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Posts posted by DeeRay

  1. He's also a rookie who missed more than six weeks of practice. He's never faced an NFL blitz, two deep zone, or man to man coverage. He's never audibled in an NFL game, he's never checked down to a receiver, and he's never managed a two minute drill in an NFL game.


    So, what!!! Drew knows how do do all of them, but either doesn't do them or doesn't do them very well. You're still missing the point here... Drew Bledsoe will not get this team to .500 this year, let alone the playoffs in the best case scenario. And I guarantee you that. JP, at worst, will not get this team to .500 this year. What does the team gain by continuing to go with Bledsoe, and in the process, continue to piss off the ofensive player and certainly the fans. And JP has lost a great opportunity to gain experience in live action in a season in which the Bills are not going to the playoffs... unless JP takes them there. This team is not going to get better with Bledsoe in there....

  2. I'm not ready to give up on the season or give up on Bledsoe.


    Dude... I respect where you're coming from on this... I really do. However, I've got to tell you... Drew is the problem and JP is the cure. I'm telling you now that if Drew is at QB, you may as well as give up on the season. Defensive coordinators around the league know Drew's game and how to defend him. The margin for error for every player on offense while Drew is at QB is "nil" because he can't improv nor make quick and correct decisions. Continuing to play Bledsoe is going to literally cut the heart out of the players around him, if it hasn't already.


    Now, onto JP. The kid is basically Fltuie with size and an arm. His comments re: the coach saying we're good and JP saying essentially, "yeah, right, we're good when we start playing good"... shows me that this kid is ready and wants to take this team on his shoulders. His infusion of enthusiasm, bravado, ability to improv will be infectious to this offense. The players around him will begin to have a bounce in their step, a swagger, an aura of confidence, and will reflect his personality. The defense will take a few more chances as well knowing that the offense can carry it's share of the load... and special teams will begin to get better.... and maybe even Lindell.


    Believe me, JP will take the Bills farther than will Drew will... and this year. There are bumps in the road, of course. If Mularkey ain't willing to take the risk then he doesn't deserve to be a coach in this league. Tough and brazen decisions begin with the coach.... and who would have thought that a guy named Tom Brady, just going into his 2nd season as a pro would unseat Bledsoe as a starter, let alone take them to the SB?

  3. already put my 2 cents last week. Losman won't start against NE... they will give bledsoe up for that. They're not gonna let JP get his feet wet against NE in NE.


    However, As I stated last week. Circle the calendar for November 21st at home against the Rams... Bills win and go on to run the table... alas, a 9-7 record with only 1 and perhaps 2 wins within the division keeps them home for the post season party.

  4. I say yes and no.


    This is sounding a lot like John Kerry.




    Can we beat NE? Yes... but not only would we have to play a perfect game, NE would have to be real sloppy and bringing their "C" game.


    Will we beat NE? No. This team doesn't have the "mental toughness" to do the things necessary to win games...especially on offense. The offensive leadership, which primarily comes from Bledsoe, does not exude confidence or toughness, nor does inspire those attributes. He also doesn't have what it takes to win games. I'd just for once like to see Bledsoe get "nasty"... get his guys "fired up". If Bledsoe can't do it, then someone else has to step up as a leader... like TO did, or Emmit Smith... and the old Buffalo Bills, when Kelly and Thurman would step up. It comes down to pride. I don't see the pride in playing and winning that we had in the old Bills. Henry is as close as a leader as I see and he only leads by physically being tough and playing hurt. I don't see Moulds as a leader... he's more inot making excuses and avoiding controversy. I don't even see a "gritty" offensive lineman like Hull or Ritcher. Sad to see how this once proud organization can drop to the depths we have.... Aside from maybe JP Losman, it's as if we have a bunch of spineless, kitty, chicken ***** for players on the offensive side of the ball... does anyone see any "grit" or "nasty" on offense? please let me know. Until we get someone with a nasty streak, the Bills ain't going to go anywhere. Damn, I'd have liked to see the Bills draft Jake Grove... even though it would have taken him a couple of years to pay off... but JP, I believe is definitely a step in the right direction... you can just see this guy has "it". And I think they need to plug this guy in as soon as he's healthy... no spoon feeding. He's too good for that crap.

  5. 5) Yes, I cant believe Im saying this, DRAFT STUD o-lineman! or sign them I dont care. But dont cut Ruben then sign Villarial. Thats not enough upgrade. Keep Ruben AND sign Viallarial.


    Keep Ruben? Are you kidding? Donahoe will not have a player on his roster that questions a coach or GM. And Vallerial? Yeah, he turned out to be a real bargain... the missing piece, er, uh, was that Evans?

  6. spending extra $$$ isn't the answer. The answer is evaluating talent better. It would appear to me that this Donahoe-Modrak tandem is a"myth".


    I know hindsight is 20-20, but Williams over McKinnie? McGahee over Steinbach?


    Giving up a 3rd round pick to leap frog ahead of Pittsburg to get Denney? That's as much as saying the guy is a first rounder. Denney's an OK player, but given how he was acquired, he hasn't met my expectations... is it his fault or was Donahoe-Modrak wrong?

  7. the biggest complaint I have had is the constant negativity and this season is the best example of those who claim to be Bills fan bashing our team and it's best players and writing them off after only two close losses.


    So you're suggesting that we "check or brain at the door" before we come into the message baord and comment? wouldn't that kinda be like the "stepford Bills fans"? So, you suggest anyone but lemmings be bannned from this board to keep you happy?


    will saying positive things about a poor team make them a great team or just keep your psyche intact?

  8. Have to agree with FM again. If the Bills are going to win this one, it will be with Drew. Bellichek will make sure he shuts down the running game, because he will see that as the only threat. Two weeks to practice shutting down Henry, I don't see that as too much of a problem for the Pats. 


    Bingo!! Belichick's key to the game is "make Drew beat us". I can't argue with that.

  9. Two things:

    1. The Bills running game is better than most think. They ran the ball decently against two of the best run-stuffing teams in the league. Jaxsonville gave up their first 100-yard rush game in 15 games yesterday. Oakland has Ted W, maybe the best run-stuffing 3-4 DT of all time.

    2. NE's D is only adequate against the run. They gave up 200 yards to Indy at home.


    I'll cede 1 and 2 to you. However, I've got the result being different due to Belichick's ability to get into a QB's head... and that isn't such a challenge for Belichick when that QB is Drew. He knows DB inside and out and even if the Bills are fortunate to get into the "red zone", Drew is going to do exactly what Belichick wants him to do... and for Bills fans, that ain't good!

  10. Of course... Drew's lack of mobility is one of the elements that he lacks... but simply being a "statue" is not the sole reason for his woes. Consider his lack of mobility a "handicap". Most people with a handicap compensate for that by sharpening their other assets.... ie, a blind person has sharper hearing, smell, touch, etc. and thus, compesating or making up for their inability to see.


    Well, if a QB has limited mobility, he must compenste for that in other ways. We know Drew has a "gun" and is "accurate". Mobility, arm strength, and accuracy are physical qualities in a QB. Drew has 2 of the 3. Since he lacks one of those physical qualities, he must sharpen his other assets...and I don't mean get a stronger arm or be more accurate. He has to become more competetive. This would make him study the game harder, he must work extra with his receivers, etc, he must be both a good decision maker and a quick decision maker. He must "feel" the rush and know when to throw and who to throw to. He must become a better ball handler... ie, fakes. He must know how to bait a defense or defender... not the other way around. And the biggest thing a QB can bring to the table is leadership. He MUST make those around him perform up to or above their abilities. That leadership can be manifested in many different ways, but, if, and ,when it is there, o linemen take exception to it when he gets sacked or hit. Receivers take more pride in catching the ball and take it personal when they drop one. Running backs find a way to get that extra yard.


    I don't see a dime's difference in the physical abilities of Drew, Peyton Manning, Kerry Collins, and Vinnie Testeverde. The difference is their competeiveness and leadership. Only one of them are "all world" and only because he's extremely competetive, a leader, and a student of the game. The others, except for Drew, are more than serviceable.


    I don't know what's happened to Drew... whether he "never was" and we were led to believe so by the media or because he played for Parcells or what. If he ever did have "something", it's gone and it ain't coming back.


    The questions I have is... how damaging is it for the Mularkey to continue to prop this guy up? How long before the guys around him get the feeling of "hopelessness" and expect to lose? Why would playing Matthews yield worse results than playing Bledsoe? At the very least, it might give us insight as to whether most of the problem is at QB (which I firmly believe) or other areas of the offense.

  11. It matters not!!! This is a poor excuse for losing. You gotta play whoever is in front of you. If you're a good team, you beat them. If you're not a good team you lose. If you can't win close games, then you're not a good team and don't deserve to go to the post season party.


    I've never been one to complain or compare the "difficulty" of a team's schedule. "w's" are worth more than"l's" and you don't get extra "Ws" for beating a team with winning record nor do you extra "Ls" for losing to a team with a losing record. A w is a w an an l is an l and I don't feel any better knowing that the bills go beat by a better team.

  12. Wow, yesterday's Bledsoe rant in front of the press is the most he's probably ever been fired up in his entire life. Too bad he can't get that fired up during a game. Perhaps if he did, he'd complete a meaningful pass, avoid a sack, and even possibly be dangerous in the red zone.


    Alas, though... he is Drew Bledsoe... the same ole, same ole. There is always some mechanical excuse fro his piss poor play.... feet not set, weight not distributed properly, not gripping the ball correctly, taking too many hits, eating his cornflakes with a fork instead of a spoon, his shoelaces didn't match, the 4 second clock wasn't running, yada, yada, yada.


    Are we all really this stupid? or does Drew just think we're all this stupid?


    My God, are we all supposed to sup of this koolaid?


    Does anyone believe Drew is going to magically perform up to the level of a barely adequate QB? Does anyone feel any better after his rant to the press?

  13. Come on T80, you're above that... at least I hope you are. Henry has busted his nads for this team. Dedicated players don't play as hurt as he was last year. This crap about henry missing a blitz pickup or two against the Raiders is BS... How do we know what henry's assignment was? For all we know, Henry maybe was supposed fake the blitz pickup and receive a dump off from Bledsoe.


    And as far as what you saw on empire... did it ever occur to you that he might be a little sore from sunday and nursing a few bumps and bruises and didn't want to use his "bullets" up, with the next game 10 days down the road. I'm sure if the coach saw what you think you saw, Henry will be riding the pine the next game. Right now, the only player anyone should be fed up with is Bledsoe. If I were an NFL lineman, he's the last QB I'd want to be blocking for. These offensive lineman have no margin for error with Bledsoe behind center.

  14. How come nobody wants to talk about the 2.7 yard per rush the Bills are averaging - second worst in the league. I'm not trying to throw Henry overboard here, but the lack of offensive production is rooted in subpar line play. If we capitalize on the 1st and goal opportunity in either game, people's outlook may be different. Hopefully, the line play will improve.


    OK. splain me this... when you have 8 and 9 defenders in the box, how do you run the football?


    Answer, you don't!


    What you do is make the defense pay for doing that by gouging them with huge pass plays because if a defense puts 8 and 9 guys in the box, that means the outside receivers are one on one with a corner. Any QB worth their salt has to beat that 80-90% of the time. If they can't, they don't belong in the NFL.

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