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Everything posted by Trev

  1. Rapp is a liability with how he tackles. He stone colds stunner his own teammates creating injuries.
  2. Why is Bass still on the roster?
  3. Huge favor? Try again. He’s lucky he wasn’t cut after the domestic abuse incident. Plus we kept him active and in games last year when he should’ve been on IR all year, making us short handed on D. His lack of production essentially cost us a superbowl.
  4. How many full years has milano played? Guy may be injury proned. Is it worth it to find out?
  5. Thank god we don’t have T Swift plastered on our TVs anymore. That was annoying and now I unnecessarily hate her.
  6. With this economy, Everyone’s salary is exploding. We have reached a new plateau where making 200k / year is considered lower middle class. Middle class now is 500k a year and people are still struggling to afford living comfortably.
  7. Who is it? I’m not paying to read a mock draft.
  8. We have zero faith McD will even take us to the Super Bowl.
  9. Yikes. Kelly better get out of Canada. The justice system there isn’t exactly pristine.
  10. I don’t think so. He hasn’t accomplished squat. He’s at the midlife of his career and do we know what we have in Josh? Is he good enough to take us to the Super Bowl? Does he have the leadership skills for his offense to perform when the chips are down? if yes, when will he take the next step, get over the hump. if no, enjoy his time here.
  11. If he’s the best qb ever, theres a ton of room for improvement.
  12. Exactly. Fans have trouble wrapping their head around this fact. McDs legacy will be ruining Joshs career. Pretty Billsy
  13. We are in coach purgatory. We need some light at the end of the tunnel to keep hope up. Yes bring him in!!
  14. McShottenheimer ranks above them all.
  15. When is beane going to be responsible for these crazy contracts. Von, Knox, Bass. Three strikes and you’re out. Can we have some accountability on this team?
  16. This should’ve been us. We traded Mahomes to the chiefs. We should be a dynasty by now.
  17. Are you going to donate to them OP?
  18. No they get extra time after it hits zero. 7 mins to be specific.
  19. Is that the dwarf red head who looks like a downs Annie?
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