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Thurman's Helmet

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Posts posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. From my favorite liberal over at patsfans.com (mind you, this is in a condolences thread that was requested to be made NON political)


    What will the people of GB want to do now. Will they demand Blair pull out of Iraq , where there is no major Al Qaida presence, and go after them in other areas?
  2. Perhaps if we back away from what makes them mad they'll stop attacking us......OR they'll find something else to be mad about and we'll have to back away from that and then they'll stop attacking us......OR they'll find something else to be mad about and we'll have to back away from that and then they'll stop attacking us........OR they'll finally just come out and say that they hate us because we are not governed by the laws of Radical Islam.

  3. First...Did you actually compare the war in Iraq/GWOT to a game of Risk?????



    Now, everone keeps throwing the line above out there like everyone is an idiot for not seeing it.




    Then why is 9/11 consistently the main standing point for every Bush speach?  Why does he continually have to throw that in everyone face?  I think the critisism of his latest speach is well earned.  IMO, he really needs to stop trying to pull on everyones heart strings and by bringing up 9/11.  Stop sending out the cronies to tell us how safe America is now that we are in Iraq, and tell us how much safer Iraq is now that we are in Iraq.  Perhaps we, as a society, don't deserve it, but I think it would be in everyones interest to have a major public speach filled with facts instead of sound bites.


    And to the poster who brought up Hitler as an opposition to how Bush works, I couldn't disagree more.  Hitler had the idea of how to bring his country together, but from most accounts he was not a military genius.  He happened to have some very brilliant men in key positions taking care of main planning and execution of the war.  His best attribute was as a figurehead who was extremely capable of turning the tide of public opinion in his favor.


    Pretty much sums up, for better or worse, my opinion of Bush.  I really can't imagine how screwed up the world would be if people like Kerry or Bush were actually the ones coming up with military strategy.  It's scary enough knowing they are even involved in the decision making process.


    Of course, how scary is it that people like you (all of you), and I are the ones deciding on who is involved in the decision making process!  :devil:



    Perhaps he keeps bringing up 9/11 because it SHOULD serve as America's wakeup call but unfortunately many people like yourself have let American Idol and your love of MTV news lull you back to sleep.



    Oh and you forgot to put your hatred of Halliburton into your post despite the fact that you probably have no idea what Halliburton does except be mildly linked to Dick Cheney.



  4. We probably should have invaded Saudi Arabia, then.  Confilict of interest?


    Where did most of the 9/11 hijackers come from?


    I'm sure there's a witty reply coming from somebody here.





    global war on TERROR.



    the 9/11 hijackers werent the first or last TERRORISTS to come down the pike.


    Is this THAT hard for you to understand?

  5. :D  You guys crack me up. Disagree with your opinion and you get attacked and insulted. Typical radicals. Some of you think so highly of yourselves :P , either you have an incredible inferiority complex that needs constant messaging or you truly believe that a small group of you ppp board posters are so "tuned in" and always correct that our entire government should consult with you before making any decisions. And you all seem to do the same thing you accuse everyone else of... you critisize without offering any solutions or outline in detail what you would do different other than general concepts. Thanks for the laughs. :lol:




    I suppose if you actually conveyed your OWN opinions backed up by facts and at least a decent knowledge of history and an eye on the overall big picture instead of your MTV/Air America/Fahrenheit 911 pablum you've continually puked up here you wouldnt be constantly derided.

  6. This from my favorite hardline liberal over at patsfans.com;


    Also, something does not smell right here. The way the decision came down, with the four dissenters being who they are, tells me there is mujch more to this ruling than what appears on the outside.


    There is, absolutely, no way that the four dissenters would vote AGAINST big business...none at all. Something is not right here, something smells, and this ruling needs tobe read in more detail.



    Originally posted by scout

    I agree NEM. When I saw the headline I went right to each judges rulings and was shocked. Then in today's paper an editorial by George will blasting the liberalism of those justices who favored the local government. Since when do liberals side with government over individuals? Thomas and Scalia are always looking out for the little guy, right? I don't get it, but I'm sure somebody in this forum will explain it for us. 



    Absolutely, I smell a set up by the neo cons. Rove has to have his hand in this one, too.


    I believe there is more to this ruling than what we are seeing on the surface. I can see NO GOOD at all in why the four neo con justices voted against it. Makes no logical sense. I believe there is something covert about this entire ruling.


  7. You're a homer.


    Whats a bigger question mark, having a young inexperienced QB or having "new" coordinators step in? (Eric Mangini has been with the Pats organization forever so nothing is new to him)



    I'm not saying you cant be upbeat, you never know what will happen and Losman could be the next Brady for all we know.

  8. My girl and myself are driving to Boston for the Fourth of July weekend. We're staying pretty much right in downtown. I was there once before as a kid so I don't remember much about it. Anyone from Boston or familiar with it that can point out a few good things to do...


    We're already doing these...


    1. Red Sox Game

    2. The Freedom Trial

    3. Duck Tour

    4. New England Aquarium

    5. Spitting on Tom Brady's house.



    Hit the North End if you like Italian food

  9. Then you need to work at your state and local governmental level to ensure your property is protected.  In the state of Washington the constitution is restrictive as to the definition of "public use" (not "public good" and there's a difference).  And land that qualifies would be needed for something like roadways, trains etc OR be considered a blight, or dangerous, or other.  Kinda like the South Bronx. 


    But seriously, this ruling is just a high-level interpretation.  Before you panic check your state and local laws.



    Right, because we all have the time between working, raising a family and maintaining a marriage to become local activists to ensure our property is protected.

  10. "Are you not entertained?"


    "Vegas, baby. Vegas"


    "I ain't got time to bleed"


    "You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!"



    Brick Tamland: Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart!

    Ron Burgundy: I saw that! Brick killed a guy! Did you throw a trident?

    Brick Tamland: Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident!

    Ron Burgundy: Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.

  11. I'd have to agree, you make a strong argument. I've never looked at it like that before. Your football knowkedge is unsurpassed. !@#$, to be able to stastisticly break down the past SB winners like you have is a testement of your football knowledge. Thank you my Bill's brother!!!!


    We as Bills fans have to over look the sometimes idiot poster of the Patriot kind here, but we'll survive.........



    I notice he conveniently didnt mention the HUGE margin of victory teams like the Cowboys and Redskins enjoyed over the piss-poor Buffalo Bills.


    You want to get into semantics about dynasties being defined by either time or margin of victory, thats fine. It doesnt make your grapes any less sour that you've pretty much been thoroughly embarassed in every Super Bowl you've played in. And yes, Wide Right was embarassing.



    I'll continue to enjoy the run this magnificent team is on. IN fact, should the Patriots win the Super Bowl this year, they will be on the same plane as the Greatest Teams of ALL TIME in the NFL. Bet that doesnt sit too well with many of you.



    Looking forward to another 2 easy wins at the Jills' hands this year!

  12. AKC, your question is loaded, how many times do I have to say it. NONE of the other "dynasties" played during the salary cap era.


    But we'll take your word over Troy Aikman's.


    Maybe if YOUR Bills didnt phone in their last 3 Super Bowls and get totally EMBARRASSED, some of those other dynasties wouldnt have measured up to your criteria.

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