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RI Bills Fan

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Posts posted by RI Bills Fan

    • 1 SEP 7 1:00PMEDT ) AT BEARS W 1-0
    • 2 SEP 14 1:00PMEDT * DOLPHINS W 2-0
    • 3 SEP 21 1:00PMEDT * CHARGERS W 3-0
    • 4 SEP 28 1:00PMEDT * AT TEXANS W 4-0
    • 5 OCT 5 1:00PMEDT ) AT LIONS W 5-0
    • 6 OCT 12 1:00PMEDT * PATRIOTS W 6-0
    • 7 OCT 19 1:00PMEDT ) VIKINGS W 7-0
    • 8 OCT 26 1:00PMEDT * AT JETS L 7-1
    • 10 NOV 9 1:00PMEST * CHIEFS W 8-1
    • 11 NOV 13 8:25PMEST , AT DOLPHINS W 9-1
    • 12 NOV 23 1:00PMEST * JETS W 10-1
    • 13 NOV 30 1:00PMEST * BROWNS W 11-1
    • 14 DEC 7 4:05PMEST * AT BRONCOS L 11-2
    • 15 DEC 14 1:00PMEST ) PACKERS W 12-2 (Win clinches Div Championship)
    • 16 DEC 21 4:25PMEST * AT RAIDERS W 13-2 (Win Clinches Home Field Throughout the Playoffs)
    • 17 DEC 28 1:00PMEST * AT PATRIOTS L 13-3 (Starters out of the game after the 1st qtr.)

  1. Now that we are in training camp, draft is over, FA is mostly done and we have a pretty strong feel for how the roster is going to round out, I have gone back and reassessed our schedule. I am going to get painted with being overly optimistic I am sure, but I think even given our schedule at the end of the season, we could still win 10-12 games this year.


    1 - @Chi: Loss...I think this game is winnable, but ultimately the Bears get the nod given their experience at QB and as an offensive unit. I think we can win this one. Cutler has a long history of wilting in the face of a good pass rush

    2 - Miami: Win...I just firmly believe we are a better team than Mia and will not only win this game, but sweep the series.

    3 - SD: Win...I think we are a rising team where they are a notoriously slow starting team and are at its worse early in the season.

    4 - @Hou: Win...we are the better team and I fully expect a win.

    5 - @Det: Win...Det, along with Dallas, are always a notoriously under achieving team. Riding a 3-1 start in the dome where our speed kills I think we pull this one out.


    After 5 games, I feel we legitimately can be 4-1 heading into our first meeting with NE, which is IN Buffalo.


    6 - NE: Win...I think this is the year we make a statement. Riding a 4 game win streak, we come home amped up and pull off the upset...I say upset as I believe NE will likely be 4-1 or 5-0 coming into this game as well and likely the favorites still.

    7 - Minn: Win...At first glance this would be a trap game...coming off a huge win and statement against NE and coming in 5-1, this spells a let down game. I could see an easy argument here for a loss, but I really like Marrone and think the staff will keep this young team hungry and wanting to cease control of the division. And we are the better team and at home where we will be amped up.

    8 - @NYJ - Loss...I actually think we can win this game, but after 2 big wins at home, this first game back on the road with a young team spells let down potential and I think we could lose this one.

    9 - KC - Win...coming off the lose, we rebound nicely at home. KC to me isn't as good as last years record suggests and I don't think they will be as good this year.

    10 - @Mia: Win...As I said earlier, we will sweep them this year.


    Thats right, I have us at 8-2 after 10 games.


    11 - NYJ: Win...getting them at home and in a fight for the division crown with NE, we get our revenge and beat this mediocre team.

    12 - Cle: Win...Not a great team, tons of QB questions, and lost its best playmaker...that suggests win in my book.

    13 - @Den: Loss...we won't win this game IMO. Den still class of the AFC until proven otherwise.

    14 - GB: Loss...Green Bay is going to be in a dog fight for its own division crown this year with Chi...I would bet on Rodgers over Manuel in this critical game.

    15 - @Oak: Win...we are the better team and right the ship coming off two very hard games for this young team.

    16 - @NE: Win...Thats right people...I have us sweeping NE. Am I crazy? Maybe...but I feel the circumstances are right this year to pull this off. This late in the season, there is a high probability that one or more of NE's top 3 playmakers are out with injury (Gronk, Vereen, Edelman) as all 3 are very brittle. I think they will be vulnerable and the Bills will come in fired up with it facing its best finish and potential divisional crown in over a decade. I doubt we win this one. But it won't matter. We go into the game with the division already clinched.


    We finish the season at 12-4 and win the AFC East on a tie breaker with NE. Even if you want to give us a loss in one of the NE games, that still puts us at 11-5 and a wild card spot.


    Before all the negative nannies lose their mind...I am FULLY aware that EJ is the key to ALL of this. But, the best part is that the games I have us winning are all very winnable games and won't require EJ to carry the team. If EJ can be similar to Russell Wilson (Just protect the ball and make plays when needed through the air and with his feet) then this is very much within reach. And I personally see EJ being that kind of guy this year.


    Just my 2 cents.


    I like it! But I have a slightly different take on the first and last games of the season.

  2. So, Belichick cheated. BFD! There isn't a coach in the NFL that hasn't cheated in his career. Yet many target Belichick and asterisk such a thing in relation to the Patriots.


    Not only is this perplexing but it screams of jealousy...


    You don't think that every NFL coach has, at some time during their ramp up to the epitome of coaching level in their sport, not once cheated? OK, nothing I say will convince you otherwise. So keep asterisking away :rolleyes:

    You also have no proof that reindeer can fly but common sense prevails eventually.


    Also, do asterisk any coach or team that you know has been shown to cheat or is this honour only given and specific to the Pats?

    Sometimes it takes a flying reindeer reference to make a point.


    FWIW, I actually don't have a problem with asterisking so long as the asterisk rule is applied consistently, to all teams that have been shown to cheat, and is not just done in a manner specific to a certain team that has owned the Bills like a rented mule for the better part of 15 years straight. As I said previous, such action screams of jealousy.

    Sure, in an ideal world, there would be no cheating. But, in real life, there is cheating. Especially so at the epitome levels of business, such as the NFL, where the combatants are all competing for just 1 of only 32 jobs in existence.


    It's good that you are not posting your Patriots asterisk due to jealousy.

    I am not naive enough to believe that not a single coach didn't cheat to gain and advantage at least once in their ascension to be a NFL HC. Even Bud Grant.

    Is cheating not cheating? All cheating more does is make me a multiple times cheater. In the end, the person who cheated once and the person who cheated twice are still both cheaters.




    Perhaps, we need clarification on the defn of cheat.

    Not all cheaters are caught and fined and/or incarcerated though. Yet, they are still cheaters. And once a cheater, always a cheater. Doesn't matter how many more times the cheater, cheats.


    I understand your dislike for the C word. Just know that it's usage isn't only limited to the military nor was it my intent for it to be construed as such in my post. Apologies if it offended.

    Just so I'm clear .... you only feel as you do because Belicheat was the only one to have been caught cheating (videotaping)? What of the others who also cheated by videotaping but who didn't get caught?

    The league brought to the fore the issues of videotaping, which ended up in the spygate fiasco, by issuing a memo to all teams warning them to stop videotaping.


    There are countless accounts fo teams videotaping all the way to the dawn of video tape including a reference to some things that Jimmy Jonson made on the subject which I posted on page 3 of this thread.

    It's a very simple defense much like going to bat for the 10 rioters who get caught out of a crowd of 1,000. The 10 caught are no more guilty than the the others are.


    Why do Patriots Fans (You've admitted it many times, P) feel the need to defend Bellycheat constantly? And why do you care what fans of other teams think of him? Could it be the fact that he hasn't won a Super Bowl since "Spygate"? Could it be the fact that outside of New England (and ESPN HQ) the majority of fans just assume that the only way the Pats* can win a SB is by cheating? It's only because the only way the Pats* have ever won a SB is by Cheating.


    Buffalo, Minnesota, and New England* all have the same record in Super Bowls where there is no suspicion of one team cheating: 0 - 4.

  3. Also lost the Defensive Coordinator who manufactured a lot of pressure with his blitzes.


    What most Pettine fans either ignore or fail to understand is that many of the big runs given up by the defense last year were a direct result of those blitzes. There were many times when a high risk high pressure pass defense was called and a run broke for big yardage because a single player lost gap control and our deep safety didn't react properly.


    Guess who those players were.

  4. Kudos Bill. You're a man of your word.


    But I think you are confusing football knowledge with draft philosophy. You are one of the most knowledgeable posters on this board. Where you differ from most of us is your disdain for any player other than a possible franchise QB who weighs less than 270 being drafted in the 1st round.


    Luckily, you'd never hold a grudge against a player you consider to have been drafted too high. :nana:

  5. A horse **** response. You didn't ask for clarification, you asked what you believed to be a loaded question; but you didn't understand the ramifications of being doubled down on, because your question steers you into an area your responses lead me to believe you don't understand. Start the thread about Rights Theory and justness, and I'll give you all the clarification you want.


    Talk about pure Bullshidt! You made the statement about "Unjust Laws." I asked for clarification of your position (i.e. WHO gets to decide which laws fit the Unjust definition) and you responded with a nonsensical rant. Methinks someone realized just how indefensible their stated position actually is and went directly to obfuscation mode as a fall back.

  6. your replies. logic


    Your reply above is an example. Turning this in to an issue of rights and lawfulness not withstanding, your inability to understand that even while I want individuals to have their own freedoms I am not saying I want anarchy or vigilantism. When I said up you said down. When someone else said left you said right. You provided little to no valid counter argument.


    So if I understand you correctly, my asking someone else a question about a position they espoused in an earlier post, somehow gives you an avenue of insight into my overall intelligence and my ability to discuss "confusing" subjects. Okay...


    You are right in one area. I didn't provide any counter arguments. Doing so would have been a waste of my time. I did however get exactly the type of response I was expecting.

  7. If you'd like to ask a question about the nature of injustice, I'll ask you to start another thread. This thread is about the Bundy Ranch, not Rights Theory.



    Again, start another thread rather than derailing this one.


    So in your view, my attempting to clarify the position you espoused in this thread is an attempt to derail the thread. How exactly does that work?


    Yep. You'd be correct.


    Just the same, society and other individuals have just as much right to decide which laws and rules should apply to those who make their own laws and rules.


    What you likely disagree with is the spectrum of the society. But, you're also pretty ignorant, so its hard to discuss confusing subjects with you.


    And your belief in my ignorance stems from what, exactly?

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