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Posts posted by Dragoon

  1. On 10/3/2020 at 10:32 AM, B-Man said:













    White people who are yelling at white people for being “racist” are the most disgusting people. They’re ignorant. They’re contrary for the sake of being contrary because they think it’s the height of intellectualism. If violence does pop off, I’m going for the white ones first (which is like 95% of em). Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy. 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:



    so anyways, let’s not forget what DR believed in.  He believes that prior to trump running for president, a small group of military leaders selected him.  Why?  Because they wanted to go after pedophiles but the government was an obstacle due to Washington being in bed with Hollywood, who are mainly pedophiles.  They selected trump because he was outside of Washington and he would (1) not be influenced and (2) purposefully act like a buffoon for the purpose of being hate and attention onto himself (letting the military do what they need without attention).  

    if that sounds like a sane person, then yikes

    I don’t do the Q thing. I pay it no attention. 

    But I’m not gonna lie....these raids that have happened in multiple states over the past couple of months that have broken up child sex trafficking rings did not go unnoticed by me, and it darn sure didn’t go unnoticed by the Q crowd. 

    Now, what I read is you stating that Rhino dislikes pedophiles.....well, I’m ok with that. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

    So any liberal point of view is just trolling? 


    That’s just complete myopia masquerading as serious outrage. 

    Trolling to the board, no. 

    Trolling to the ideas of the Founders, yes. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Luka said:


    Frankly, from what I've seen from these lunatic progressive groups, their plan is to defund the police so they can kill people that don't agree with them ideologically. They are terrorists in every sense of the term.


    What's worse is that they are using Black communities as their battle ground. They absolutely do not support Black Lives Matter, they are using Black people as human shields to defend against any questioning or dissension from the mainstream media or people within their ranks. It allows them to label everyone else a bigot so that they can vilify the people they disagree with while not answering for their own bigotry and crimes.


    I think the retaliation isn't going to come from good ole boys like leftists think, but from the Black community itself. There were already posts locally (Rochester) from Black people on social media wondering why rich suburban kids were coming into their neighborhoods to loot and destroy and then disappear back to mommy's basement in the suburbs. Why after they painted RESIGN in the street the white kids were all using it as a photo op for Instagram and Facebook.


    Let's face it, that's all it is to these affluent kids who grew up in the burbs. Social media driven non sense. They want to virtue signal and show all their friends how woke they are in comparison. They want the likes and the hearts and the retweets etc. It's a shame really, because people with this much free time on their hands and this need for activism could be volunteering at rec centers and schools in the inner city and possibly making a positive difference in the communities they claim to support.


    My magazines are loaded. My assault pack is packed. My guns are zeroed. If they wanna f around....they’ll find out. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
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