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RI Bills Fan

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Posts posted by RI Bills Fan

  1. The point was, if you discount the external advantages the quarterbacks had and just look to team success as the indicator it seems almost a given that Montana ends up on top. However, when you consider that he was surrounded by talent on a team that still dominated and won a SB soon after his departure (Kind of like a guy whose team went 11-5 the year he was out) you realize that there are probably other guys who were better but had less fortunate circumstances.


    Edit: And Kent Graham isn't even in the conversation.


    It's Otto Graham, and IMHO the GOAT QB discussion starts with him, Sammy Baugh, Johnny Unitis, & Bart Starr.


    The rest of what you said I agree with, provided you acknowledge that any attempt to equate Cassel to Young will be ridiculed and mocked mercilessly.

  2. Is there any other argument for keeping Montana out of the top spot?


    There are a few arguments for keeping Montana out of the top spot. Graham, Unitis, Baugh, Marino, Elway, & Farve are some that come to mind. If the discussion turns to keeping Brady out of the top spot a few more names can be added to that list. Including the Manning Brothers, Aikman, Fouts, & even Bradshaw.

  3. Multiple Superbowl starts by QB's


    Terry Bradshaw 4-0 100%

    Joe Montana 4-0 100%

    Troy Aikman 3-0 100 %

    Bart Starr 2-0 100%

    Jim Plunkett 2-0 100%

    Eli Manning 2-0 100%

    Ben Rothlesburger 2-1 66%

    Bob Greise 2-1 66%

    Tom Brady 3-2 60%


    Then there's these guys:


    Dan Marino

    Otto Graham

    Sammy Baugh

    Peyton Manning

    John Elway

    Steve Young

    Johnny Unitas

    Dan Fouts



    Tom Brady might make the top ten, But greatest of all time? Nope, not even close.

  4. That's a good little progressive; create a ridiculous meme, take it to a ridiculous extreme, tie it to a particular group, and then go running home like the whiny little B word you have become.



    The fact that you can make a statement like this with (I assume) a straight face and not recognize just how ironic it is, provides the perfect illustration as to why I find this forum absolutely hillarious.

  5. I suppose you are going to follow me around again? Instead of trying to pick a fight out of the blue, why don't you contribute something useful?


    Nah, it's more fun to snipe when you say something particularly stupid.


    But it has to be something other than your normal stupid because I have no desire to rack up 100,000 posts in a single week.

  6. Truth be told there are a lot of free rider do-nothing trust fund babies who are totally undeserving. I have no problem imposing an 100% tax on them unless they can demonstrate theyre making a positive contribution to society in some way. Like having served in the military. Byconsuming and not producing they're every bit the drag on the rest of us the welfare people they're always busting on


    That's almost 3rdlng level stupid. :blink:

  7. Yes, sir, this here liberal can go from 0 to Bush in record time.

    Ya know, I have to give you a little respect, four years ago you told the board that you would spend the next four years making the libs whining about Bush look good in comparison to you.


    You Sir, are a man of your word. You did (and are still doing) exactly what you said you would. Congrats!


    P.S. The comment was directed at the turnabout in arguments for or against a candidate, not at any particular candidate.

  8. I specifically told you I wasn't going to let you take me into your sideshow. I had told you what I felt about his comments, but you then wanted more. All it was about was your attempt to debate this thread on your terms, and play the gotcha game. Aren't you offended at all about the egregious tweets? Or is it that you aren't sure which ones were so offensive? I'll tell you what, I'll give you one more thing. I'll tell you if I think Rock's comments were un-American after you tell me what you thought of the majority of the other tweets. Deal?


    You've been owned by so many people in this thread alone that you should change your screen name to "Timeshare."

  9. Nice grammar and lisp. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :rolleyes: You seem to get into hissy fits rather easily. Just sayin'.


    But you didn't read the f'n tweets that the thread was based on, and you'd rather criticize me on the basis of what a couple other posters said? I freely admitted that I was busting your groupie twin's balls to give him back a little of his own medicine, but that was based on his comments, and not anything to do with the OP. This thread wasn't based on the article but on the tweets themselves. If you had read through this thread you would have known that. You're just another liberal who has grown up on the shortcut diet of hubris and Koolaide.


    Keep Digging 3RD! Keep digging, China's down there somewhere!

  10. So you come into a thread and notice that I''m arguing with one of Tom's other groupies and instantly start giving me schit without reading through the whole thread, or even the basis of the thread? The point of this thread are all the tweets knocking this country. It's not about whatever you or the other groupie decide you are going to make it. Commenting about my reading comprehension is laughable coming from a person that didn't even read the tweets, but feels competent to comment on an argument in which they are the basis.

    Now see, There you go again. I did read the thread.


    You started by posting a link to a badly written POS article blaming Arron Sorkin for a bunch of asinine tweats he had nothing to do with.


    Then in post 16 you tried to change the focus to something Chris Rock purportedly tweated and started accusing various people of "hating America."


    The majority of the rest of the thread is posters bithch slapping you, laughing at you, and in general agreeing that you are far and away the current douche bag champion of PPP.


    But we understand, Moe, we understand.

  11. What description was that? I confess, I wasn't really paying attention...


    This one...


    What the !@#$? We're not talking about the Declaration of Independence, we're talking about a "consensus of tweets" that says it was incomplete, and your shallow stupid jingoistic boorish crass ignorant reaction to it, you shitlicker.


    Quite accurate if you ask me.


    Damn you are dumb. You didn't bother to read the last "cut and paste nonsense" I posted? It's what you were arguing against, or for. I couldn't tell which one. That "cut and paste nonsense" is what this whole thread was about. I know Tom and you and his other groupie would like to make it about something else, but I'm not buying it. Do you think this country is guilty of genocide?


    And once again you place your complete lack of reading comprehension on display for all to see.


    Please just quit while you're behind. Even you must be embarrassed by now, George.


    Yet you somehow fail to grasp the contradiction in asking to be viewed through the same lens as everyone else while simultaneously separating yourself along the very lines you seek to blur.


    And who's Larry?


    Do your own homework, Sue!

  12. So, what did you think of the majority of the tweets? Do you agree with the sentiment that was expressed?


    And now Shemp is heard from.


    The thing I agree with most is Tom's last discription of you. FWIW I didn't bother to read that last cut & paste nonsense you put up. A glance told me it was a big pile of horse manure not worth my (or anyone's) time to wade through.


    Now I know all three of you stooges are seriously reading comprehension challenged but please, try really really hard to decipher what I type in the next paragraph.


    My statement was in response to one single statement, purportedly tweeted by Chris Rock, and was meant to convey the simple idea that given ths history of the USA, the single greatest nation on the face of the earth, it is (if the person reading the statement has a slight modicum of reading comprehension and a minimal amount of empathy for his or her fellow Americans) possible to understand that some people may see things from a different perspective than you or I see them. BUT that different perspective doesn't necessarially mean that that person "Hates America."


    Is that too hard for you three stooges to understand?

  13. You're a goofy retard. Get that?


    This is like arguing with some alternate universe version of the three stooges.


    Today its 2012 and America is still independent. If you're so desperate for grievances that you have to go back and cite that at the time we first became independent we, as well as the rest of civilization, condoned slavery then far be it from me to deny you that pathetic pleasure.


    And you must be Larry.


    I'm not desperate for anything. I just find it easy to understand how different holidays effect differnt segments of our society in different ways depending on the history of that segment.

  14. And Chris Rock's grandfather had yet to swim out of his daddy's scrotum in 1863. Not that this is the point anyway. In celebrating American independence we're celebrating just that, American Independence.


    And I never called him an "America hater", dipshit. GFYM.


    No but you're jumping in to support the clown who did.


    Where were you on July 4th 1776? Where was your Grandfather? Do the facts of history only count when you like them? Like it or not what he says about slavery is true. Independance Day for our Country is and always will be July 4th. However Independence Day for a certain segment of our citizens is Jan 1st.


    I'm not positive what GFYM means, nor do I much care, but if it's what I suspect it is then you've just proven how big of an idiot you actually are.

  15. I don't get into the whole "who loves America more" thing, but his comments make him come off as a big douche bag. It says he doesn't see himself as an American; he sees himself and his race as a separate people that are not really part of this country. And that's cool if you want to be a separatist, but if you expect the society to accept you and treat you as one of its own that's a two way street. Maybe he should move on from all the oppression he lived through 230 years ago. He may think this sounds strong and assertive, like he's standing up for himself and his people, but in reality, at this point he just sounds like a whiney kitty.


    On January 1 1863 (AKA Emancipation Day) President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclimation via Executive Order. That was the first day in the history of the good old US of A that 100% of people born with Melanin enriched skin were able to (theoretically) fully enjoy the benifits of FULL citizenship.


    It's an easy concept. You're not required to agree with him but that doesn't make him an "America Hater" or a "whiney kitty."


    Your response does however pretty much make you sound like a Sniveling Biatch.

  16. No, I don't have a clue as to why you would want to side with such an unpatriotic person. Far be it for me to want to thusly question your patriotism, but why come to the defense of a person that sides with America haters? Just to set the record straight I have not misquoted him.


    It seems to be an interesting universe you inhabit. Does it touch on ours at other points or is this message board your only point of contact with the real world?


    Just for the record, laughing at the ironic hypocrisy of your posts does not constitute agreement or disagreement with any third party point of view.


    Now, I realize that any attempts at conversation with you are hampered by the language barrier (I speak American English, while you apparently speak some weird extra-universal variant of Words Made Up By Dr. Seuss) but I would appreciate it if you tried really, really, hard to grasp this simple concept: The repetitive repetition of obviously false statements does not magically transform them into true statements.


    And the idea that you feel qualified to question my (or anyone's) love of America based on an arbitrary standard that exists only in the vast emptiness of your largely unused mind is both vastly amusing and semi-disturbing.

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