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RI Bills Fan

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Posts posted by RI Bills Fan

  1. I could start a statement that the sky is green. It could be repeated 500 years and still be incorrect.  Your quote is as incorrect as it can possibly be.


    As for your Best player excuse...that is what it is, an excuse. when your best player absolutely sucks, you bench him. Esp in a LOSING Season.  That said, you then play the kid that is your future to get him better. But that won't happen so don't worry. bledsoe will continue to drag this team down.



    Discussing football with someone who wants his(?) team to lose so that he can use that to vindicate his opinion is pointless.


    The Bills are still in the hunt for a playoff spot. This isn't last year. This Bills Team, and I emphasise TEAM, gets better each week. Coaches coach to win THIS WEEK!


    Next year will take care of itself, JPL may be the starting QB next year. If so I will root for him the same way I root for Bledsoe now.


    It's simple, I want the BUFFALO BILLS to win.


    Never seen a box score that read Patriots 29 Bledsoe 9 (or Kelly 35 Patriots 3 either)

  2. Yeah, I know it hasn't officially started yet but barring something horrendous happening he's it for the next four years.


    Four years is a long time politically. So when does this administration start accepting the responsibility for the things that still need to be fixed?


    It's Clinton's fault just doesn't cut it anymore. Clinton left office in 2001. Bush has had a Republican Congress for his entire first term and starts his second term with the same. When does the reality of that simple fact set in?

  3. I suppose you had to find something to attack in my post. Since it directly refutes your crusade with a combination of irrefutable logic and simple common sense.


    That statement has been around as long as the T formation, which made the quarterback the focal point of every team's offense. It was true in the late forties and remains true now.


    Simple case in point Archie Manning in New Orleans. Great QB on a bad team. Predictable results.


    Drew Bledsoe isn't Archie Manning. But he is the best QB currently wearing a Bills uniform. You may not like it but Coaches get fired for not playing their best players.


    Personally, I hope that sometime soon JPL TAKES the starting job from Bledsoe. Handing the job to him will hurt more than it helps.

  4. Different Game, Same Old Fans! :flirt:


    Remember the Kemp vrs Lamonica Debates?


    How about the bashing of Joe Ferguson after the San Diego loss, when he played the second half on one leg.


    Vince Ferragamo?


    Gambling Gary Marangi?


    Bruce Matheson?


    At least this years team has a chance to finish strong and make some noise. Unlike Last year, which ended with a pathetic whimper.


    Go Bills!

  5. What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time we were watching the Bills slowly self destruct. This year we are watching our team get better and better each week (with the the obvious exception of the debacle at Fauxboro). They're not the Steelers or Patriots yet, but at least they are moving in the right direction.


    Quarterbacks generally get too much credit when the team wins and too much blame when the team loses. (The exception is Bledsoe who gets no credit when the team wins and all the blame when the team loses).


    Personally I'll take this years version of the Bills who I believe can realistically be expected to finish the season with a 5-1 late season record and have an outside shot at going 6-0 to finish the season.


    Sneaking into the playoffs is not out of the question yet so Bledsoe must continue to start.


    ANYONE who watched the Thanksgiving day debacles (games) now knows for a fact that Bledsoe is far from being the worst QB in the NFL and we all know he's not the best either. He just happens to be the best we have this week, so this week he plays.


    Bills 34

    Seahawks 10

  6. I don't really know why this guy makes any list whatsoever. He is really nothing more then a fat piece of stevestojan that lives off the lunitic left fringe nut jobs. he simply feeds them the hate speech that they need to make it thru the day. He is considered above the fray by the wackos because they so want what he is saying to be true...that they are willing to sacrifice all sense of reason and common sense.

    By the way the lead in to that aricle goes like this


    "Director Michael Moore, whose anti-President Bush film "Fahrenheit 9/11" touched off a firestorm of controversy,"


    I do not really SE it that way. His movie did not touch off a firestorm of controversy...his minions simply chewed on it like a dog chews a bone...that is what it was made for, and that is what it provided.



    That post reads much better this way...


    "I don't really know why RichinOhio makes any list whatsoever. He is really nothing more then a fat piece of stevestojan that lives off the lunatic right fringe nut jobs. he simply feeds them the hate speech that they need to make it thru the day. He is considered above the fray by the wackos because they so want what he is saying to be true...that they are willing to sacrifice all sense of reason and common sense.

    By the way the lead in to that article goes like this


    "Rich in Ohio, one of the resident nut jobs who regularly spew half truths and utter nonsense on the PPP board touched off a firestorm of controversy,"


    I do not really see it that way. His posts do not touch off a firestorm of controversy...his minions simply chewed on it like a dog chews a bone...that is what it was made for, and that is what it provided."


    See how easy it is? (of course, I did have to correct most of richio's spelling in my version)



  7. Master Chief,


    I see your point, and I'm not arguing it but for the folks who may have misinterpreted your post, I wanted to make it clear that you weren't sweeping through the p-ways of a sub looking for sarin gas.  Get it?









    Got it. But during GW1 we did carry those same tubes. Nobody ever explained to me how they expected someone to get that stevestojan aboard, but we had to carry them.


    Idiots exist everywhere.



  8. Why would you be looking for sarin gas on a sub?  Sounds absurd to me.



    Sarin gas isn't the only thing the system can detect. CO2, CO, and a host of other atmosphere contaminants can be measured using the system. Check the link I provided.


    Sorry, (not really) to burst your bubble, but keep trying... Maybe there really are stockpiles of WMD somewhere in Iraq, but if there are they haven't been found yet.


    TMCM (SS/SW) USN, Ret.

  9. Doesn't look like any detention device I ever used.  Of course it's been 20 years but we had a better self contained unit. 


    As far as labelling goes, what did you expect, Iraq to just know what everything is?  Of course they are labelled.



    Drager Gas Detection Pumps


    I used the system for many years on submarines. You just select the appropriate tube for the gas you want to detect/measure, cut off the ends, insert the tube into the pump and the color change tells you what is in the atmosphere you're breathing.


    Once again a bunch of people who don't really know what they are talking about spewing crap over nothing....



  10. Does anybody want to argue the substance of the original post?  I already said I had a problem with the one about the "age of the earth/world", so I left it out of the quote above.  But, please tell me what is wrong with any of the three proposals above!


    These are not wacky right wing proposals.  They are mainstream!



    Mainstream? Possibly, if the mainstream runs through the middle of the right.


    What happened to diversity? When did this country become the "Land of the free to impose a single set of values on everyone whether they fit or not."


    How does a marriage, union, or whatever you want to call it between two people you don't even know affect your marriage?


    Does an idea that doesn't exactly coincide with your worldview somehow threaten it? Do the millions of straight couples who don't feel they need the church's approval to validate their private relationship somehow threaten the millions who do? And who gave the religious right the authority to make those decisions for all of the population, including people who don't believe the same way they do?


    Look, I'm not denigrating your views in any way, shape, or form. They're yours and they work fine for you. If you're happy with them that's fine with me. I just don't believe that a single set of views is necessarily correct for everyone. I have my own viewpoints and they work for me. Neither set is necessarily inferior to the other, so why shouldn't both be accepted as valid? Unless of course you can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt (and that's my doubt, not your doubt) that your viewpoint is the absolutely 100% correct one, for everyone.


    And I firmly believe that restricting the teaching of alternate viewpoints (on any and every subject) is a huge mistake. Take that statement as broadly as you like. Informed choices are always better than uninformed choices.

  11. out from the shadows!!!!


    unless you have an alias....where you been?



    I've been here. I just decided that lurking and reading the nonsensical battles here was more fun than participating given my limited posting time. :D


    Until we get the 023 out to sea I'm working 12 - 14 hour days. (Unlike a few other beltway bandit types, I don't have the option of posting from work)

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