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Joe Ferguson forever

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Posts posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. You got a fast car
    Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
    We gotta make a decision
    Leave tonight or live and die this way

    So I remember we were driving, driving in your car
    Speed so fast, I felt like I was drunk
    City lights lay out before us
    And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
    And I-I, had a feeling that I belonged
    I-I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone

  2. 19 minutes ago, BringBackFergy said:

    Was just reminded of these various jobs I had as a youngster...some funny, some weird:


    1) I turned 16 yrs old and looked in the Pennysaver.  The Springbrook Hotel was in need of a bartender. Yes, I was 16, but they didn't care. It was kind of a dive bar at the time (earlier years it had decent fish fry). I started out and worked with the older bartender...then I was on my own one night.  Most guys would order 12 ounce Genny Cream drafts or simple drinks like that.  One night the tenant who lived upstairs was so drunk I had to help him upstairs. I'm pretty sure the other guys at the bar helped themselves to draft beers and shots while I was away from the bar.


    2) In graduate school I had THREE weird jobs:


    a) Ice Cream Truck driver - through one of the worst sections of the city where I was in school...I lasted three days.

    b) Ballroom Dancing Studio - Telemarketing - I had to call people at night and offer them free dance lessons.  I felt worthless.  I think I converted maybe 1 or 2 households (scheduled them for free lessons) over two months.

    c) Last job was at a private country club.  The guy I worked for was Lebanese.  He was miserable to me.  I was table prep and bussed tables.  I also had to assist the host with the table side Caesar salad (prep the cart with all the ingredients) so I learned how to make a real Caesar salad from that experience.  The members were complete asshats.


    Anyone have any funny or interesting part time jobs you remember? 


    too bad you didn't sell more people on dancing.  When my nephews were in high school, I pleaded with them to learn to dance.  I learned too late that there are always way more females than males at almost any dance and they're just waiting to be asked.  They didn't listen.  Dummies.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, corta765 said:


    I answered the question that there wasn't many players out and the game was over at half. The game Sunday went to the buzzer. Virtually any game played that hard will see players like that and the sun 100% amplified that. On the flipside the prior year with very similar conditions there was nothing like that because the game again was a blow out.


    I could really care less about your playing experience the same as you would care about mine. Were nobodies are opinion doesn't matter in that regard.


    My main point stands that both teams play in the same conditions and the fact fans have this stupid excuse is insane. We lost and blew a chance, it is what it is. Were not going to agree on this which is fine, you and I have never had a beef so no reason to.


    There is a real conversation to be had about player safety not only with heat and cold but especially field conditions in places like WSH or CHI.

    we don't see many deaths from nordic events like cross country skiing in extreme cold.  people die from mountain climbing but for different reasons...

  4. 4 hours ago, Buffalo Junction said:

    ^^^ THIS ^^^

    I used to pull tobacco in Carolina heat every August on the family farm. It’s absolutely brutal, but you get accustomed to physically exhausting labor in 90°+ heat in full sun and no breeze after early morning thunderstorms. You get conditioned to it, but anyone who isn’t wilts after an hour or two. It’s even worse in the barns which are just as humid but 120°+. There’s a reason why most of those farmers hire migrant workers to work those fields…. Most Americans don’t want to do that work, but that brutal farm work is also a reason why Allen usually performs well in those conditions. 

    In any case, those Miami advantages disappear later in the season and into the playoffs. The Dolphins have no way to prepare for Buffalo weather from November through the playoffs. They cannot acclimate to snow, sleet, freezing rain, sub-zero temps, or the ice cold moisture filled lake wind. It evens out, but for the sake of fairness and health it probably would be a good idea for the league to schedule the first game in B-lo and the second in Miami. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Dolphins drop this Bengals game due to carryover exhaustion. 

    yes, grizzled Va and NC tobacco farmers never end up hospitalized for heat exhaustion/stroke...🤨

  5. 8 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    I teach anatomy and physiology.  During the second half I texted my daughter that I just hoped no one would die.  And I was serious.


    When you have guys the size of NFL player in full equipment in that heat, they are going to get dehydrated very quickly, and their electrolytes get messed up.  And especially if potassium gets affected, it can lead to serious cardiac events.


    The amount of fluid in guys this size is just very hard to replace.  You try to hydrate all week of course, but you’re not in the heat and such so the body would do what it normally does and excrete excess fluid.  Under the conditions yesterday, even with IV fluids it would be hard to replace fluid and electrolytes as quickly as they were being lost.  I think part of why we lost is some guys were just not capable of normal physical and mental function.  Same would go for the Fish of course, but they did have shade to help cool down a bit more.


    i don’t think the game itself will affect the season much; we are still clearly the better team.  But if I were a trainer or on the medical staff of both teams I’d be in the league’s face to get protection for these conditions.  They’ll never tell the public but I suspect there were players yesterday on the edge of really serious complications.

    When players were cramping all over the field they should have paused the game and allowed rehydration.  Much more dangerous situation for more players than lightning

  6. OGTEleven,  Discovered the Jenny's after saw this group become the belles of the festival at one I was attending.  I think they've broken up but have several albums available.  This is my fav version of this great Dolly Parton tune.


  7. 1 minute ago, Pete said:

    slight hyberpole











    backup center



    Diggs-Roos-Gabe-Knox all cramped up and/or played with injury




    I know Im probably missing a bunch....thats way beyond decimated....that bunch would be a great core every team wishes they had....holy hell that was a valiant effort by all, using every Bills player, even the practice squad.  What a team!  Lets go Buffalo!


    bobby hart out also

    what happened in the pile to Josh?  pointed to his crotch.  watch out for payback next Miami game.

  8. 1 minute ago, I Am The Liquor said:

    Awesome bud.  The announcers said it?  Feel way better now...No excuse to have our team not prepared for the heat.  Dorsey's reaction at the end of the game summed it up nice.

    they are human.  have you ever tried to do really vigorous stuff in that kind of heat?  I've walked off a golf course on a day like that on 14, drank plenty of fluids all the way round and felt like death warmed over for a day after.  Also, they couldn't substitute liberally because they didn't have the players to do it.  Florida sucks.  know idea why anyone wants to live in that swamp.

  9. 11 minutes ago, UKBillFan said:


    We always have excuses, don't we? Like blaming the wind for losing at home to the Pats last year.

    no excuses.  they lost a game...barely.  they played their hearts out with major injuries to key players.  miami is better than we thought but no where near as good as the bills on 9 out of ten days. Tua had 186 yards passing.  today was an aberration.  back to crushing opponents next week.

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  10. 18 hours ago, Don Otreply said:

    Really? Reach a little, see the bigger picture, at best the make a preliminary medical survey, hold him out for a series or two to further asses the players ability to re-enter the game, again they had no actual facts at that time, its not so complicated, come on Einstein…, 


    Go  Bills!!!

    injuries that keep players out of multiple games are, by definition, complicated.  Simple would be not missing any games or the coach being able to predict a players return date.

    10 hours ago, AlfaBill said:

    All off season, pre season and even after the 1st game, there was a lot of talk about the condition team and sports science team being great. That’s why the Bills had the least number of missed games over the last 3-4 seasons. So much for that!

    great conditioning likely saved Dane Jackson from life changing injury

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