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Posts posted by mtdoak

  1. I've said this before and I'll say it again: Put Brady on the Browns and he'd maybe make one pro bowl. The Patriots dynasty (i hate saying that) is based on one thing: a STRONG TEAM. Weis's offensive system was based to minimize mistakes and use quick passes keep the LBs off the line so they could run the ball. The kinda of system that QBs like Bledsoe would flounder in, but the kind Brady excels in. If you need an example, look at ND. Look at Brady Quinn. he's QB rating has gone up from 82 last year to 102 this year. Is Brady Quinn or the Irish THAT much better last year than this year? No, but Brady Quinn is in a BETTER SYSTEM that helps him succeed. QBs like Marino, Manning, Kelly, Young, Montana, and Favre won in several different systems. I'll give credit to the Management and coaching of the Pats for putting together one of the greatest teams of all time. And I would gladly take Brady on the bills, as he's an excellent QB. But, until he has to do it outside of the Weis offense (which is still there for the most part), I will never consider him an 'all time great'

  2. If you could choose how the Bills would win this Sunday, which one of these scenarios would you rather have take place?


    1. Holcomb leads the Bills to a dominating win against the Jets. Let's say by three touchdowns.




    2. Losman replaces a struggling Holcomb with the Bills down two touchdowns in the third quarter and leads the Bills to an improbable last second win.

    I pick #2. I've always loved fantastic finishes.



    How about #3. Holcomb gets injured handing the ball to willis for the 25th time. Losman comes in, and hands the ball to willis for the last 15 carries. And Buffalo wins by 4 TDs

  3. as for drew, has he been congratulated yet for getting pissed off when the team is way ahead? he wanted to stick the knife in deeper, which is representative of an attitude i always thought he lacked.



    Or he wanted to pad his stats so he has something to go back to when his 8 game honeymoon is over in dallas.....I don't see why anyone is suprised at this, he did the same thing is Buffalo, lit the world on fire, made the pro bowl, then continiously sucked for the next 40 games. Teams are going to remember 'wait, this is bledsoe...blitz blitz blitz'

  4. This will probably get moved, but I needed to spew this to the largest crowd possible.

    An agreement for DirecTv to present the games locally was announced weeks ago, negotiations with Dish Network at that time were still ongoing.


    DirecTv has now backed out of its deal to present Sabres games in WNY on MSG. MSG has reached its agreement with Dish Network, and the game was shown last night. On DirectTv?- A Mets game!

    Sabres says- Not our fault

    MSG says- Not our fault

    DirecTv subscriber (me) says- sh--!!! :devil:



    Center Ice is ONLY 4 payments of 32.75/month....

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