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Posts posted by Since1981

  1. Beez is great 6-11 yds. better complimentary player than the others. I wonder how much Josh plays into front office to form opinions. 

    *now if only he could hear us yelling beeeeez and not boooo ?! ;)


    I would retain him as #3 / slot for avg or slightly above avg cost. He’s single handed won a few games. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    Unvaxed players in the NFL can still play.  Their employers (the NFL) allows this.  What matters is Rodgers lied about his vax status to his employer.  Show me any employer that's cool with being lied to by an employee.

    —rogers lied to his employer and his coworkers. He lied to cameras in a very public way. 
    —Beasley did not lie. I’d rather he vax but as long as he tests and rules…cool. 
    —rogers is a jerk. NFL won’t address it because he’s a star. He was a jerk before, this just proved it. 

    • Like (+1) 4
  3. Upstate gets more $ from NYS per capita than NYC, LI. That is a fact. However, if we were two states, upstate would not have laws, regs, tax, more at this level. Things like Scaffold Law (gravity liability) would never pass in “Upper New York State”. Upstate laws would look more like NH Live Free or Die….


    that said, time for NYS to build a stadium even remotely like Yankees!!

  4. Remember when we used to say “weather was a competitive advantage”? Aka ground and pound days? That’s not the 2021 NFL except for King Henry—-ONE GUY!


    offenses, QB, receivers, special teams…no FA wants to play in the constant winds over Lake Erie. 

    it is a competitive disadvantage to have excessive winds for recruitment and fan attendance late season.  Crazy to build without an “enclosure” from wind. 

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  5. 1) 70,000 sat in a downpours. 
    2) paid a day(s) wages


    cole should have at least had the maturity to know the situation and his audience (all wet, all vaxed) 

    Cole…just say;

    “Sorry, this is ultimately a private matter, I am adhering to NFL covid guidance going forward as required”


    (Get test, get paid, get quiet)

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  6. 7 hours ago, BillsFanForever19 said:

    Rationale for the dorm bootcamp bond style camp was nearly over last year. Only two reasons to have a “camp” in Rochester 1) help team get ready and 2) sell tickets interest. 

    I don’t see either of these significantly improved circa 2021 by a SJF camp. 

    Bonding is real but they can “bond” over golf or Madden in BUF AND vets be with their family. 

    the days when Fred Smurlus showed up out of shape are long over. This is a quality product and doesn’t need a red/white/blue bouncy house in Rochester to sell tickets. 

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  7. Get the home field advantage next year AFC title.  70,000 quiet fans will again let Josh make the line calls he had been making during covid and Beane helps in the offseason. 

    We made it past all expectations and have a critical core built! Bills 2022 champs!


    (half full kind of guy:)

  8. 46 minutes ago, zow2 said:

     Josh commented how great it felt

    I remembered that comment too. It struck me as rather odd at the time. Without a run game...I can see how the Josh style of super fast short game and beautiful long balls....would be more impacted by wet/windy. A guy like Fitz might not have the arm but then his game doesn’t depend on precision and speed. Precision gets totally wacked in wet/wind. 

    so, we don’t have a run game and our passer has a fast precision style. Maybe we need Fitz and Lynch or dome. 

  9. 1 hour ago, freddyjj said:

    LOL  10 mph is Windy?  The average breeze ion WNY is 8mph 9 months out of the year.   10-15  mph is no factor 


    Believe 20 mph is where ball flight of a spiral might vary.  And the wind always swirls in the bowl.  

    Okay >15 mph. WNY is one of the most consistently windy places anywhere, period (that isn’t a mountain)


    ...we finally have a guy that is a modern NFL passer and now our home field disadvantage vs run. 

    snow is BS, not a problem. 

    wind 15 mph is a real prob for us. 

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