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Posts posted by 716er

  1. 43 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Have they or the Oath Keepers said that any Republican directed them to do what they did?  Or were they, as we've been saying, just a bunch of idiots who acted on their own but were never a real threat to democracy?

    That’s part of the investigation. You seem to infer that info should have came out already. As Durham showed with his investigation, it takes quite a long time to build a case.

    I would suggest you read the indictment. 

  2. None that concerning but...


    TE - If Knox is out of the lineup (outside of QB, of course) the greatest delta in talent between the starter and the backup is TE. Knox is great. Howard not so much. 

    CB - 2nd greatest delta.. unless Elam is a stud. Tre needs to come back healthy

    RG - could be a positional battle at this spot

    RT - Brown needs to show up in camp and prove he deserves being gifted this spot. It's rare Beane doesn't sign a guy to compete. Nobody is close to competing with Brown


  3. 1 minute ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    We know that the Uvalde scumbag should not have been allowed to buy a gun since he was living at his grandfathers address. The checks we currently have should be enough to stop many of these shootings if the paperwork is handled properly. Add on a red flag law and we wipe out the vast majority of these people's ability to get guns.


    Biden is calling for it right now. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Big Turk said:


    I mean if there has ever been a better all around package of ironic pre-snap declaration, great play, great announcing combined with comic relief, Brady getting lambasted by Schobel and then Bledsoe attempting more comic relief and Adams getting mad at him for it, I don't know what it would be...this clip has it all.


    See my avatar - still laughing.

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 17 minutes ago, Big Turk said:

    My all time favorite Brady moment...coming in a close second was watching Sam Adams intercept a Brady Screen pass and then take it 31 yards to the house, seeing Brady get annihilated by Schobel trying to make the tackle and hearing Dierdorf laughing and yelling on the broadcast...it's hysterical...one of my all time favorite announcing moments...



    Even more funny because Dierdorf directly before the snap says "Right now, this NE offense has got to get off it's butt and do something" and not even 2 seconds after he got that out of his mouth, Brady throws that INT and he starts laughing...


    Announcer: "Intercepted!"

    Dierdorf: "Oh-ho-ho!"

    Announcer: "Picked off right side..."

    Dierdorf: "Hahaha"

    Announcer: "Here goes...BIG!!....SAM!!!....ADAMS!!!!"

    Dierdorf: "Hahaha...OH NO!!!!!!" and laughs some more


    Announcer: "That was 360 lbs running down the sideline"

    Dierdorf: "Haha...oh! Yeah right!"(insinuating that he weighs a lot more than that)

    Dierdorf: "That was like a freighter coming into port!"


    Then watching Bledsoe come over and put Adams arm around him and act like he is carrying him over to the bench to get oxygen and seeing Adams shove him away as if he really didn't appreciate that.


    Mine too 

  6. 3 minutes ago, T master said:


    Would you please provide a list of those countries of which you speak so i can compare and research them my self .


    Drugs are a part of the problem as i stated earlier in this article lack of parental discipline , broken family's, drugs, desensitization due to hours of violent video games , lack of social interactions, bullying & many other pieces add to the problem it's more than just drugs !


    But when the TV commercials & adds come out & say if suicidal thoughts or what some professionals have found, but don't address that as part of the problem it's just the guns !! 






    Portugal, Belgium, Spain, Canada, and Sweden

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, T master said:


    WOW but Trump was the dictator 🤔


    Yet they will abolish something put in place to stop exactly what they are trying to accomplish & fill the SC as to make their agenda & ideology the only thing that matters !


    But won't look at some of the causes like the amount of mind altering drugs passed out & mental illness as some of the main cause for such crimes just amazing that this kind of ideology seems rational .


    And from a NY Rep no less now there's a surprise ...

    As I stated earlier on this page, there are multiple countries that have a higher percentage of the population on psychotropic drugs than the US. None of those countries have a mass shooting problem.

  8. 3 minutes ago, ArdmoreRyno said:


    Our kids and young adults are on more psychotropic medications than any country in the world, by a LARGE margin. We also lead the world with drug abuse (opioids, marijuana, meth, etc.). We have the highest single parent household percentage in the world. 


    Lots of reasons that we ignore. 

    Our kids and young adults are not on more psychotropic medication that any other country in the world. This is factually incorrect. Portugal leads the way there, by a large margin. Roughly 1/4 of their inhabitants are on psychotropics. One’s life expectancy in Portugal is also roughly 3 years more than it is in the US. 

    There are 4 other countries in front of the US in psychotropics as well - Belgium, Spain, Canada, and Sweden.


    Hard to trust your “facts” as the first one is blatantly incorrect.

  9. 1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:

    It is truly amazing that Hillary Clinton is so powerful that she controls all of Washington DC, the Democratic Party, the FBI, the Deep State, and other governments agencies to be named later. And she used that power to her advantage by coming up with a master plan to lose an election to a game show host who somehow managed to bankrupt multiple casinos. 


  10. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/05/john-durham-michael-sussman-verdict-not-guilty-russia-alfabank-trump-barr-fbi-clinton.html


    The trial went badly enough for Durham that his fans in the right-wing media were already laying the groundwork for acquittal by blaming the judge for allowing a juror who believed (but wasn’t sure) she had contributed to Clinton’s campaign. That excuse might have held some water in the event of a hung jury. But the jury’s unanimous and extremely speedy verdict suggests a single possible former Clinton-donating juror is not the reason. The reason is that Durham didn’t have the goods.

  11. 19 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Fool me once - shame on you - fool me a billion times - I just be MAGA.




    Everything is rigged except when it isn't.


    The election was rigged for Biden but not rigged for the down ballot Republicans that were on the same ballot.


    The media is rigged for Biden except when they report on his stupidity.


    The jurors are rigged for the Sussman trial but just wait until we get Danchenko in VA.



    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  12. 2 hours ago, DRsGhost said:

    Lol. The Swamp takes care of its own. Always.




    None of the individuals who donated to the Clinton campaign nor the woman who objected to the FBI made the jury.


    That quote is pulled from this article


    3 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:


    Turley lies. You eat it up.


    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, GunnerBill said:


    In what world would Cody Ford think he can get away with not being there? 


    He's paired up with Mike Gandy for "The Match" this weekend

    • Haha (+1) 1
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