    Edit: What the stadium is supposed to sound like...



  5. Without any data to back it up....but having watched many Yankee games for the last 40 yrs......it seems to me that the biggest change is in the "luxury"seats around home plate/infield. At the old stadium, those seats were always full. In the new park, they can be near capacity overall but the TV shots look horrible because there are so many unfilled ground level seats in the infield/lower level.


    I particularly remember watching games in their first season at the new stadium and thinking how bad it looked. When the new stadium opened they jacked those prices WAY up....even by Yankee stadium standards.




    More than that tho...thew stadium's acoustics suck. Its not the same experience. The old stadium shook during LCS and WS games and it amplified sound. It was awesome. New stadium...not so much.


    And the prices are awful. I used to hit a dozen games a year...take the 4 train up and pick up scalped seats. Sat all over the old stadium, even behind the plate once. New stadium is too damn expensive to do that. Only hit a couple games a year. I miss the old stadium.

  6. If you consider the NYG defensive line the standard in pro football (and I do), they have not yet really kicked it into gear per the NY Post (link below). Now, of course, the NYG d-line has accomplished much more, but maybe we need just a bit more patience with this team.




    You see it all the time in baseball...there is an adjustment period for high-profile, big ticket free agents, maybe same is true in football? Look at Albert Pujols' first 7 weeks this year...not so good.


    I just cannot believe that this line and team is truly this bad.

  7. The Shawn Jefferson play at 2:03 of the video is the "just give it to'em" play, which is why Berman questions if he is in. The Bills Daily article is incorrect when it references Tony Simmons--- Tony Simmons was on the NE roster in 1998 but isn't in the box score for that game:




    I've always loved Ralph's response to the fine--- linked to in the Bills Daily link


    Here's Bills Owner Ralph Wilson's complete statement regarding the $50,000 fine handed down by Commissioner Paul Tagliabue:


    "On December 2nd I received a fax from Commissioner Paul Tagliabue informing me the Bills are being fined $50,000 for criticism on my part of officiating in the last moments of our game with New England. I described two calls, back-to-back, as probably the worst I have witnessed in the 60 years I have watched pro football. Those two calls cost the Bills a very important game, one in which our team fought back very courageously from a substantial deficit. Society today is more enlightened. Fair comment and criticism are rampant. The entire media as a unit is frank and the millions watching a game are frank. But the Commissioner lecturing to me as if I were a novice, instead of one who has been involved in football infinitely longer than he has, contends that criticizing a call has 'destructive and corrosive effects on the game.' What is more destructive and corrosive -- errant calls in front of millions of viewers or my statements of opinion? People all over the country registered shock at the way the officials, however honorable their purpose, took the game away from us. Even the league has admitted to us that the calls near the conclusion of the game were incorrect. On Monday morning, the Commissioner can sermonize on destruction and corrosion, but he has never experienced the pain of blowing a crucial game due to officiating. I have yet to decide whether I will pay or challenge the fine. But, at 80, I do know I don't need pompous lectures from the Commissioner and I feel that the $50,000 is not only unwarranted, but punitive in nature. The next time he may ask me to sit in the corner."



    Thank you for posting this, I had forgotten about it. Truly classic response from RW!

  8. I think you are right that one of them will likely end up being the Bills QB. Even if Fitz plays well for the rest of the year, I think this is the year Buddy drafts a quarterback to start grooming under Fitz. If Fitz sucks, well then they have to bring somebody in for obvious reasons.


    The scary thing is, according to most experts, Barkley is the best QB in this class. He doesn't look very good to me on the football field for an elite QB. He certainly is no Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. Also, I know he is still just a kid but he does not have the personality traits necessary for a true franchise quarterback. He is not very well spoken. He is not a natural leader.


    It sucks, but the Bills are likely going to draft one of these guys. If Barkley is really the best, we're in trouble. If there is a better one from the bunch who can truly blossom, let's hope we find him. I certainly don't want a Jake Locker or a Blaine Gabbert ruining our hopes for another three years. I seriously can't take much more.


    I pray to God Fitz is good this year and then we can take our time identifying our future QB and grooming him.


    Totally disagree with the bolded part. Check out the SI story linked below. Barkley really seems to have his head screwed on right. After reading this piece, I'm rooting for him and I would not have a problem if he was the future of the Buffalo Bills!



  9. Had a great day at the game. Usual trashtalking from Jets fans. If you're not looking for trouble in that stadium, you won't find it.


    Same here. Any ribbing was good natured...nothing violent or disrespectful. Had a pick up football game in the lot with some Jets fans and some Bills fans before the game. No problems at all. I was wearing a Bills jersey...no issues.

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