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Everything posted by Amorgus

  1. Another thing the coaching staff has utterly failed in breaking him of. Let's keep giving up five yards before the ball is even thrown or handed.
  2. Do you think that simply replacing Josh will save the team? Josh's tire fire is a SYMPTOM of a horrible front office. A front office that gave him the keys to the car before teaching him how to drive and not giving him proper player support. Josh is failing because they failed.
  3. Agree. Beane and the coaches need to GTFO. They were handed a QB that could be a legend if they knew how to actually develop him instead of letting him run the show and never grow up.
  4. Growing up in Irondequoit and dealing with those cops was obnoxious. We got pulled over on our bikes as kids and accused of riding through an old ladies yard and flipping her off. My friend got pulled for no good reason and I literally got questioned about the Blockbuster movies in my lap. They got around racial profiling by calling blacks "Canadians". The biggest bully/sexual predator in my class of course joined their ranks, got suspended for a year with pay for starting a bar fight after hitting on some guy's wife, then got promoted, then fired for racial slurs. The cops in other towns were even like WTF when it came to the IPD.
  5. I also find it hard to believe that throwing the ball backwards that far works out positively THAT much. If someone manages to make Josh fumble, then so be it. I think trusting him to pound ahead for a yard or two at the goal line with work much higher than 70% of the time.
  6. Maybe Diggs is demanding every ball is thrown to him or he walks.
  7. Preferably a live beheading of Ken Dorsey at center field.
  8. You get an Awesome for the Kelly's Heroes gif.
  9. Great Milano is out among others from injuries due to awful turf. I'd say it's class action time against the league but the owners are a bunch of pricks.
  10. The defense has held up surprisingly well until now. This is all on Dorsey.
  11. The Dolphins must be absolutely atrocious if the Jags are doing THIS. But also, thus ISN'T a ***** HOME game, Goodell.
  12. Everyone throw up the crow you ate last week because you were RIGHT.
  13. I am officially off the ledge for this season. 😂
  14. At least Davis is catching ***** today. But yeah, I will be totally shocked if Tre's career isn't done now.
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