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Thurman's Helmet

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Posts posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. Advanced technology isnt always the answer.


    How about a minimum of 25 years for a FIRST offense with NO protective custody in the clink?


    That should be the minimum in every state for any kind of child molestation/endangerment and sexual assault/rape.


    the only exception should be made for certain Statutory Rape cases (18 year old and 16 year old etc...)

  2. Who pushed to have "embedded journalists" in Iraqistan?  I suppose they thought they'd get some great propoganda out of it, and they did, but eventually at least one of them might have to report something that cast an unflattering light on war.  And embedded jouirnalists did harm as we all know, reporting on their unit's location and activities, but no-one's freaked about that because who's to blame?  The morons who thought it was such a great idea to embed those people in the first place.


    Oh and don't lose sleep over people dying in the Middle East.  At least it's all taking place over there and not on Main Street USA.  That's all we care about anyway.  "Fight 'em over there so we don't have to fight 'em here".  I am told that's replacing the last line of our anthem, instead of "home of the brave".




    I'm sure you'd be one of the loudest screamers if car bombs and IEDs were constantly going off in the streets of Seattle saying "Why didnt we do anything about this?"

  3. I wouldn't be surprised if it were a salary cap move and he's back soon.




    Johnson said it was the result of too many concussions over his 10 year career. Belichick called the move "unexpected"



    Pats are fine in terms of the cap.


    He was a good player and a great person and will be missed.

  4. Want a scary thought? (From a cbs news article)


    Ernie Allen, the president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, tells co-anchor Hannah Storm on The Early Show that this is a nationwide problem.


    "There are 400,000 registered sex offenders in the United States," he says, "and an estimated 80 to 100,000 of them are missing. They're supposed to be registered, but we don't know where they are and we don't know where they're living. "

  5. TE Ben Watson coming back from injury


    DE Rodney Bailey coming back from injury


    OLB Rosey Colvin a full 2 years off of hip surgery and at full speed.



    All is not lost in Patriots land. Will they be 14-2 again? Probably not but they'll still win at least 11-12 games.

  6. Since our government's policy is to fight them outside our own country I don't see why anyone would worry about it too much.  London's not New York after all.


    By the way an American is being questioned regarding the latest London blast (link).  It may come to naught.  But then on the other hand, it's not unheard-of for Americans to be terrorists.  You recall Timothy McVeigh, the Unabomber, the SLA, etc.  So we shall see.


    This, for those of you too dense to realize it, is being written with sarcastic irony.  If your heads explode, trust Tylenol.  Or, since it's Saturday, go drink a beer.



    Yeah I do remember Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kazinsky and Eric Rudolph and I also remember NO ONE rushing to wonder WHY they did what they did, instead they simply condemned them and punished them UNLIKE what many do with Islamic Terrorists.






    the left

  7. Hey, its not our fault that our team hasnt sucked since the invention of two bills drive so we can all whip out our cranks and show each other who's more diehard a fan.


    And dont you mean a 3-0 Yankee lead in the playoffs? That would be more appropriate. Thanks.

  8. Flame me if you want, but I have little sympathy for Bruschi.


    Please keep in mind that this guy was one of the "bad guys". He was a huge headhunter and had no problem trying his hardest to put other players on a stretcher. His blatant attempt to end Todd Collins' career years ago still galls me.


    I wish him well and hope he's OK. But from a football standpoint, what goes around comes around, Teddy-boy. Aint Karma a B word?




  9. As a diehard Pats fan, I totally respect Bruschi's decision and understand if he decides never to play again after this year is up. He doesnt owe us anything, he's given his blood, sweat and tears to this team and this region and for that, I and every other Pats fan I know salutes him.


    Be well Tedy.

  10. I can't help but thinking how stupid these terrorists are, to think that the British people, who have withstood through history numerous wars, invasions and other devastating events - so bravely and resiliantly - will be in any way weakened by these cowardly bombings.  If not for the casualties one would want to laugh - these morons have seriously underestimated their enemy this time.  Hardship only makes them tougher - I sure wouldn't mess with the Brits, setting sun or no. 


    My prayers go out to our British brethren, particularly the families of the lost and injured.




    Good points.

  11. New England has been hell, at least since the end of the Kelly era.


    Patriots "fans" are rude, arrogant, and disrespectful, almost to a person.  The tailgate experience (pre-game) has generally been good, but in more than one occasion I've feared for my personal safety on the way out of the stadium -- while being pefectly quiet  and only the hat on my head tipping my allegiance.


    If you can avoid it, don't go. Don't waste your money.  I will not pay a dime to go into that stadium again -- but for some reason, tickets always seem to find me  :lol:




    Its called HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE for a reason. We dont want you comfortable and cheering for the away team in OUR stadium.


    Just like you dont want a bunch of Pats fans whooping it up at the Ralph.



    Then again, maybe you just got caught in the wrong section around the wrong fans. I've never threatened a fan of another team nor have I poured beer or anything like that. Only banter and smack talk from this end.

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