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Posts posted by Dragoon

  1. 14 hours ago, Alaska Darin said:



    Poor choice of words on my part. 

    what I’m getting at is I don’t think a second civil war is out of the question and I think it wouldn’t be a conventional war like the first was. It’ll be political violence like the Troubles. 

    Since the riots started progressives have been playing a game where they haven’t had many consequences for their actions and they’ve been increasingly emboldened as such. Things are getting out of hand and if things get to a point where law enforcement can’t maintain any semblance of order...well then......

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 41 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Yes, and Trump is so good at working with our allies! Gees, have you even been paying attention? 

    Yes. I have. 

    Ya know what I’ve learned....don’t doubt Don. 

    Bro, the Israel-UAE deal knocked me on my butt. I was amazed. Trump.....is making the world great again. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    I did ask if you would pay more, how will you sell the higher prices for EVERYTHING to the American public? That will make Americans poorer if inflation begins shrinking their income. And sorry, if Mexico could just take over and it was that easy, it would have already happened, transportation costs being what they are and all. 




    Whats your plan? 



    Oh, and you want to push an anti Union program, too? Good luck with that, strikes suck too. 

    Well, I already answered. Also, I mentioned a multinational coalition. We have other Asian countries to exploit for cheap labor. 

    Point is it needs to be done. The main goal is to destroy Chinese reliance more so than American manufacturing. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

    Ok, how will you convince Americans to pay much higher prices for goods? 


    It will be good to have the strong labor unions back here. Very progressive. 


    How will you make sure supply disruptions dont tank the economy? 

    1. I buy American when possible although it costs more. Additionally, manufacturing in Mexico would keep prices low, importation easier, and it would kick China in the wallet. 

    2. I’ve no issue with unions outside of government employees. But there needs to be right to work on a federal level IMO. After all, it’s the American way. 

    3. Rapidly but responsibly. If we don’t have a way to get a certain widget but through China, don’t block the importation of that widget until the necessary manufacturing is running here/Mexico/Canada. 


  5. 6 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Economics is way more complicated than that. China is integrated in the economy, just ask the mid western farmers now on Trump welfare about that after Trump got there markets closed. 

    See paragraph 2. 

    It’s bad. This is why we NEED manufacturing back in the states. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:


    Why would you say no as a war hawk?  Doesn’t that mean that you like war?


    Or are you saying that, even as a war hawk, you think this is a stupid idea (because nobody attacked Trump and he acquired the virus through his own stupidity)?

    I think we’re not logistically ready for a war w/ China. They make too much of our stuff. 

    Do I like war? No. I don’t want it. But I believe that sometimes overwhelming violence can end an issue before it truly gets bad. I mean if France had just attacked Germany in ‘39 when the German army was in Poland....


    So, I advocate for violence when I think it’ll save lives. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Destroys their economy? Get real 

    ...k, so their economy thrives on exports. Exports are goods that are manufactured and then sold to another country...

    Now that that’s covered let’s move on. If a multinational coalition, Japan, S. Korea, Australia, Canada, the UK, and the EU form a bloc that imposed sanctions and cut Chinese exports well hurt chinas economy gravely. 

    Logistics are an issue. Trump knows it. ‘Member Obama’s ‘those jobs aren’t coming back’ nonsense? Trump recognizes the threat that is China and has been working diligently to bring manufacturing jobs back to America so that if we go to war with China we actually have the factories making the goods necessary to fight that war. 

    The best way to fight China is to kick them in the wallet. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said:

    Of course it is ashole...you are the friggen idiot...look in the mirror...

    You have not got a friggin intelligent thought...stay in DC with your fellow gold diggers..

     Never read it but you have so what does that say about you...trump wants to be dictator, all powerful Laguna...you ate part of the armed guard...

    Your country is in jeopardy...wake up!

    What it says about me is that I took the time to understand the man. I took the time to learn about him and his motivations. I took the time to learn what turned him into a monster. I took the time to learn so that I can recognize the conditions that created a travesty. Do you not see the value in that? 

    Also, you kinda just admitted you don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re just parroting Hitler without sufficient knowledge of what you’re saying. 


    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, KD in CA said:


    Almost 5% of our SF office has moved away during the shutdown (still employed, just working remotely permanently). 


    Interestingly, it's happening in our Champaign and Des Moines offices too.  We're seeing a real reshuffling of where people live, and a change in business mindset about the need to all work together in a common office.  I've already put one of our two floors in our downtown office on the sublease market...won't be any takers for a while but want to be ready if we have a short term rush to normal before the new reality hits for good.

    I think it’ll be the death blow to the power of the Left and they caused it which is hilarious. 

    City Dwellers: “Can we go back to work so we can have money please?”


    Big City Liberals: “No! Because Trump is President...erm, we mean...we mean...because it’s not safe. Yeah! That’s it! It’s not safe to work.”

  10. Just now, BullBuchanan said:

    I'm anything but an anarchist, if you actually know the meaning of the term. I know the right likes to use it whenever they get bored of saying communist/socialist/marxist, liberal etc.

    I also haven't been under 27 in some time.

    If you wanna have debates about terminology, I’m your huckleberry. 

    The fact you claim to be older than 27 tells me there’s not much hope for you. Sad. Idk, maybe you’ll figure it out. I eventually did and I walked away. God willing one day you will too, but you seem quite committed to nonsense. 

  11. 59 minutes ago, Niagara Bill said:

    The only real thing that came out of this debate is the real possibility that trump is trying to create his own internal army ( this happened in 1930s in Germany, later called Gestapo). ...Poor Boys, White Supremists etc...to intimidate at voting booths and rallies. 

    Oh. My. God. 

    Tell me if ya heard this one before, a liberal walks into a bar and calls Trump, Hitler. 

    ive skimmed mein kampf — Hitler is NOT like Trump. 

    yes, I skimmed. It’s horribly whinny and boring. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Alaska Darin said:

    That quote has to be adapted to the modern moron.  You have to understand - back then people actually read books and talked to smarter people regularly.  These clowns watch television and hang with like-minded simpletons on social media.  They've never once even examined an opposing view.


    "How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?"


    The Floyd line cracked me up

  13. 5 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:


    Why the creepy questions about my age? I'm not interested.


    Because your world view makes sense if you’re under 27. 

    Winston Churchill has a popular quote I’ve seen in memes that he didn’t actually say but it’s something he’d agree with...’if you weren’t a liberal before 25 you never had a heart and if you’re a liberal older than 25 you don’t have a brain.’  I’m just trying to figure out if you’re a benevolent youngster who lacks the life experience necessary to see the folly in everything you promote. If you’re going there’s hope you might straighten out. If you’re not young it’s significantly less likely. 

    I just wanna know if I’m talking to a confused kid or an idiot anarchist. 

  14. 30 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

    omg, you're a lunatic. A trip, for sure, but a total lunatic.

    I take that as a compliment in the highest form because it came from you. 

    Ive seen what you promote — you thinking I’m the lunatic means you’ve the correct view on me. 

    ...how old are you?

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. Just now, BullBuchanan said:

    And yet you also missed that he could be charged with a federal crime.

    No, I have not failed to take notice of the polarization of law enforcement. Biden/Obama/Hillary and the bogus Russian investigation. The horrible arrest of the Mclowskis (or whatever the spelling of their name is), the arrest of Kyle, the treatment of Patriots vs American hating commies in Portland. I’ve taken notice. Believe me, I’ve taken notice. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  16. 47 minutes ago, B-Man said:


    You are a parody.


    Note how Bull demonstrates that he knows that his claim of "first degree murder" is such bullsh*t that he has to add "punched a high school girl" to his list.





    Oh and his "get the chair" wish ?


    The death penalty in Wisconsin was repealed in 1853. It has had no death penalty for over 150 years, longer than any other state in the country.






    I was going to reply to him but you did it perfectly. Well done. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
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