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Posts posted by Precision

  1. 1 hour ago, B-Man said:


    Believe me, Billsy is not worth this effort.


    He is the epitome of a childish poster.......(as his response to your picture will surely confirm)



    I suggest that you do as most of us do, laugh at and highlight his constant errors,


    and never respond to his questions, they are squirrels.





    I try not to ignore people because I think it's poor manners.  In this case, I'll take your advice.....Thanks!



    1 hour ago, Chef Jim said:

    So Billy Boy thinks you’re from California?  Hmmm. Wonder if he thinks you’re me or Deek.  Regardless he’s more immature than mentally unstable.  

    I have no idea who he thinks I am.  It's not like I'm trying to brag I'm from NH, most MA people think we're all hillbillies! LOL!

    • Agree 1
  2. 14 hours ago, BillStime said:


    You would know.


    I'm in NH, been in NH for 30 years.  Grew up in WNY.


    I can post some pictures of NH if you would like.  Like right now, do you want me to walk outside and take a picture?


    Seriously, get some help.  I'm not just saying this to be a jerk, you're accusing people of being other people.  That's a mental problem, do yourself a favor buddy.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Doc said:


    This is how they operate.  They throw out a single stat (wages rising, unemployment rate low) as good news, yet leave out the context that makes it actually not good news.


    I would be happy if they would at least point out all the ways they think it's good news.  At least we could discuss that.  Throwing out a single stat and then blaming Trump isn't a conversation.     

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. deflect much deranged?


    I asked a your lemming Bonnie what the unemployment rate is… you jumped in and tried to upstage me and I asked a specific question to address your deflection - and once again - you deflect.


    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled." ~ Mark Twain



    Too funny, your only proper grammar was a quote.  So, I guess English isn't your native language, that explains a lot.  

  5. 3 hours ago, BillStime said:


    Why don't you tell us what the Labor Force Participation Rate is and what the rate was when Trump handed off the most amazing economy in the history of the United States... 

    I'm confused, you stated "What is the unemployment rate today?"  Are we now talking about today or last year or 10 years ago?  You do know what "today" means correct?  I'm assuming English is your native language.


    This administration owns the unemployment rate, labor participation rate and the inflation rate TODAY. 


  6. More crap reporting from NPR......


    Supreme Court Justices Sotomayor, Gorsuch deny reports of mask dispute (usatoday.com)


    NPR, citing unnamed sources stands by the crap story.  These media outlets should be forced to reveal their "unnamed sources".  


    "Unnamed sources reveal that NPR staff regularly have group sex during lunch, we can't name the sources but that's what we're reporting Bob.....".


    Ha ha ha ha

    • Like (+1) 2
  7. I've said it before, the Russia/Ukraine conflict was the perfect scenario for the European NATO members to assert themselves.  


    Militarily, it would have been easy to funnel arms to Ukraine given the close proximity of European NATO members.  Instead, we have UK planes that need to fly around German airspace to provide the Ukrainians defensive weapons.


    Even if the EU NATO countries didn't have the stomach for that they could have provided Ukraine economic subsidies so the Ukrainians could have purchased their own weapons.  Instead, we got Nordstream 2 which will hurt the Ukraine economy.


    The truth is that NATO is a farce.  It is a one-sided organization that allows European countries to be protected by American service members with American money. 


    Let me clarify that I am calling out mainland European countries, God bless the United Kingdom!

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  8. I think the acceptance/embracement of sexual deviants and deviancy is a left-wing position.


    The LGBTQ community is clearly in the left camp and many people may consider that deviant behavior (personally, I don't care if you're into bestiality, just stating that some would consider it deviant).  


    The left has always been soft on crime and would clearly be the preferred party of individuals that commit sexual crimes.


    The Hollywood crowd has always leaned far left and are consistently committing sexual abuse.  


    A recent look at politicians shows sexual harassment/misconduct to be more prevalent among democrats than republicans.

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  9. Anyone who has worked in a dusty environment knew the cloth masks were *****.  In the beginning the CDC was trying to keep the sheep from buying the N95's so all the important people would have them.  


    In my workshop I have a couple of respirators and a stack of N95's (I buy in bulk).  When Covid hit my family was all wearing N95's as I had a lot on hand.  We would get stopped by liberal bobbleheads saying "you know those things don't work, the CDC says blah blah blah blah".  We would also get stopped by nurses and doctors saying, "you need to stop using these and donate them to your local hospital".  Had to tell more than a few of our medical "heroes" to f-off.


    If you're surprised that the government (and CDC) has been lying to you I don't know what to say other than, do you know the word gullible isn't in the dictionary?

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 41 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    Well put.


    Here in Cuba, the problem is highlighted by the lack of young adults. Almost NO ONE stays in the area after graduating high school.


    Last fall I skipped driving down Route 86 and drove 40 miles down 417, very depressing.



    Cuba, holy cow we were practically neighbors as I grew up in Canisteo!  We may have played you guys in football! 


    When are you guys going to build that big cheese factory?

  11. 8 hours ago, Not at the table Karlos said:

    The areas that you mentioned and are familiar with have been shitholes for as long as I can remember. Pretty much anything along 17 has been bad since the 90s


    I would disagree that the region has always been that way or even since the 90's.  Certainly, there are some areas that are poor and have never improved but by and large the 80's to at least the late 90's were good for the region.  The NYT has a pretty good article (for them) here.




    IMO things started getting bad after 2000.  Most of the school consolidations started in the late 90's and I don't believe this was fully felt (or implemented) across the region for a few years.  Rochester was still ok back then as I knew people who would commute from the Hornell/Dansville area to Kodak Park and KAD.  Neglecting the Rochester area, some large employers who vacated the region or had large layoffs were after 2000 (i.e., Foster Wheeler-Dansville, Dresser Rand-Region, Siemens-Olean, DOT-Hornell).  Also, this was the timeframe when the US lost significant manufacturing jobs which impacted the Southern Tier disproportionally.   


    More recently I think the economy has worsened as I see lots of lots of small closures throughout the region such as Steuben Trust, Valu Home Centers, even the Friendly's in Hornell!  In higher education (unfortunately a significant employer now) local, regional and national demographics are working against them.  AU and St. B have increased enrollment-for now, SUNYs are up probably due to NYS tuition programs.  Conversely, CC and EC are down, and KC will be gone in 3 years.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 1 hour ago, LeviF said:


    Rochester now has one of the highest murder rates in the country at about 39 murders per 100,000 residents. On par with Detroit, I think. Good for top ten even as homicides skyrocket across the country.  Meanwhile the criminal anti-cop mayor (who has since left office) had to declare a state of emergency due to the rapid increase in violent crime.


    I had no idea things were that bad.  I thought the outlying areas were suffering but it sounds like the cities are as well.  

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:




    CA tax dollars hard at work, making sure Orville had a nice home in Arkansas before making it to your ham sandwich in San Bernardino 

    I suspect many states and local communities will ban inspectors from CA.  Legally I could see where the law could also infringe on interstate commerce.  Imagine other states passing laws that require farm produce not processed by illegal immigrants and send inspectors to ensure compliance.  CA would be screwed 


    Practically, once a few inspectors come up "missing" I think the rest will think twice before visiting the backwoods of America.

  14. 1 hour ago, Irv said:


    I live in Rochester.  I work downtown and carry a 38 pistol at all times.  It's no joke.  Some of the people that live in the city are savages.  For them - total lawlessness.  The others are at their mercy.  I feel sorry for the good people.  Government has used them and forgotten them.  What a mess.   



    That's really sad.  I had an internship in Kodak Park off 104 in the late 80's and always felt safe.  My mother used to shop in Rochester, but she doesn't anymore as the malls she would go to are now closed or have limited stores.  I never would have thought a city that I had consider affluent would get so bad.


    I haven't been up there in a while, had to go up 5 years ago when my father was med-flighted to Rochester General.  What are the big employers in Rochester now?  When I was there it was all Kodak, Xerox and to a lesser extent B&L.  I think GM had the glass building off I-90?

  15. 1 hour ago, Wacka said:

    nice you can afford them. I have a 2009 Focus. No rust visible yet. Got it in 2017. Must have been owned by an old couple. Has only 62 K on it.

    We have been lucky, worked hard and are older with no dependents left in the home.


    Glad you have a good ride.


    My comments up thread come from driving over 1K miles around WNY over 6 days.  When you see town after town after town with boarded up downtowns, run down houses and old cars (some of which shouldn't be on the road) it is concerning.  I find it concerning because most of my family stills live in WNY.  I find it concerning because I genuinely care about the area as it is where I was raised.  If it was one town or one house or one car that's no big deal.  But when you drive hundreds of miles and see the same economic situation across a vast area then there is an underlying problem at the state level. 


    I'm curious if there are similar issues in the Buffalo/Rochester areas as most of my travels take me into the southern tier, through the I-88 corridor.  I know there is some wealth in Corning, Elmira, Binghamton and the finger lakes.  The issue I see is that the areas outside of those appear to be struggling and are not getting better.  I suspect many school districts will continue to consolidate which will remove high paying jobs and further exacerbate the local economic situations.  I wonder how much longer school mergers can continue as you can't ask a kid to sit on a bus for 3 hours each day in order to get to the regional school.  Also, I wonder if the economic problems in these areas of the state are indicative of what will eventually come to the more metropolitan areas as often rural money finds its way to the larger cities.   


    2 hours ago, Wacka said:

    So the cars have rust. Have you seen the price of new cars now? Lived in CT for 2 years (has no inspection). Saw more cars tagged on the side of the interstate than anyplace else. 

    Surface rust isn't a problem.  When pieces of the vehicle can fall off then that is a safety issue.


    I am well aware of the price of new vehicles as all of ours are new.  

  17. Returned last night from visiting family in WNY and all I can say is Wow.


    Spent lots of time off the beaten path driving Rt 7 (parallel to I-88), was sad to see that Gibby's in Duanesburg closed.   Also drove all of Rt 417 (parallel to Rt 17/I-86).  Visited the Comedy and Lucille Ball museums in Jamestown which were nice.


    Pretty much everywhere else I passed is starting to look like a third world s**t-hole.  I expected that in some area's (over toward Salamanca) but even towns that used to be nice are continuing to degrade.  There must be a tax break in NYS for blue tarp as it seems every 10th house has some wrapped around something.  It amazes me the number of vehicles on the road in NYS that would be impounded as an unsafe vehicle in other states.  Some of the trucks are just a cab with garbage can of rust sitting on the back.  Considering there's a housing shortage I can't believe the number of houses that are in such poor shape they should be condemned.  My kids couldn't believe people actually lived in them.


    Are other people seeing the same throughout NYS?  I don't get to Rochester or Buffalo much anymore and just drive through Albany.  I'm very familiar from Cobleskill to Binghamton and West to Olean.  That entire stretch is starting to look like a failed state.

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