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Posts posted by BuffaloBobs

  1. 5 minutes ago, NewEra said:

    That’s really their only chance.....other than the refs calling a blindside block when we’re about to win.


    I would assume that our game plan on D is to focus on shutting down the run.  I’d hope that we see a few 3 LB sets thrown in there.  I know it’s rare for us, but I think we might need it this week


    I only fear our guys getting lost in the moment -- second time in the playoffs, first time having fans all season, highest expectations for the team in most of theses guys lifetimes.


    These Bills have always risen to the challenge and moment but the margins keep getting smaller and the hype is only going to continue growing.

    • Like (+1) 2
  2. 2 hours ago, JGMcD2 said:

    There is virtually no difference... Josh Allen's mid-season slump by his metrics is identical to Patrick Mahomes end of the season slump...

    So I take it the argument now falls to the fact that Mahomes and the Chiefs were the #1 seed, that's why he's mentioned as a finalist with Rodgers?


    Link: https://theathletic.com/2260536/2021/01/07/nfl-mvp-patrick-mahomes-aaron-rodgers/?source=user_shared_article


    I think Mahomes gets a pass in part because his slump coincided with the Steelers complete collapse so the pressure was complete off the Chiefs for control of the conference and the Chiefs continued winning games. It also speaks to how high he set that bar that you could consider it a 'slump' while he still averaged 300+ yards a game with 2 TDs and an interception.


  3. 5 minutes ago, Pokebball said:

    This right here is the Colt's problem.  The Bill's offense is pretty dang complete.  While our running game can be better, it is good enough to make a D respect it.  To use a resource as a spy on Allen is only going to weaken a different aspect of their defense that the Bills can exploit.  Daboll and Josh are going to have to see it and be able to adjust to it soon enough in the game.  Both have shown me they can the second half of the season.  


    Agree this is a big mistake for the Colts. Allen is too complete a passer to spy with a linebacker. They need their D-Line to step up in a big way and close and keep Allen contained in the pocket while throwing everything at shutting things down downfield IMHO

  4. 1 hour ago, Freddie's Dead said:


    Not really.  When Andre Roberts coughed up the ball, his love didn't diminish at all.  Which goes back to my original point that for some reason, people have no faith in McKenzie for PR/KR, but put enormous faith in Roberts, even when Roberts messes up.


    It's because I've watched both them field returns and you can clearly see that Roberts is confident securing the ball, while McKenzie isn't and almost every time he fields a return the ball just isn't secure and is highly susceptible to being muffed or stripped.


    I love him as a player, and think he deserves to makes the roster next season on offense alone, but if you could get that fixed in the offseason and help him improve his instincts for the return game, I would be all for sending him back there and opening a roster spot at another position. At this moment though with a pro-bowl caliber returner in Roberts and the playoffs looming there isn't a reason to make a change.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. I don't fear Brady, but don't love the matchup on paper with the Buccaneers.


    They have a ton of great targets and Mike Evans is a nightmare with his size against anyone, including White. Their defense has a lot of top end talent -- particularly in the front seven. It's very lucky that they've not been able to put it all together consistently this season and will have to contend with Brady continuing to decline going forward, because they should be absolutely terrorizing teams.

  6. 9 hours ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:


    I don’t know. Going into last game, I said I was excited about McKenzie getting some opportunities in the return game. And everyone reminded me of his bobbles and fumbles and bad decisions.

    Then, this past Sunday, on his punt return TD, he almost fumbled the ball on the catch, if you go back and look. On another punt return, he got out of the way Too late, and the ball missed hitting him by like an inch. 

    My buddy is a Broncos fan, and he said McKenzie made a lot of mistakes and bobbles and fumbles in his very limited time in Denver too. 

    I love McKenzie, but remain nervous with him on returns. 




    I completely agree with you, it's clear if you watch closely that he's way less comfortable securely fielding the ball in the return game.


    It's an underrated part of Roberts value -- he's so confident fielding that ball that when other players would and probably should wave off a punt and let the ball hop five or ten yards, Roberts hangs in and secures the fair catch in traffic.

    • Like (+1) 2

    6 minutes ago, Domitian said:


    The predictions are based on a model that uses historical data.  If a team or its players play better (Allen), or worse (Dallas), than their historical levels, that will throw predictions like this off. Obviously it also can't account for major stars getting injured either.  It's not a crystal ball, it's just a statistical model.


    That's true of all models and a fair point.


    It still doesn't explain how they could only predict two teams above ten wins. That's historically completely unpredicted and suggests a major problem with their modeling.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Gugny said:


    With backups, he tore apart a legitimately decent defense last week.  Receivers weren't even attempting to get any yards after the catch.  And he still decimated them.


    The team certainly did and he had two great throws to Davis as you said mostly with the second team against the Dolphins starters.


    That said he was up huge, the Dolphins had all but given up, and they were keying aggressively on the running game. He threw a terrible interception, completed less than fifty percent of his passes, and outside of his two big shots to Davis (one of which required an incredible play from Davis) had less than fifty yards passing IIRC.


    If you combine that with his age and the way the cap is projected to drop this year, I don't see a downside in giving the rookie and others on veteran minimum type deals a shot in the pre-season next year.

  9. They're probably looking to the offseason -- Matt Barkley by all accounts a great guy and he threw a couple nice balls Sunday but I wouldn't feel great about him going out there for any length of time if we had an injury, and I believe he is on the last year of his deal.


    If someone like Kelly has matured in the eyes of our ownership and is willing to sign a futures contract after the season I wouldn't have any complaints. There is definitely potential upside among Kelly/Fromm/Webb and would make for an interesting competition.


    25 minutes ago, Dukestreetking said:

    For no particular reason, I flipped thru 200+ pages of the Fins game thread.


    They were crying for Bills to take out starters (esp Allen) after the first freaking TD!


    Post second TD, it became biblical begging: rending of clothing, sheep slaughtering, etc.


    Enjoyable read actually.


    I did the exact same thing while watching Sunday Night Football -- the absolute begging that the Bills take Allen out of the game was spectacular.


    I also loved the homers there coming out of the woodwork on the first two series stalled only to be absolutely stunned into silence. I think I even saw someone worrying after they scored and were driving in the second half that Allen might come back into the game.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. Just now, Putin said:

    2 to 3 possessions in a half I don’t remember a game like that 


    I don't recall that either -- there were definitely games where the offense stalled out and we settled for field goals instead of touchdowns but don't recall a game like the OP describes.


    This matchup is similar to the Steelers to me, I think our defense matches up well and if our offense is cooking it's going to be challenging for the Colts to hang with us.

  12. 15 hours ago, That's No Moon said:

    I'm going to sound INCREDIBLY old right now but all of these comparisons need to remember and take into account the myriad of rule changes that have happened since 1990-91.  You can't bludgeon people over the middle, you can't hit the QB high, you can't hit the QB low, you can't hit the QB even remotely late, you can hold basically every down on offense, DBs get called for WAY more holding and illegal contact now than before, a defenseless receiver was something to murder not to avoid, there was no sliding like WRs do now to avoid contact.  If you slid like that in front of Steve Atwater you'd lose your head.


    If you read this and think I sound like a boomer go watch a game from 90 or 91 on YouTube and tell me what you think.  The games are there.  Go watch them and count the number of things that would be obvious and blatant penalties today that not only weren't penalties they were lauded as good plays at the time.


    The Bills have an excellent offense for the time period they are in.  Kelly in today's league wouldn't retire at 36 from getting beaten to a pulp.  Andre Reed would be uncoverable over the middle because you couldn't manhandle him.  A player like Pete Metzelaars would be extremely difficult to defend because he was 6'8" and you can't hit receivers over the middle any more.  You basically have to let them catch the ball and then try to pull it out.  Gronkowski in 1990 would be a dead man walking with the routes that Brady had him run and the throws he hung up in the air for him.  The player that would probably look close to the same would be Thomas IMO mostly because players like him were ahead of their time.


    FWIW, Dan Marino would be absolutely ungodly in the modern NFL.  You'd never lay a hand on him.  He threw for 5k yards when 3k was an excellent season.

    Williams seems to be a little more point and shoot.  Moss has a little more wiggle.  Not sure who is faster but Williams seemed like a load to tackle.  Not that Moss doesn't run hard but Williams seemed to have that little bit more mass that made DBs not want to stick their nose in there quite so hard.  Reminded me a little of another Williams we had not so long ago.  Kinda the same style of runner.


    I was too young to see those games in real time but you're one hundred percent right.


    This team is statically the better but the league has changed so much since those Super Bowl teams. Those Buffalo Bills squads were unicorns and ahead of their time and their peers in the AFC for years.

  13. Just now, TylerD said:

    Howdy folks, first time poster here. I just wanted to say good luck this weekend, and I respect the hell out of what Buffalo was able to do this season! As a Colts fan (have been since 2004) I am not quite sure what to expect this weekend..... Hopefully we can at least make this game competitive and not get blown out lol. If the Colts aren't able to get the W this weekend, I will be rooting for Buffalo to go all the way this year!


    I will be around and hope to chat with some of you folks.... I am definitely not a troll, or someone that likes to fight... Though I do enjoy a good debate.... For example should Rivers start wearing a condom? My vote is yes lol. Anyway, cool board you guys have over here.


    Take care.


    Welcome, you guys have a balanced and tough squad.


    It's too bad we face each other this first game -- I've been quietly rooting for you guys since one of our favorites became your coach. 

    • Like (+1) 5
  14. 1 minute ago, Magox said:


    A, it's not a rush and B, it's not to change things.   Stills in their view represents an opportunity to improve the team.  That may not necessarily mean for the playoffs, it could be a move for the long-term.  Either way, Beane has earned the right to make these personnel decisions especially considering that comparatively speaking since he's taken over, he's been one of the best.


    I like the signing -- I just don't get the push from some to change something that's already working by benching some combination of Roberts, McKenzie, Davis, etc. for someone fresh off the street,

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