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RI Bills Fan

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Posts posted by RI Bills Fan


    Yes, he's a good athlete. No question.


    The point is that all NFL players are good athletes. What Hogan offers in terms of athleticism isn't rare by NFL standards. There are dozens of guys with his athletic ability that have gone undrafted in the last few years. Off the top of my head I can name guys like Austin Willis, T.J. Moe, and Nathan Slaughter that scored as well as Hogan in the measurables columns but didn't get drafted, and aren't currently on NFL rosters.


    By contrast, what Goodwin brings to the table is incredibly uncommon. We're not talking about the type of skill set or athletic ability that you can find in 3 or 4 UDFAs every single offseason (as is the case with Hogan). We're talking about a guy with the type of speed that the NFL has only seen in 2 other guys in history.


    It's totally fine if you value those two sets of skills differently. To deny, however, the rarity in one skill set versus the other would be missing the point IMO.

    Let me be clear on this, if I thought that Goodwin could stay healthy I would be in favor of him over Hogan. But as many others have said Availability is the best Ability. Sub 4.35 speed only kills if it's on the field. As things stand I'm in favor of the player who is available to play and has shown a marked improvement in his game year to year.


    I think you're mis-characterizing the situation a bit.


    For one, why wouldn't it make sense for the folks that felt that Hogan was limited athletically to still feel the same way, and prefer to keep more athletic players on the roster?


    Also, the point, I feel, has been made quite clear: there are plenty of players that offer the ability to be a possession-style player that can amass 40 catches and 4 TDs. There are 3 players in the NFL, total, that can blaze their way past a CB that runs a 4.35 in the 40 and leave him eating dust. Goodwin is one of those guys (the others are Dri Archer of Pittsburgh, and Chris Johnson, who's currently a street FA), which means he brings a dimension to the offense that simply cannot be found on the waiver wire.

    I'd love to know where the Hogan is limited athletically stuff comes from. The only reason he ever made the Dull Fins roster (and later our roster) was his freak athleticism. Yes he's slower than Goodwin (who isn't) but he's a certified athletic freak as far as the rest of his measurables go.

  3. Again, no need to be passive aggressive. If you have an issue with what I said you can address me on here or feel free to shoot me a PM.

    I'm not trying to be passive agressive and I never called anyone out by name. I'm simply amused by the fact that the same posters who were outraged by Hogan being kept over D'rick and never miss a chance to post negative opinions about Hogan are now championing a reciever who cannot seem to stay healthy as a better option to keep on this year's roster.




    You know what's funny about the Da'Rick thread? Both sides were right (eventually).


    The side that said "you keep Da'Rick because he's got a much higher ceiling than Hogan" was 100% correct. He was a much more skilled player.


    The side that said "you keep Hogan instead because he can help on ST, is less likely to get in trouble off the field, and can be a fringe #3 WR in a good offensive attack" was 100% right. He's done that.

    What happened to the group that were insistant that Hogan's career stats wouldn't match up to D'rick's stats from a single game?


    Then go ahead and name names, because I haven't seen a single person that even comes close to representing that stance.

    No I don't think I need to do that. This is a public board and I assume everyone who posts here is capable of reading the comments made and forming their own opinions.


    I probably should have stuck an "IMO" on the two posts that are getting people fired up. I'll appologize for that omission.

  6. I don't think that is the case with why people think Hogan is expendable. And, I believe those people who think Hogan is expendable have explained why and I agree and it makes sense. So, NO people never said that and that is just your opinion or starting trouble (aka disrupting the thread).

    Given the fact that when the overall talent on this receiving corps is considered, I think Hogan may very well be expendible, I guess you may have missed my point.


    Hint: There are a few posters here who will never forgive Hogan for beating out their binkie, D'rick.

  7. I'm not claiming to have any sort of inside knowledge but it makes sense to me that the optimum construction of a wide receiver corps would include (as much as practical) a variety of players who both complement each other and bring unique attributes to the field.


    Consider Watkins, Harvin, Woods, and Easley as locks to make the team. The question then becomes which 1 (or 2) of Hogan, Goodwin, or the rookie, brings the most to the table to round out the skill set of the WR Corps as a whole.


    I contend that the ranking as of today should be Hogan 1, Goodwin 2, and Rookie 3. After TC? Who Knows?

  8. Most of the people who are down on Hogan won't admit it but their major problem with him is the fact that he was kept over the future hall of fame receiver D'rick Something or other.


    They vociforously (sp) complained when the decision was made to cut old what's his name and haven't stopped bradying about Hogan since then.

  9. No words. :bag:



    One question always pops into my mind whenever I see that play. How in the heck is that Sanchez's fault and why did so many poster's want the Bills to sign the guard who was picked up and thrown into Sanchez?


    You people do have eyes right? Yeah, Sanchez should have held on to the ball, but common man, everything else is on Brandon Moore.


    If you're a Bills Fan (Which I doubt considering your professed Man-Love for little billy and tommy foulmouth) then why wouldn't you laugh at the Cheatriots*** fans running in circles and shouting to the high heavens: "Ëverybody Does It" "You just hate us because we win so much" and my all time favorite "But team x did y."


    It's hilarious! It's Fun! and best of all it's got the obnoxious Cheatriot*** Fans Panties in a Gordian knot!


    They cheated, AGAIN!


    Proof? I don't need no stinking PROOF! They're the Cheatriots***!!


    Wow you better think about something else. I can hear you stomping your feet and spiting way over here.


    You can move the boy away from Kirby St but you can't take Kirby St away from the boy.


    What you're hearing is laughter, the sound of me enjoying the show as Cheatriot*** Fans blather and rage impotently over this latest controversy.


    Sorry, Little Bear, but no foot stamping and no spite here, just laughter and merriment.


    There will be no Bills fans (including me) laughing, because the Pats have been giving our team televised public wedgees for a decade. The joke is on us and our team.

    If you're a Bills Fan (Which I doubt considering your professed Man-Love for little billy and tommy foulmouth) then why wouldn't you laugh at the Cheatriots*** fans running in circles and shouting to the high heavens: "Ëverybody Does It" "You just hate us because we win so much" and my all time favorite "But team x did y."


    It's hilarious! It's Fun! and best of all it's got the obnoxious Cheatriot*** Fans Panties in a Gordian knot!


    They cheated, AGAIN!


    Proof? I don't need no stinking PROOF! They're the Cheatriots***!!

  12. They get more scrutiny because they have been kicking the crap out of the league for over a decade.



    I can't wait to listen to Buffalo dudes 10 years from now, listing off reasons why the Patriots really weren't that great..."Yeah, and what about Brady with the deflated balls! I can't respect a team that kicks the crap out of the league for 15 years if the QB was using a deflated ball! They were imposters! That 90's Bills team that lost all those Super Bowls, now those guys were the real deal!".



    So are you Hot Air's big brother? He couldn't make any headway obfuscating and deflecting so now it's your turn?


    The sad part is the Cheatriots*** should be the most respected franchise in the league. But they're not and they never will be. Three tainted rings and the single most obnoxious fan base ever are their only remaining claims to fame.


    You can't spin it any way that makes the Cheatriots*** look good. Nothing works. So just slink back to Patsfan.com and report your abject failure.


    We'll be here laughing and waiting for the next revelation. It won't be a long wait.


    Good thing the Pats merely misunderstood a vague rule that the league has of what constitutes the legal stealing of opponents signals, a process like you say, that has been going on since the dawn of football.


    Could you imagine the hatred if they really did cheat, like say the Niners and Broncos, when they "accounted" their way to some really nice salary benefits in order to retain the services of key players that helped them to their respective super bowl titles. :rolleyes:

    Do you honestly think you'll convert anyone to your way of thinking? Or do you get paid by the post when you come here to defend your binkies little billy and tommy foulmouth on the board of a team you're not even a fan of?


    Doesn't it ever get old for you? The cheatriots** get caught again and guys like you rush to your computers to spin why they weren't cheating (even though you know they were). And when nobody buys the line of pure BS you're trying to sell you fall back on the old standbys. But, but, but EVERYBODY Cheats!!!! OR Remember when team X did Y...


    But you completely ignore the fact that whatever any other team did, it was a one time thing. Not like the Cheatriots who seem to be constantly in the news for new ways to CHEAT!

  14. Why the presumption of cheating?


    What started out as an INT by the Colts LB has given way to suspicion which then turned into perception which has ultimately manifested into reality in the eyes of some here.


    Why do you suppose that is?


    The league has said that they are responding to a complaint about the air pressure of balls used in the AFCCG game and are investigating the matter, which they are required to do. Correct me if I am wrong but, the league has not stated that they are suspicious of the Pats taking the air out of the ball(s). In reality, it is people who are jumping to conclusions that this is an investigation into whether or not the Pats cheated (by deflating the balls to under spec). I do wonder, if these same people are also claiming the Packers are also cheaters for adding air to Aaron Rodgers’ footballs. My guess is …. not.


    Why do you suppose that is?


    Why do Cheatriots** Fans like you feel the need to troll the fan boards of other NFL teams deflecting and obfuscating the well deserved criticisms under discussion?


    98% of NFL Fans know that the Cheatriots have never won a Super Bowl Championship with out CHEATING!


    We know it because they were caught and punished. And because the Commish burned the evidence to keep a lid on just how far that cheating went.


    As someone else said the presumption of innocence goes to the innocent. And of all the things the Cheatriots have been accused of Innocence has never been one of them.

  15. On the topic of the supposed Pats deflated footballs. My opinion ..... it's a bizarre case of fans looking for any chance to taint a team that has so dominated the team that they cheer for that they align themselves with any excuse to slight the offending team, no matter if it is real or imagined.


    If not then it's simply a case of being naive and not realizing that it's not uncommon for teams to alter the pressure of footballs.







    So you drew the short straw again today? How many of you guys are assigned to defend your precious cheaters*** on opposing fan boards around the league?


    It's got to be a tiresome and thankless task; swimming upstram against both public opinion and common sense.


    But you should be used to it by now, considering the number of opportunities your precious cheaters*** give you.

  16. Geez, some of you guys make a scorned woman look passive. Does the Pats success really impact your lives this much?

    Nah, Does it affect your life much that Nobody outside of New England will ever accept the Cheatriots** SB Titles as legitimate?


    And just think; after the Seahawks Bit*h Slap little billy and make tommy foul-mouth their Bit*h, your Precious Patsies** will have tied the record for most Super Bowl Losses (5) and tommy foul-mouth will be a .500 SB QB. (and .000 in SB's where nobody cheated.)


    Bye now...


    If so, then one would wonder why the league even bothers inspecting the balls in the first place!


    So, short of the ball being defective, or the ball boy purposely messing with things, or the weather altering the PSI, or a fattie player falling on said ball and compromising its air pressure integrity, this is a league official issue?


    Does anyone know what the inspection protocol is for the league when it comes to balls removed by officials. Do they inspect all such balls? Further, when done is the team that supplied the ball(s), automatically deemed as cheaters because they doctored the ball(s)?

    Ah... Yes, the pats** fan designated to deflect blame and obfuscate the facts whenever the pats** normal mode of operation (i.e. cheat & deceive) is called into question by other NFL Fanbases has arrived and is carrying out his duties in fine fashion. Well done "Hot Air."


    Now go back to Patsfan.com and whine about how those mean Bills Fans are picking on poor little billy. Shoo... Go Now...

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