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Thurman's Helmet

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Posts posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. It's quite entertaining observing the level of embarassment Patsy fans harbor realizing that their QB is a rope smoker, and the incredible lengths they go to hide that embarassment such as suggesting that a breeder like Losman suffers the same chromosomal confusion as Little Lord Fauntleroy.



    You guys are all pretty preoccupied with the whole gay thing arent you?


    Whats worse, having a QB thats gay or getting the tar beat out of you consistently by a gay QB?



    I couldnt care less if the dude has a tail, as long as he keeps bringing hardware home.

  2. You might give it a try, if you get bored with goosestepping with the right! Flailing is much more fun!  <_<




    Goosestepping with the right? Get the joke? Nazis goosestepped so the right MUST be Nazis because only Nazis goosestepped.


    How clever (and original) of you.


    BUSH BAD!!

  3. I would not be surprised at all if the Pats lose on Thursday night.  More importantly, we cannot overlook the Jets this season.  I am more concerned about the Jets winning the division before the Pats winning the division.




    Concern yourself more with LOSEman not spitting the bit once the weather gets cold. 8-8 if you're lucky this year.


    "Playoffs, I'm not talkin bout playoffs"

  4. I would think they'd want to hit us when all was perceived to be well so that the psychological impact would be greater.


    An attack right now would hurt bad but it wouldnt dominate the news 100% of the time due to the Hurricane damage.


    On 9/11, everyone remembers it as being a beautiful quiet day during a very slow news cycle (Summer of the shark & Gary Condit)

  5. How are people supposed to leave without a car, money or a place to go?


    I suppose the local, state & federal governments could have had an evacuation plan in place BEFORE the hurricane hit. They knew a Cat 5 storm was in the Gulf and was heading towards New Orleans by late Friday-early Saturday. They should have had all the buses ready to go on Saturday AM to evacuate all the people who had no other way out.


    Hopefully, the next time a big hurricane is headed towards land, people will finally listen and just leave.



    How do they get to the doctor, bank, store etc....?


    Is it possible they could have boarded a bus to the Superdome? As bad as things were there, they could have ridden it out and then headed to Houston.



    The National Weather Service warnings predicted all of this. Had I seen that for my area I'd have been long gone no matter how much money I had or didnt have.

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