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Everything posted by 4everBills

  1. How frikkin stupid can these people be. Ummm, Travis Henry. Ummmm, how many yards the past 2 seasons? Hes either the second coming of Barry Sanders (who never had a good o-line) or the line isnt as bad as you think. Drew is getting sacked so much in part because of o-line mistakes, but MOSTLY because of sitting back there so long last year and being a statue. I love Drew and I think this O is setup to put him back in the very good QB category. Mark my words, the Bills will get another 1000+ with Travis and will go to the playoffs. Bledsoe gets 20-30 sacks, and Moulds goes backto the pro-bowl. WAKE UP. The o-line is fine if we get the running yards, everything goes from there. Our pass is open, our WR are open because of the stacked line anticipating the run. Travis got 1000+ the last 2 years, why will this year be different?
  2. Heres the short and curlys: No IR for Losman, they want him to be available as soon as he can practice 4 to 6 for Brown Mathews is a guy being looked at Should settle the backup QB situation by end of today or early tomorrow Milloy may go in the first game as he stated, Donahoe refused to put a time table on it. Lawyer can play with a cast, I think he goes day one.
  3. You already know these answers, your dislike of the idea is clear. Douglas was double digits in sacks the 4 of the past 5 years. Eagles would have had to pay HUGE money for Hugh a.l.a. the Jags and didnt want to pay it. They let him go because it isnt as easy as you and many others make it. The guys a star (at least at that point), so he MUST be kept at any cost. Eagles were penny pinchers and didnt pay him. Yes, he had an off season last year. Thats why he could be a bigtime bargain if he regains his form. If he had gone for another 10+ sacks, the Jags would have kept him and we wouldnt b e talking about this. Facts is, hes out there, we need a solid player opposite Schobel now, and maybe another starter at DE if Schobel isnt re-signed. Adding Douglas is an obvious upgrade to either Kelsay or Denney now. If Schobel leaves, Douglas is one starter and Kelsay or Denney is our other. I wouldnt go here if we could count on Gildon/Denney/ oro Kelsay. We cant and theres a guy whos one season removed from double digit sacks and can be had for low ball money probably. Sounds like a good logical move. If you dont like it, fine. But its not totally stupid, there is clear sense to the move.
  4. He hasnt shown me jack squat so far, He goes down on the 1st or 2nd tackle and hasnt shown any real speed better than Travis. Dominic Rhodes, who knows hes the backup at best, WAY out plays McGahee and is WAY better right now. Had McGahee shown more against starters, Id say the competition for the starting job is on, guess what theres no competition, Travis is our STUD. Stick with whats proven, Travis is a GREAT back.
  5. hes just been cut along with D Johnson. Check out there web site
  6. seriously, I think it would be a great move! Why not, if he WAS in a funk, he aint worth much coin right now and can come back big as our starter opposite Schobel! Watched alot of Jags camp coverage, seems to be a loud mouth though, dont know if that fits in our team. Neither Kelsay or Denney is ready to start, Gildon is a bust. Makes sense to me as he would be our best option on this squad.
  7. He'll sign for a low ball contract with us and add insurance if Schobel leaves and a solid opposite starter now. We may also sign Doug Johnson
  8. K Kittner Jim Miller Tee Martin A Wright Drew Brees Doug Flutie J Germaine Doug Johnson- Leftwich Starts, Garrard already listed above Johnson as #2, could be cut Rodney Peete C Weinke M McMahon- Rick Mirer as #2? Head case McMahon let go to pursue a starting job? J Palmer J Blake T Rattay Trent Dilfer Seneca Wallace Brock Huard Jason Garrett Brian Griese Tim Hasselbeck Out of this list I like Brees, Flutie, Anthony Wright, D Johnson, M McMahon, J Palmer, Trent Dilfer, Seneca Wallace, Griese My Favorites are Brees, Wright, Wallace, and Griese My dream guy would be Wallace or Brees. Wallace adds a slash type dimension that Mularkey could use as another weapon. Brees is a starter on a bad squad. Wright is my sleeper, he played great when forced to start due to injury.
  9. HMMMMMMMMM, 7 years experience drafted by Pit, HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  10. We are in very good shape. I see our O performing at almost 2002 level and with our D being so good, I think were set for the playoffs. Drew is back with 2 good games in a row and an offense that is geared to get the ball out of his hands quicker. I think that move makes our WR's better too, the seem to be getting open and getting yards. Travis is gonna run all over the field with our improved o-line.
  11. I still dont get how Sullivan could have done so well in 2002 but now cant land a starting job. I thought Lawrence has played well for someone who is so inexperienced. Might make a great on the job trainee.
  12. was a great return man there. Cut Shaw and pick him up.
  13. We now must find a solid backup. If that backup is as good or better than Travis, Travis will not be on this team in 2005. We absolutely keep Losman, Travis goes on IR, and our new backup will have a whole season behind him when Travis comes off. At that point, our new backup is familiar with our system and is better than Travis. Travis loses his job and cant go back to 3rd string (occupied by Losman). You know that Losman is our 2 in 2005 assuming Bledsoe stays, Travis would probably be gone anyway and we would have a new 3rd stringer. So, Travis on IR, Zolman as our 3rd, Losman waiting in the wings to come back when healthy, and a new 2nd stringer. I think the Bills will go and get someone good assuming he cant have a long learning curve and probably will be cut after this season. I think the Travis situation makes us better because we stand to sign a better backup than Travis. My thoughts are: Not Redman- hasnt proven to be anything more than a 3rd stringer and we cant afford to sign a project especially with Losman as our future. Rob Johnson- maybe a decent guy for this spot. We dont want his as our #1 EVER so then again maybe not, I dont see him coming up here anyway. Rich Gannon- Would be perfect as a guy who doesnt have much life left but can play for a year. Joe Germaine- played pretty solid when thrown in there with Warner hurt, maybe worth a look. Doug Flutie- another perfect fit as a guy who is long in the tooth. Drew Brees- would be a great long term backup, who is a marginal starter. That would mean Losman would have to go from #3 to #1 when Drews done, big jump Id like to see Losman as our #2 for a season before going to #1 Neil ODonnel- Give me a break, the guy has always sucked in my mind. Brian Griese- same situation as Brees, would be a great long term backup Tim Couch- same a Brees, and Griese My pick is Drew Brees. Id love to land this guy, I think hes a decent QB on a crappy team that is badly mismanaged. Akili Smith?
  14. He played decent for the Rams when he needed to. If, god forbid, knock on wood, Drew goes down, Travis Clown scares the be-jesus out of me. Germaine would at least be an upgrade at the #2 spot. Damn, Im still so ticked that Losmans hurt. He SO would have put Travis Clown in the looking for work line.
  15. So my problem is that he would get more snaps with the second or 1st team (if theres a blow out) if hes our 2. Most teams run the game weeks as if the #2 may have to start, number 3 holds the clipboard and thats about it. #2 woul get more preping and therefore be more prepared to start earlier than if the #3. Its a hit on Losmans progression to be our future. I dont want any competition for next years #2 with Travis idiot, no need to split reps with him to fairly judge who better, no need to have Travis on this squad anymore, he had, what....4 years to show something, he hasnt done it. And Losman in just 2 games showed hes worthy of the #2 spot. His injury forces us to keep Travis and be fair and allow Travis to compete for the #2 in the future, Losman would have won it outright, and Travis would be gone (he cant be a #3 under Losman at this point). Next camp should be devoted to Losman gettin ALL the reps as #2 and being preped for being the starter, not competing with anyone.
  16. Hi, my name is Thialog, Im dying to be permanently banned! I also am secretly Travis Clowns gay lover!
  17. Not so much what hes done but what he hasnt. Losman is flat out better and I wanted Losman healthy so he would end up as our #2 with a full training camp. Now, Travis makes this roster as our #2 and Losman wont crack #2 until next season. We will be gearing up for each weeks game when he comes back and he will get ZERO playing time when he comes back unlike if he was here for our last 2 pre-season games. I just think Losman would have won #2 and Travis couldnt fill our 3 because hes been here long enough to be a 2 or be gone. we would then sign some guy as our 3 or Zolman. This sucks for guys who wanted to see Losman become our future QB ASAP. Its not just that hes out, its also that we MUST find our 2 before hes back.
  18. Id love a strong game by McGahee, but show me you can break 3 tackles per run AND burn a CB for 30+ yards. Then I will believe. To me McGahee has looked VERY tackle-able. He goes down on the first or second hit, TH ALWAYS breaks several tackles for extra yards. Forget what youve seen, I just right now, trust TH with the rock and I DONT trust McG with it yet. I want to see some Ricky Williams or Tomlinson or Faulk in McG before I pencil him in as our future RB.
  19. maybe signing a career backup at this point is all we need. Unlike Barry, I dont want him to start, just backup up Bledsoe so we can permanently can Travis Clown. Trust me I have no intention for this pine rider to become our future ala Jeff Blake, or AVP.
  20. Seriously, McGahee has yet to beat out Henry in my mind, sure he has potential but all his yards and TD's are against backups, I havent seen a single run that shows he's faster or better than TH. Losman has already shown hes our number 2 IMO. Hes got wheels and a rocket for an arm, both Travis Clown dont have! Thank god we dont have Vol-Pelt or Alex Van-Schlub on this roster! Id seriously permanently go with Losman as #2 when healthy and cut Travis Clown. Then sign some guy as our #3 that can also return or double as a wide ala Ward or Randle El
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