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Thurman's Helmet

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Posts posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. I didn't rip on him.  I merely posted the article and commented that I didn't know there was another son of Jeb.  I thought Jeb only had the three kids.  It looks like he's got four, and 3/4 of them have been arrested for either alcohol, drugs, stalking, or something else.  These are facts, nothing more or less. 


    Everyone is someone's child.  For example, Bill Clinton's mom was still alive and people were ripping on her child.  George Bush's mom is still alive and people rip on him.  That's what happens when you live in the public eye.




    Both Mrs. Bush and Clinton's sons were elected to public office and therefore are fair game, their offspring and parents (not counting Bush 41) should be off limits.


    But then again, anything to find yet another way to loudly proclaim BUSH BAD! is okay in the liberal playbook I guess.

  2. You're not going to sweep us this year, sorry.....You guys can't stop the run and our defense will outplay your offense.




    So now your opinion has morphed into fact? How convenient for you.




    Actually, I wouldnt be suprised to see a split but I've got to see more of J.P Losman before I start thinking we won't sweep again.

  3. And you would be wrong.


    It was directed by the Hart-Rudman Commission, and pretty much forced by the Democrats to fully implement a full DHS type organization.  It's purpose was to help lines of communications in reacting to attacks primarily and less so on "natural disasters".  In addition, it called for limiting NSC's role and only giving them limited planning and coordination roles.






    the only appropriate response from pope zimli at this point would simply be; "DING!!"

  4. Ok, let me interjetct a vote for brady as the #1 QB right now, and in the top five in the super bowl era. Montana is #1.  Till a QB wins 5 super bowls, montana will be #1, and no amount of arguing will detract from that. 


    Brady has won with scrubs and stars.  He's won by virtue of a gift call.  He's won by playing hard.  He's won by playing hurt.  He's simply won super bowls.  You can't discredit that.  It is possible to have a great QB who hasn't won the super bowl (kelly, marino), but it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a bad QB to win multiple super bowls (i left out the single SB winners like doug williams and dilfer). 


    I would not take manning.  He audibles...  great...  he studies thje digital pictures after he gets off the field on 4th down.  great.  he can't win in january, and untill he does, he'll be a choker...  Not saying he's not a great QB, but brady is better.


    McNabb falls into a "Mr. October" category for me.  yeah,  he gets his numbers.  yeah, he's tough as nails, yeah he's a great qb, but again...  he choked at 3 straight home nfc championship games, and needed a nap to finish the super bowl. 


    Culpepper?  Green??  are you kidding me?  i would take these guys on a fantasy team, but i wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole if i were building a REAL team. 


    Favre is one of the best QBs all time...  unfortunately,  he's washed up, so i wouldn't take him with an 11 foot pole. 


    Now, if you line up every great QB and have them in their prime for one single game, now that's a good case for an argument.  But for the love of god, do not put a 3 time champion against mark bulger or trent green in a "who's better" contest... 

    By the way, i'd take Otto Graham.




    Well said.


    I'd take Elway

  5. New England has the best O-Line in football? Are you high?



    The ONLY QB you can make a case for being better than Brady is Peyton Manning. Everyone else is second rate to Tom Terrific. He is the one player New England couldnt afford to lose.


    But go ahead and take your Marc Bulgers, your Ron Mexicos, your Trent Greens and see how many times you go one or two and out in the playoffs.


    I'll continue to enjoy seeing those Lombardi Trophies in Foxboro.

  6. You're right.  Our weakness has been exposed. 


    Now if they can just invent one of those weather machine thingies like Simon Bar Sinister and shoot hurricanes at us weekly, we will be defeated.


    It's induspitable and all of us Sweet Polly Purbreads with our soft underbellies are toast.




    Pitiful Earthlings, hurtling yourselves out into the void without knowing who or what is out there!

  7. I dont know about the rest of you but I know I ALWAYS rely 100% on the Government to take care of me anytime a disaster hits.


    Stock up on water and food? Why bother, the government will provide


    Stock up on baby food, diapers and formula? Gub'ment will provide


    Have an emergency plan in place for a disaster? Why? The government will take care of everything for me.







    That James T. Kirk could have found a way to beat the hurricane if he was still president.

  8. Did it ever occur to you that it appeared that Jordan ran well because the Patriots were more focused on not letting the Collins to Moss/Porter combo beating them much like the way Edgerrin James ran on them in last year's opener.


    Each year we "look beatable" until after we beat you and then your team is left wondering how you lost.

  9. Hard to judge the Pats' O-line overall based on last night.  The Raiders have a PATHETIC pass rush (their leading sacker last year had 4 whole sacks, and they added no one), and they were using a 3-man line most of the night with little blitzing.


    But that being said, the Pats didn't move the ball up and down on the Raiders, which makes me think they're not as good offensively.  Good.  I think they'll have trouble with teams with good defenses, especially away from the confines of The Pad (formerly the Razor, now that P&G bought out Gillette).





  10. I know facts get in the way when it comes to whining about the Patriots but here's a fact, the most penalized team in the NFL is? The Oakland Raiders.



    But I guess its easier to just claim that the refs are in New England's pockets. Whatever works for as you start preparing your excuses for when the Pats whip up on the Bills another 2 times this year.

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