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Gavin in Va Beach

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Posts posted by Gavin in Va Beach

  1. 2 minutes ago, LOVEMESOMEBILLS said:

    No way, with what was at stake the NFL would've gladly spent a 100 million on this just finally beat & shut up the biggest thorn in their side in decades. People like Jerry Jones & Robert Kraft would've made sure of it.

    No way. The NFL would have crushed the suit in court, but it would have been bad PR for them regardless, not to mention created some bad blood with the Players union. Making it go away with minimal publicity was the right choice.

  2. 1 minute ago, LOVEMESOMEBILLS said:

    The NFL settling the lawsuit on teams colluding in not signing him says you are way off base on this one. In reality, which side is the one having difficulty accepting this? The facts say one thing, but you keep hanging on to the he's not good enough, which is about the most laughable argument you could make. The NFL is littered with horrible QBs. 




    Disagree. The settlement was chump change to the NFL. If Kaepernick, who has built a reputation as someone who fights for what he believes, really believed he was being blackballed and thought he could prove it then he never would have settled. This settlement was more of a way to save face for both parties and to keep legal fees from becoming more than they already were.

  3. 1 minute ago, Freddie's Dead said:

    While I completely disagree with Kaepernick's protest, it's a crime for the NFL to continue to blackball him, while allowing all kinds of lowlifes (lowlives?) to continue to play.  The whole "media circus" thing is garbage.  Would the Jets or Giants be more of a media circus than they are already?  The fact that this guy can't get a sniff when far inferior QB's are being signed is a travesty.    


    I don't believe the NFL is 'blackballing' him. That would be all the owners got together and with the approval of the NFL offices voted/agreed no one would hire him, opening them up to a massive civil suit. The fact that Kaepernick and I forget the other player, took a small settlement to withdraw their collusion (or blackball) claim means they knew there was no real evidence to back it up. The settlement was chump change to the NFL, who likely only paid it get rid of the bad PR.


    I  believe there are a few, if not more, team owners who would sign him, but ultimately don't want to deal with a possible backlash from their fan base and the headache that would result. That's not blackballing, but a reasonable business decision.


    Honestly though, Miami should sign him. They are already a dumpster fire with low fan support and the headache from bad press couldn't get much worse. Plus they have a bonafides to justify this with their minority ownership group that includes Gloria Estefan and Serena Williams. They could spin this as a 2nd chance for Kaep, give some attention to the social justice angle in positive way, and create some buzz to distract from how bad the team is.

  4. 4 minutes ago, WideNine said:

    Well well... as a wise man once said, "You are either part of the solution, or you are part of the problem".


    The way things are going history may very well pin-point the moment the Bills franchise started to turn the ship around and become more successful as the moment Vonte walked off the team. So whatever... not really interested in what he has to say; there is a right way and a wrong way to do things when you are on a team and we all know where Vonte lands on that score.


    That and when they traded Dareus. That showed that they were not willing to tolerate a player who didn't have his head right and play up to their potential. Still makes me sad though, Dareus has the skills to be a HOF defensive tackle, but he's too much of a chucklehead with no inner hunger to be great.

  5. Quote

    The Bills have opened the campaign by setting their in-state rivals on fire, marching 369 miles by night from Buffalo to East Rutherford, New Jersey, where the sleeping Jets were camped a week ago. Tired by their on-foot journey, Buffalo fell into a 16-0 hole against Sam Darnold, Le'Veon Bell and a Gang Green squad that generated a dash of playoff buzz in August. The Bills would not be held down, though, squelching the Jets in a blaze of holy fire, leaving their AFC East rivals banged, tattered and nursing strange viruses.


    Effin brilliant!  :worthy:

  6. 2 minutes ago, Doc said:


    What a crock of Vontae.  The Bills had just come off a playoff season under a new regime. 


    1. That was his wife being quoted.

    2. We kinda stumbled into the playoffs, and lost a winnable game to Jacksonville.

    3. The culture of the team/organization had only just begun to change using McDermott's 'process'. There were still a lot of less-than-professional players on the team.

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  7. 27 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    This pretty much sums up my experience with Jets fans over the last 25 years.  There isnt a franchise I like less because of their fans.  It seems like there is a subset of Long Island born UB kids that find their way to Bills home games every year and act like total jerks.  Not surprising the best player in their franchise history is a fur coat wearing, panty hose endorsing, suzy kolber sexual harrassing, drunk.



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