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Everything posted by vanislebills44

  1. hahah yah, last time we beat the chiefs i called em half snapped after n he threatened to come break my door down and break my legs n leave me in the street, yah we didnt talk for months after...hes 6'3ish around 300lbs so he'd have 2 b in a deep sleep 4 sure, or get his old lady to spike his drink n then do it..im sure she could eassssily b persuaded
  2. if miller is offside on that last play then their right tackle jawaan taylor moves early every 2nd play
  3. im sure plenty were hoping it stood until of course we pulled it out i hope waaaandy reid gets fined for callin that finish an embarassment, what an embarassment is, is having 12 guys on the field to cost u the game..they still had plenty of time to do something, n if that call was on the defense there wouldnt even b a discussion..typical waaandy reid snivelin for calls, i c where patsy mahomes gets it from
  4. cook killin it all day n not 2 straight runs after that gifted 1st down, i dont get it
  5. ruin the f@ckin ball on 1st down dammit...2 plays they got 2 to's, make em use em...i dunno what is so hard about that
  6. shakir was right there on the hail mary but damn y not give bass a chance...that td miami got at the end of the half on that same play was rare n a fluke.... like the utilization of cook in the pass game, would b nice if he could turn into a bills kamara type... dunno what allen was lookin at on the pick, 3rd down i get it but make kc get an xtra 35yards 2 score, other then that he is playin good....
  7. more than a big game, my chiefs buddy in his damn chiefs red jeep just laid on the goddamn horn down my whole block n when i came out he stopped got out n nailed me with a snowball, im on vancouver island so we dont get much snow to begin with, n then my yappy neighbour with her yappy dog came n sniveled, then it proceeded 2 sh!t on the sidewalk, i went inside n i notice it is still there, hmmmm...
  8. my rabid chiefs buddy was snivelin about that call n started in on me, after 1 second he knew better n shutup...there is a 1st 4 everything
  9. at the very least that meathead security guard should be banned from security at sports games... he knew he would get his 15mins of fame as 4 greenlaw gettin tossed, haha pretty sad in reality...for a 'i got ur nose' tickle...atleast the 40whiners got their revenge in the sh!tkickin
  10. they played well enuff 2 beat the rest of the teams they play, mind ya it better not b a close game as we know how those go
  11. 48yard field goal attempt or punt?? hahahahaha good 2 end the night with a laugh... 2 use a mcdermott schtick, yah hindsight is 20/20, he missed, most dont...
  12. hind sight, hmm, he is lookin at an @ss when hes in front of a mirror....cant defend em any longer 2 close buds r dolphins fans n if i gotta hear another 1 liner or c some stupid meme im gonna go nuts...niagara falls as do the bills n such n such..some r quite comical i have to sadly admit, but 2 hear em week after week gets old real fast... a team with this roster, even barring the key defensive injuries should make the playoffs, yes there is still time, but its a long hard uphill climb, which is gettin slimmer by the week...tuff 2 make wholesale roster changes with the cap n cap penalties n such but a new coach well......
  13. im on the fence with that play, if u catch the ball and bring it into your body, that 'seems' 2 me 2 appear as possession, yet a football move??? probably not, but who defines a football move?? shoulda never came to that play anyways...
  14. he will go to a team assured of the playoffs, not 1 struggling to stay in the fight
  15. 2 put blame on 1 play would b an injustice.... the turning point was no doubt the missed fg refs were brutal 4 certain, however we got the ball 1st in ot, davis n allen on the wrong page was brutal that incomplete/fumble was an iffy call, 2 me if u catch it n bring it into ur body that should b possession enuff bills must have some hex on em 4 sh!tty losses, 6losses by a 4pt avg, 6 wins by 21pt avg
  16. EMERGENCY!! switched tv providers n the bs'd me sayin id have the same channels n the sort....I DONT, n now i dont have ctv ontario which showed all the bills games, just wanted to know if any1 knew any good sites 2 watch the game on... havent missed a game in ages, i know ill b on hold for an hour dealin with those idiots...there will b a riot in the streets if i miss it....thanx, go bills
  17. ill wear they keys out on my computer, ill pass
  18. tight ends are security blankets, CHECKDOWNS.. maybe with another one on the field allen may be more open to utilizing them and not forcing tight throws into coverage it is all mindset, allens needs to change, success in the nfl is wins losses not how many 20plus yard rockets you can force through coverage
  19. any dictator that allows the same mistakes to occur again and again and again is not no dictator... in relation to the term dictator and mistakes, mistakes would b the wrong terminology, but we can all agree the term dictator and full control goes hand in hand... if one has control, one would think those same mistakes would end, cease to exist, yet they are common occurrence, hcnce no dictator, it seems he lacks control, the opposite imo
  20. dorsey had seemed to neuter allen to where the threat of a run was non existent.. we must make teams respect the threat of an allen run and respect the idea that allen may actually utilize a checkdown to gain positive yards, keep the drive alive and most importantly KEEP POSSESSION to whomever thinks long drives of 4/5 yard gains per down is non sustainable and prone to mistakes, yah possible but atleast the ball is in our hands, our fate, and the defense mustn't lay back n wait for the deep tightly covered easy to defend passes... possession possession possesion, whethere its the balls in your hands, the pucks on your stick, the balls at your feet, the key, when u have the ball/puck etc etc u have your own fate in your hands and no one elses...the game is much more controllable when you control the ball
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